Chapter 4 "Selfish and self centered"

Grace POV

Ariel was making me really proud,after the announcement,I could not help but feel guilty that I had actually planned to abort this angel due to the circumstances surrounding her birth. I was so happy after the announcement but then remembered that Ariel was going to the same city that ruined my life. I am not trying to say that Ariel ruined my life,but her birth, pregnancy and all came at the wrong time. No one wants to get pregnant at 17. I could not let Ariel go to New York,she is still too young to be left in that huge city alone.

"mom!mom!!" Ariel shouted, snapping me out of my thoughts

"Yes Ari?" I replied calmly, wearing a forced smile immediately.

"Are you okay?" She asked with a worried expression.

"Yes I am,do I look unwell?" I tried to hide the fact that I was worried,how will I explain to Ariel that she wasn't going to New York.

"No but you look worried,talk to me" Ariel probed further.

"Ariel you are not going to New York!"I shouted as if trying to take a heavy weight off my chest which I was actually trying to do. Now I waited for the worse but Ariel was way more calm than I expected.

"What are you saying mom?" Ariel asked calmly

"You heard me Ariel,you are not going to New York" I replied her giving her a hint that I was in no mood to talk much on the topic but I am pretty sure she didn't get the hint, because at that point her calm demeanor had dissapeared into thin air.

"What do you mean mom?!, what are you saying?that I am not going to the Academy!!, After all I went through to get in? Why didn't you tell me all these before I wasted my fucking time entering the competition?" Ariel shouted at me.

"Watch your language,I am your mother" I replied her sternly. Maybe I was at fault,I should have stopped her from entering the competition from the beginning but no I had to let her enter it,win, then crush her hopes,that was horrible but I saw how happy she was doing it and I could not bring myself to stop her.

"My mother? Pfft,no mother would try to destroy their children dreams like you are doing right now." Ariel barked at me angrily,I understood her pain,but I was only trying to protect her.

"I would have stopped you from entering the competition but I didn't because I had no idea you would win and now I'm regretting it" I shouted back at Ariel,if only she knew I had her best interest at heart.

"Oh wow! My so called mom never believed in me. You know what?, You're selfish, you're selfish and self centered,you don't want me to go to New York because you failed to achieve anything good there and you're scared that I will succeed,it would hurt your pride,stop blaming your fucking failure on the city,own it!! And own me!!" Ariel said with tears flowing down her face freely.

I was hurt,did she really think I hated her that much?,if only she understood my fears. Just then Ariel's grandma who had been quiet the whole time, slapped Ariel across the cheek, that was not expected.

"You spoiled child,you should talk to your mother with the respect she deserves!" Ariel's grandma told her with a stern look.

"I hate you!!" Ariel glared at me fiercely and ran upstairs to her room.

"You heard her, she hates me" I said with a cracked voice not talking to anyone in particular before letting the tears I was holding back pour like a dam had been broken.

"She doesn't hate you, she's just mad at you,I will talk to her but you should really think about your decision, don't let your past make you ruin your child's future." Grandma told me and left for Ariel's room.

Maybe I was really selfish and self centered. My fear of watching my daughter make the same mistakes I made,is making me restrict her from grabbing a life time opportunity. This was not about me but Ariel and I was making it all about me and my past. I should have really thought this through before bringing the issue up to Ariel. I have successfully ruined my relationship with my daughter who hated me already for making attempts to abort her and putting her in a situation where she didn't know her father. Now that we were finally getting along each other,I had to ruin everything with this fight, good going Grace.

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