Chapter 5"You're not like me"

Ariel's POV

I kept on wondering why my mom's mood had to change, this was meant to be a celebration dinner not a mourning dinner or so I thought until she broke the news.

"Ariel you are not going to New York!" My mom shouted. I was too confused and shocked to even let out emotions.

"What are you saying mom?" I asked calmly,maybe I heard wrongly.

"You heard me Ariel,you are not going to New York" she replied me trying to end the conversation,but I was not ready to drop it, maybe it was a prank or something because it was too hard to believe,my calm demeanor had finally dissapeared.

"What do you mean mom?!, what are you saying?that I am not going to the Academy!!, After all I went through to get in? Why didn't you tell me all these before I wasted my fucking time entering the competition?" I shouted at her angrily,at that point I didn't mind if she was my mother or not.

"Watch your language,I am your mother" she replied me sternly. Was she really trying to scare me right now.

"My mother? Pfft,no mother would try to destroy their children dreams like you are doing right now." I barked at her angrily,I went through so much to get to where I was, and this is what I get?,I'm pretty sure she has no conscience because this was too much to understand.

"I would have stopped you from entering the competition but I didn't because I had no idea you would win and now I'm regretting it" Grace shouted back at me. It was totally unbelievable, she didn't believe I was going to get in,she never believed in me,I was already tearing up.

"Oh wow! My so called mom never believed in me. You know what?, You're selfish, you're selfish and self centered,you don't want me to go to New York because you failed to achieve success there and you're scared that I will,it would hurt your pride,stop blaming your fucking failure on the city,own it!! And own me!!" I told her with tears flowing down my face freely. I might have said too much,I didn't mean any of it,but I was too angry to take it back. Just then grandma who had been silently watching the whole drama walked over to where I was and slapped me across the face.

"You spoiled child,you should talk to your mother with the respect she deserves!" My grandma told me with a stern look. At that point I felt betrayed by everybody,I had just realized that grandma had been there the whole time and had said nothing to my mom about her decision, this was just crazy.

"I hate you!!" I glared at Grace fiercely and ran to my room to ball my eyes out.

I cried so hard after closing my room door. I felt like my whole world was coming to an end. I thought of running away once i got my admission letter but it was not going to be possible because my guardians had to sign the letter before the admission would be approved. The best day of my life had turned into the worst in a blink of the eyes.

*Knock... knock*,I heard a knock on my room door and pretended to be asleep immediately hoping whoever it was would go away,I didn't want another round of argument.

"Ariel, can I come in?" Grandma asked politely.

I pretended not to hear her, hoping she would go away but she didn't. I heard her push the door open, and I closed my eyes tightly, pretending to be asleep

"Ari,I know you are awake, you don't have to pretend" grandma said,not falling for my act.

I turned towards her with my eyes open, without saying a word. She caressed my left cheek where she had slapped earlier then smiled,my pain was funny to this woman, just wow.

"You know your mother loves you right?" Grandma asked staring at me.

"Was that what she told you,pfft, she lied to you" I replied, rolling my eyes.

"You're tempting me to slap you again" Grandma told me with a straight face, shutting me up immediately.

"You know, 17 years ago,my little innocent teenager travelled to the huge city all alone in search for a beautiful life, without any parental guidance. After she left,I fell sick and was not able to write letters to her on my own about the city and her wellbeing,I got people around to help me but she never replied and never wrote back. The freedom and new life in the city had clouded her sense of reasoning, making her forget her poor old mother she left behind..." Grandma paused and wiped her tears. Grandma had started her usual story telling but I had to leave her to make her point,maybe I was going to learn something after hearing this particular story, of how my birth ruined my mother's life numerous times.

"I left my daughter in the grasp of the wild and exposed world. I hoped day in and out that she would write back or visit, but nothing. My illness was becoming worse by the day,I stayed indoors all day and was looked after by some friendly neighbours who took it upon themselves to visit and check up on me. One faithful day,I was lying in my bed as usual when I heard the front door creak,I thought it was the neighbors coming in to check up on me but no it was my teenage daughter, she stood in front of me with a round slightly protruding tummy, looking devastated. I knew it then that I had failed to protect my daughter. This daughter of mine is your mom,I still blame myself till this day for not being there for her. She is trying to make sure you don't make the same mistakes she made. Grandma finally concluded.

"But that's not enough reason for her to stop me from going to New York grandma!" I told my grandma expressing my anger,I was finally able to understand my mom's fears but she should give me a chance at least.

"I know, but your mom can be really sturbbon at times, she won't listen to anybody right now,but I will try to talk to her" Grandma told me, trying to cheer me up. I could see it in her eyes that she was only trying to calm me down. Once my mom made up her mind on something,there was nothing anybody could do about it.

"This is just really awful!" I complained, sighing to show my frustration. I laid on the bed staring at the ceiling hopelessly.

"You know she is just protecting you from.."

"ending up like her? That's the problem grandma, I am not like her" I interrupted my grandma angrily,I was done with this whole protecting me shit, seriously it's not my fault my mom made wrong decisions when she was younger,why did they have to make everything about my mom's past. I stood up from the bed angrily to make my way out of the room.

"Ari..". Grandma called out, trying to call me back.

As I was about leaving,I bumped into my mom at the door.

"Yes,you are not like me" Grace told me with a straight face.

"Um..mum I didn't mean.." I tried to explain but then it was too late,she heard everything,but I didn't exactly mean everything I said,I was just angry and said things I shouldn't have.

"You're not like me Ariel,and that is something I have failed to realize before now. You're better,stronger,smarter and more talented than I ever was when I was your age. I am really sorry I compared my horrible life to yours." Grace said and paused for a while with tears in her eyes.

"Mom..your life is not horrible,I really didn't mean what I said earlier" I told her with all sincerity,I should really learn how to control my words when I'm angry.

"Just shut the fuck up and listen Ariel". Grace said making me shut up almost immediately. After a while she continued "You're going to New York and that's final" she concluded with a forced smile. She made emphasis on the"final" to make me understand that there would be no change of heart on this decision.

"Are you serious right now?" I asked,I was obviously surprised at the sudden change of heart.

Grace nodded to confirm that she was serious and I jumped around out of excitement. Grandma smiled at both of us and stood quietly watching us, she didn't want to spoil the moment.

"Thank you so much Mom" I said excitedly, hugging her as tight as my little arms could. I withdrew from the hug almost immediately after remembering my harsh words

"I am really sorry I said those rude things,I didn't mean any of it,you are strong, hardworking and smart,I will always pick you in my next world to be my mom." I told Grace, staring at my feet nervously,I regretted my actions and could not look her in the eyes at that moment.

"It's fine,come here" she smiled and opened her hands to embrace me,I smiled back and hugged her. I felt so safe in her arms.

"Aww, everybody is happy again. Now everybody downstairs!! before the food gets cold,that is enough drama for today" grandma walked past us and headed downstairs.

" She can be too much sometimes" Grace whispered to me, making me giggle. Just then Grandma screamed at us from downstairs to get our asses down there.