Chapter 6 "Just followed you"

Ariel's POV

Few weeks after the announcement of the winners of the competition,I was sent a message from the school's Instagram account,

"Congratulations star,your admission letter will be mailed to you on the 18th of September and your trip to New York will be on the 30th. You should have your letter signed by your guardian,and mailed back before the day of your travel. Shine bright star".

And that was the first part of the message. The other part read thus

"Your travel documents,will be made available to you once your signed admission letter has been received."

After reading the message,I realized I wasn't dreaming at all,the Academy's account had just followed me and my Instagram account with just a 100 followers had drastically increased to 10k in just how many weeks. I was becoming popular. I watched the videos of all the winners of the competition that was recently uploaded on the Academy's main account. I was able to find the handles of the other winners since they were all tagged . For no reason,for no particular reason at all,I went through Fernández Mateo profile. I would give it to him,he is hot, like smoking hot,more like insanely hot,okay that's not the point. He had a 101k followers already,most of them should be girls I guessed. I stalked his profile not in a creepy way,it wasn't creepy at all or so I thought. While going through his profile,I had mistakenly liked a picture of him at the beach, wearing just beach shorts,and his exposed extremely hot abs and I was drooling,wait I just liked the picture!.

"no no no, what the hell was I thinking",I screamed at no one in particular. It was not only weird that I liked a post dated a year back,it was creepy. Worst scenario he checks my account and realizes I am one of the winners,then we meet in school and he snubs me and tags me a weirdo. I was already ruining my future reputation at the Academy without even being there yet. I logged out of my Instagram and laid on my bed, staring at the ceiling and thinking of the worst that could happen. My phone made a notification sound and I grabbed it to see what it was and I received a notification

"(FernándezMateo_23) just followed you".

That was a notification from Instagram that Fernández had just followed me, another notification came in and

"(FernándezMateo_23) just commented on your post"

"No fucking way!!" I cursed. I should watch my language, I've been cursing way too much lately. I logged into my account real quick to see what he had commented,and this is the point where I explained that I had just one post on my Instagram account,and that was my audition video. I was not really into taking pictures or making videos,not a social media person. I quickly scrolled through the comment section and finally found his comment,

"Lit, congrats" Fernández commented with a fire emoji attached.

"OMG" I found myself screaming. Okay maybe I had a teensy weensy crush on him. I decided to wait for a while before following him back,it was already creepy enough that I liked an old picture of him half naked,it will be super weird if I followed back immediately. After lying on my bed for 10minutes and scrolling through the gram,I figured it was long enough to follow back. I followed his account back and dropped my phone, jumping up to scream like I had won a lottery. The fact that he thought my performance was "lit" touched my small heart. I received another notification and rushed to check hoping it was him but it wasn't.

"(PerèzAndi33xo_)had just followed you"

"(PerèzAndi33xo_) just commented on your post"

"(PerèzAndi33xo_) just commented on your post"

"(PerèzAndi33xo_) liked your post"

"(PerèzAndi33xo_) sent you a message"

I was wondering where I had seen that name before,I quickly checked her profile and realized she was one of the winners. She had 30k Instagram followers and did I forget to mention that she was smoking hot. I checked her comment on my post,

"Go girl,show them who's boss!" Andi commented with an emoji wearing cool glasses.

I moved to the second comment with a smile on my face.

"Shine star"

"No one is better than the original" she commented with a smiley emoji.

I was finally done reading her comments,she seemed really cool and nice. I quickly followed her back and went to check her message.

"Hey original queen, just wanted to tell you that your song rocked and you made this gangster cry while listening to it". Andi wrote in her message,with lots of crying and heart emojis.

"Well if it made this gangster cry then I must have been really amazing. Your vocals were amazing,just watched your audition video again and damn it was fire, You're officially my celebrity crush,I am Ariel by the way." I wrote back, reading it over and over to make sure it was not too much. She read the message,left it on read for a while, making me think I said something wrong,but then her message finally came in.

"Don't flatter me,I have not even started the Academy and I already have the original queen crushing on me,I must be a really hot cake" She replied with a smirking emoji making me crack up.

"You mean hot 'Gangster' " I replied,her reply came in almost immediately.

"Exactly why I said you are changing me. I even forgot that I was meant to be a gangster" her reply came with so many crying emojis.

"So pathetic" I replied with a laughing emoji, she was so dramatic. I was really enjoying the conversation with her.I never really had friends since everybody thought I was just some random girl that didn't know who her dad was,he could be some criminal,no one knows. I laughed at the thought of my dad being one. I did have a bestfriend Lily, she was the only friend i actually had. She stood up for me whenever I was bullied, and she was like a sister from another mother.

I didn't realize I had stayed long chatting with Andi,until my mom called me,I think it was for dinner.

"I have to go now,it's time for dinner,my mom has been screaming her lungs out, trying to make me come down,I have to go,I don't want her coming up here." I texted Andi with an emoji that winked at her.

"Yeah I have to go to,I kinda have homework. " Andi replied.

"Don't tell me you have been on Instagram for an hour now,when you have homework" I texted her with a smirking emoji.

"Yeah its our little secret,tell momma I said hi" she replied and sent the winking emoji I sent earlier

"Ariel!!" I heard my mom scream my name for the 4th time,I think. Then she said something I didn't really hear but I was pretty sure,she was calling me down for dinner.

"Coming mom!!" I shouted back and continued with my texts.

"Sure will,I will tell her that my friend from the other part of the world who stays on the gram all day without doing her homework,said I should say hi to her, perfect right?" I replied her trying to rile her up.

"Oh no, you're trying to poison my potential mother In-law's heart against me!!" Andi replied with crying emojis. I was so lost at that moment,who was she marrying.

"mother in-law?" I texted, getting confused already.

"Don't tell me you don't have an extremely hot annoying older brother?" Andi texted back

"Um nope,just me,you are stuck with me,but if you have a hot older brother,I won't mind getting married to him, and we all can still be In-laws right? " I replied, rolling with laughter

"I have one,but trust me,you won't want to marry him" Andi texted back

"Why not,do I know him?" I asked, confused why she thinks I won't like him.

"You might,do you know Fernández Mateo?" She texted back

"No fucking way,Fernández is you brother??" I texted back,I had my mouth wide open that a fly would have made it's way inside

"Yeah,my talented half brother who everyone wants to talk about"she texted back.

Half brother,no wonder they bore different surnames. Now that I thought of it,they did look alike. Their blue eyes and blonde hair were exactly the same but Andi's hair was longer.

"Ariel!!" My mom called me again.

"Coming mom!" I replied her

"You said that 30 minutes ago,what the fuck are you doing up there,get your ass down here now!!" My mom shouted back. She was really angry this time.

"I am sorry mom,will be down in a minute" I shouted back.

"Have to go now,bye gangster,ttyl" I texted Andi, and she replied immediately,

"Bye star,be the light of the dinner" she texted back with smiley emojis.

"Will try." I replied and logged out and rushed downstairs. I went downstairs with a smile huge enough to blind anyone staring at me without sunglasses.

"Someone is happy today?" Grandma said staring at me then giving my mom a weird look.

"I noticed" Grace replied staring at me now. Grandma's gaze moved to me,and I confirmed that they were talking about me,but I ignored the looks and sat down.

"Who is he?" Grace blurted out,with her eyes lighting up. I almost choked on my food after hearing the question,did they think I was talking with a guy all these while. Note,that my mom was not against me having a boyfriend,not like I ever had one,grandma was against it. I once had a crush on this guy Chris,he was living just next to me. I was 15 then and he was a year older. He was my first crush,yes you heard me,I had my first crush at 15. I was already 16 and had just 1 crush,okay 2,that's if we are adding Fernández to the equation. I had not met him yet and was already going cuckoo over him,weird.Even if I met him,I am pretty sure he would be way out of my league. So back to Chris,his grandparents were quite religious,like the other families that lived in our town. They were against dating. Chris had just moved to the town from the city to stay with his grandparents for a while,after taking a gap year, before entering college.

Check my Instagram,to get an idea of what the characters look like.

