Chapter 8 "Crazy Grandma"

After that night when I and Chris had our first conversation,I looked forward to talking to him again and surprisingly he came out the next day night. I had been patiently waiting for him hoping he would come and he did. We made it our spot and discussed literally every night.It turned out that we had a lot in common. He told me alot about his friends in the city,his school,his life basically and what it took to live in New York. I was happy that we were bonding. Everything was going well until one night when Chris and I was having our usual conversation, talking about how crazy our grand parents were over these religious rules..

"Oh my poor Chris,I need to pray for you,you are so cute and will have girls flocking around you"  Chris said, mimicking an old lady's voice which was meant to be his grandma's,I laughed so hard that my tummy hurt.

"Your grandma really said that?" I asked still laughing

"Yes,yes she did,one time,my grandpa insisted on talking about the dangers of having teenage sex,who does that!!" Chris said laughing harder.

"No fucking way he said that,that's absurd" I replied him and kept on laughing

"I know right,I hid in my room for days, what's your grandma like?,I have seen her a couple of times at the mall" Chris asked,

"Well,my grandma is really nice but can be crazy sometimes,she told me when I was just 13 that I could get pregnant just by staring at a guy" I told Chris while laughing really hard

"No wayy,you should stop looking at me then,you don't want to get pregnant,do you?" Chris asked with a smirk making,as if on cue,we both started laughing.

"Although I can actually remember hearing my classmates when I was younger,say the same thing. Our grandmothers were really bent on keeping us away from guys. The girls in my class,me included, avoided the guys for weeks thanks to our grandmothers fake stories but we got tired anyways and as we grew up we realized it was all a lie" I told Chris still laughing.

"That's crazy" Chris said with his hands in his pocket. He looked really cool.

"I know right" I replied, trying to focus on the window rail to avoid making eye contact with him.

"You are really pretty" Chris dropped with a straight face, while staring at me like I was some precious gem. I can fully remember how my heart stopped beating when he said it,Chris thought I was pretty that was surprising and hard to believe,I didn't even know how to feel,and I turned all shades of red,my cheeks were burning thanks to the blush I was trying to hide. I was speechless and didn't know what to say,if only he knew how bad the crush I had on him was. I was just about to say something when..

"What the hell is going on here!!" Grandma screamed at me like she had just caught me doing some unholy shit,well it was actually unholy to her. I was talking to a guy at 10pm,what is more unholy than that?...note the sarcasm.

Grandma put her head through the window and saw Chris in his balcony,oops.

"You're the one deceiving my grand daughter, you fool!! I knew it that you were up to no good,all these spoilt kids from the city". Grandma shouted at Chris and dragged me into the room, the last look Chris gave me that night was one of concern,fear and guilt,he must have thought I got into trouble because of him.

"Grandma what are you doing,Chris didn't do anything, we're just friends!!" I tried to explain to my grandma but received a slap.I forgot everything that was happening thanks to the slap until grandma picked up one of my shoes and threw it at Chris through the window. Fortunately she missed him but broke his innocent window. Chris ran into his room to escape the rampaging grandma.

"You foolish child!! That's why you always stay up in your room, what did I say about dating,huh?" Grandma asked sternly,I had to tread with caution because I had already woken up the angry grandma.

"Grandma,Chris is just a friend, we're not dating" I said softly, crying my eyes out,thanks to her Chris would probably hate me. Grandma made me pray for 3 hours till midnight to ask God to forgive me my sins of disobedience and fornication. Sins I obviously didn't commit,YET.

The next day I was woken up very early by grandma,I was really tired after sleeping late that night thanks to the prayer of forgiveness. I was giving tons of chores as my punishment. My grandma can be really harsh.

Chris had his own share of problems,after grandma visited his grandparents to narrate everything that had conspired,and by conspired,she told them I and Chris were dating, like I was even his type. Chris's room was changed,that means no more seeing Chris on the balcony. Unfortunately I didn't have his number,he never asked for mine and I didn't ask for his,we were still getting to know each other before you know,the grandma rampage. I didn't see Chris for weeks and when I finally saw him in his grandparents garden,I waved at him with a smile,he stared at me for a while, before looking away. Oh well I would have done the same to someone who's grandma tried to crack my skull open with a shoe,lol.Well days passed, weeks and months and nothing from Chris,not even a "hi" or "hello",he snubbed me. It was obvious that he wanted nothing to do with me. Few months after the whole drama,Chris moved back to the city from what I heard from the neighbors. I was heartbroken and devastated that we didn't fix the issue we had but I had to move on. Since then I have never really liked anyone until you know, Fernández Mateo happened.