Chapter 9 "Bestfriend"

Back to the present...

"Ou,who is he?" Grace blurted out making me choke on the food that was trying to find its way down my throat. I was going to admit that I looked a little bit fired up and excited but it was all Andi,it had nothing to do with a guy. I was happy that I was getting along with Andi and it was obviously the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

"He??" Grandma asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Wait, what!!,no no! It's a she actually" I replied with a huge smile.

"A she!" My mom screamed choking on her food,while my grandma made the sign of cross,they misunderstood the situation.

"Not like that, what I am actually trying to say is,i made a new female friend"I tried to clear the air, putting emphasis on the "friend".

"Oh phew" Grace breathed.

"So who is she?" Grandma asked calmly now.

"It's one of the winners from the competition,we got to talk and she's well really cool" I answered them casually while chewing on my food.

"Lily came looking for you" Grandma announced while eating her food.

"Lily,why?" I asked surprised. Lily is my bestfriend and basically the only friend I have before Andi. Lily and I have been friends since we were 6. She stands up for me whenever I'm being bullied and I do the same for her.we always have each other's back.

My mom and grandma stared at me weirdly when I asked why Lily came over. Lily was always at my house and when she's not,I'm at hers,so my question was weird.

"I mean..did she mention any reason why she came around and why didn't you guys tell me?" I asked calmly this time

"Well she did mention something about make-up.. for um" Grandma said trying to remember what Lily said

"Shit,the play!no no no." I said realizing I messed up.

"What happened?" Grandma asked

"Well I was supposed to help Lily with her make-up for tonight's play and.." I said calmly not wanting to complete my statement to avoid sounding like a bad friend.

"You forgot.." Grandma said with a sad expression.

So Lily had this passion for acting, just like I do for music. We don't really understand each others interest but we support each other no matter what. Lily can be a drama queen sometimes,you see what I did there,lol but the truth is, she has a big heart. Lily had this play with the drama school tonight,the play was to take place at the town's theater, HAMINTON THEATER and I was supposed to help her with her make-up. I totally forgot about it. I was surprise Lily didn't text or anything and after coming to my house she didn't even come to find me in my room.

"Well she did say that she had a low battery and after waiting for hours at the park where you guys are supposed to meet up and you were a no show,she decided to come find you here at home." Mom said as if reading the thoughts in my head.

"Why didn't you call me,I was just upstairs!!" I asked my mom

"I tried,infact we tried,we called you a couple of times and you kept on saying that you will be down in a minute" My mom answered casually while eating. I felt really guilty. I stood up immediately and grabbed a jacket before heading to the door.

"Where are you going to?" Grace,my mom asked.

"Theater..see ya later" I replied in a hurry and headed outside. I grabbed my bike and rushed down to the theater. When I got there,I noticed that the play had ended and people were taking their leave. I made my way to the backstage, hoping I would find Lily,and I did. I was relieved to see she got her makeup on.

"Hey Lily.." I called out nervously but got no response. Lily ignored me while putting her costume into her bag.

"Lily,look I'm very sorry,I didn't mean to um you know not show up..I know I let you down but I forgot...I'm sorry Lily" I said softly with guilt. I didn't even know if I was making things better or worse.

"You forgot? C'mon Ariel,come up with some better excuse,I came to your place and your mom called you and told you I was downstairs and you ignored, okay fine what were you doing?" Lily asked not letting the issue die. How do I tell her I was chatting with this girl i just met and recently became friends with that I forgot about her play.

"I was um,I was actually..,I was.." I stammered thinking of what to say,I was a really bad liar.

"Exactly,you don't have to lie,if you don't want to hang out with me just say it. Goodnight Ariel" Lily said and picked up her bag angrily to leave.

"Lily! Lily!" I tried calling her back but was ignored. I went back home since it was late already. After getting home,I showered and slumped on my bed, replaying my fight with Lily in my head before sleeping off. The next day,I called Lily and texted her too but got no reply,Lily was really mad at me this time. I quickly showered and got dressed before leaving for Lily's house. It was high time I did the right thing.

"Hey Mom,I'm off to Lily's place" I told my mom before heading out,I was in a hurry that I didn't wait for her reply,I was in a hurry to set things right with my bestfriend. After 10 minutes,I got to Lily's place. I knocked and waited patiently for someone to open up and just then Lily's mom answered the door.

"Goodmorning Mrs James" i greeted her with a huge smile.

"Goodmorning Ariel,how are you?" Mrs James asked with a smile.

"I am fine,is Lily in?" I asked politely.

"Yes, she's up in her room" Lily's mom replied nicely.

"Okay, thanks Mrs James" I replied and rushed upstairs to Lily's room,I bumped into Mr James, Lily's dad on the way

"Goodmorning Mr James" I said running past him

"Morning Ariel!" Mr James shouted back but I was long gone.

I have been to Lily's house a couple of times,so locating her room was not really a problem. I breathed in deeply before knocking on her room door.

"Mom I told you,I will be down in a minute" Lily shouted, thinking it was her mom at the door. I pushed the door open to reveal myself as the culprit disturbing her door this morning.

"Hey Lily.." I called out nervously

"What are you doing here?" Lily's face changed to a very serious and angry one and she stood up from her bed, standing next to me with her hand on her waist, waiting for my explanation.

"Lily please,hear me out,I am sorry okay,I am really sorry,I had no idea you were the reason my mom was shouting at me to come down that night,why didn't you come up yourself?" I finally asked, still wondering why she didn't come up to my room.

"Well for starters, you have been ignoring me lately,my texts,calls and you don't even visit,I was happy when you accepted to do my makeup for the play,I would have just gotten the drama school make up artist to get it done for me but I insisted on you doing it because it was an excuse to make you hangout with me,I miss my bestfriend. Then secondly,after coming to your house yesterday night,and your mom called you,you kept on giving excuses and I decided to finally come up,we both know I have a bad habit of not knocking,so I pushed the door open slowly and you didn't even notice,and there you were texting and laughing,while i actually spent my time waiting for you at the park,I got angry and left". Lily said, pouring out her anger. After hearing all these I actually felt like a bad friend. I have been too busy with this whole competition thing,Andi and all that I forgot about Lily.

"Lily,I was not ignoring you,I got too carried away with the music competition, practising and all. Yesterday night I was actually texting this girl from the competition and I lost track of time,I know I messed up,what I did was stupid,and I'm really sorry" I told Lily honestly,then went over to hug her hoping I don't get punched or slapped in the face but she stood there quietly.

"I'm truly sorry Lily,it won't happen again" I added

"Promise?" Lily said looking at me with an eyebrow raised

"I promise" I confirmed. Lily finally smiled. I felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulder after finally seeing her smile.

"So since I have nothing planned today and I'm pretty sure you have no plans,how about we go to that new park that just opened?" I asked excitedly,I really want to try the new rides. Plus,I heard they sell really good chicken there.

"This is about the chicken right? " Lily asked with a smirk, she knew me really well.

"What.. no no,it's not about the chicken,I just want to hangout with my bestfriend" I replied her while pouting my lips, trying to deny the obvious.

"Yeah whatever,bills on you" Lily concluded and headed downstairs

"Wait what,hold up,wait up Lily,we have to talk about this" I ran after her.

So it's been a while I updated this book,we will be getting to the exciting chapters of the city Academy life soonnn, support this author if you're following up.

Do you think Ariel can keep her promise to Lily with this new life of hers? Who knows

Who will make a better bestfriend between Andi who shares the same interests with her and Lily who has her back but have different interests?? I want to Know what you guys think

Anywayssss for a hint of what the characters look like go check out my Instagram
