
"So where do you want to go first?"

Adrien asked as he and Aurelius were walking along the main street of Diagon Alley. They had just left the bank and were intending to buy all the stuff they needed for school.

"Dunno really. I suppose we can just go in order of the list."

Beside him, Aurelius replied, staring fixedly at a piece of parchment held within his hands.

"Alright, I'm fine with that."

Adrien responded, walking a bit closer to Aurelius so he could briefly glance at the list he was holding. It was a list of the required items for first year students at Hogwarts.

"Well, guess we're going to Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions first." Aurelius said, scrunching his eyebrows and turning to face Adrien.

"Any idea where that is?" He added, raising his eyebrows.

"Unfortunately not." Adrien chuckled.

Although he knew the basic layout of Diagon Alley due to watching the entire Harry Potter series repeatedly, he didn't know the exact location of the shop. The only specific thing about Diagon Alley he remembered was where Ollivander's shop was situated – it was his favorite shop so he particularly memorized its exact location.

"Well that's an issue isn't it?" Aurelius scratched the back of his head.

Adrien shook his head seeing that, "Not necessarily. We can just ask the wizards passing by. I'm sure they'll help us out."

Aurelius's eyes lit up hearing Adrien's statement, "Of course! How did I not think about that?"

Due to living a relatively sheltered life, Aurelius was not street-smart, and did not know how to go about things on his own. Though, Adrien knew that with his quick wits, this shortcoming would disappear very fast.

Adrien smiled, "Right, let's ask them." he said, gesturing his head in the direction of two middle-aged looking wizards chatting.

"Mmm" Aurelius just hummed in affirmation.

The duo proceeded to ask the wizards for directions politely and like that, they obtained a map of the entire Diagon Alley. The two wizards just happened to have one on them.

With the map, Adrien and Aurelius explored the alley and bought all the stuff they needed as they did so. They bought their uniforms and robes from Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions, books from Flourish and Blotts, cauldrons and potions apparatus from Wiseacre's Wizarding Equipment, as well as most of the other things they needed for Hogwarts.

According to the list, all they needed now was a wand and pet. Adrien was already set in regards to pets – he had both Aella, and Irwin. Aurelius, however, did not have a pet so they were currently walking to Eeylops Owl Emporium seeing as Aurelius wanted an owl as well.

Throughout the trip, Adrien hadn't seen any main characters, side characters, or people his age –something that he had expected since he was born earlier than Harry – but still had fun shopping and conversing with the shop owners nonetheless.

They were all intriguing and pretty fun to talk to…at least, in Adrien's eyes.

Aurelius, on the other hand, was overly curious about pretty much everything and Adrien found this amusing. He kept asking the shop owners all sorts of questions, ranging from whether they went to Hogwarts to why they opened their shop.

Truly, Aurelius was an ebullient child.

"That's probably it." Aurelius suddenly said, grabbing Adrien's attention. He was pointing at a shop on the side of the streets that had owls visible behind its glass.

"I see." Adrien nodded slightly, "Do you know what kind of owl you want to get yet?" he asked, turning to face Aurelius.

Aurelius thought for a moment before replying, "Probably a tawny owl. They're quite cute looking."

Adrien raised his eyebrows and let out a chuckle, "Cute?" he said, intending to tease him.

Aurelius frowned, "Yes, cute. What about it?" he asked, suspiciously.

Adrien just laughed, "Nothing…nothing."

Seeing that, Aurelius smirked, "You were trying to tease me weren't you? Never seen a more woeful failure in my life." he said, intending to one up Adrien.

"Are you sure? Do I really need to remind you of your bets over the last few years?" he derided, with a devilish smirk.

Aurelius's smirk vanished hearing that, "Whatever.." he mumbled flatly, and walked over to the Emporium, leaving Adrien by his lonesome.

Adrien just laughed and walked to the side of the entrance to the shop, intending to wait for Aurelius to finish purchasing his owl. He wasn't really interested in watching him buy it and would rather watch wizards pass by.

Fortunately, he didn't have to wait long because after about 15 minutes, Aurelius came out of the shop holding a metal cage and a leather pouch. Inside the cage, there was a light brown tawny owl perching camly.

"Cool, Innit?" Aurelius smirked as he approached Adrien and raised the metal cage for Adrien to have a look.

"Yeah." Adrien smiled, "Have you thought of a name yet?" he asked, looking at the owl.

Aurelius put his other hand on his chin and thought for a moment, "How about owly? Sounds pretty neat doesn't it?"

Adrien was not expecting that answer. "Are you serious?" he looked at him in disbelief and tittered.

Course not." Aurelius laughed, "I'm not like Dad. His naming sense is terrible."

"True." Adrien chuckled, "So what's his actual name?"

"She." Aurelius smiled and corrected, "And, her name will be Gylfie." he added, looking at the owl warmly.

"Not bad." Adrien hummed and nodded his head in acknowledgement.

"Right. Shall we go get our wand then?" he then asked, his voice laced with tones of anticipation.

"Yeah." Aurelius replied with a smile, "By the way, can you put Gylfie in your briefcase? Don't really want to carry the cage around."

"Sure, hand her over." he said, to which Aurelius obliged.

After stashing Gylfie away, the duo proceeded to make their way over to the south side of Diagon Alley, where Ollvanders shop was situated.

Upon arriving there, Adrien smiled as soon as the strapline of the shop came within view.

'Finally getting my wand. I'm awfully curious about what it would be…'

He thought, excited, as he and Aurelius neared the entrance of the shop.

Once the two boys stepped into the shop, a ringing bell sounded, and echoed into the shop. The shop was empty so the sound of the bell was very audible.

Shortly after the ring, an old man with white hair reaching his neck, silver eyes, and wrinkles appeared within their view.

'Garrick Ollivander…Never thought i'd actually see him in the flesh.'

Adrien thought, seeing the man. He was one of his favorite characters in the entire series mostly because of his dedication to his craft. It was either that or simply due to the fact that Adrien had a soft spot for old people.

"Hello." Ollivander greeted warmly, "I suppose you two are here for your wands." he said, with his trademark smile.

"Yeah we are." Adrien replied first as he walked towards Ollivander. Upon reaching him, he stretched out his hands for a handshake and introduced himself.

"You must be Mr. Garrick Ollivander. I'm Adrien Flamel and it's a pleasure to meet you.

Ollivander smiled as if already knowing Adrien's identity "It's certainly a pleasure to meet you as well Mr. Flamel. My condolences for the loss of your parents. They were exemplary wizards and people. It was such a shame losing them."

He expressed sadly, grief visible on his aged face.

"Thank you sir." Adrien smiled, "You knew them personally?" he asked curiously.

"Not personally." Ollivander remarked, " Though I've read and heard a lot about them on the news over the years. Nevertheless, I wish I could have met them in person." he said, with a smile.

"I see," Adrien hummed and responded "I'm sure they would have loved to make your acquaintance." he said, cordially.

Ollivander just smiled and hummed. "And you young man? May I know your name?" he asked curiously.

"Right." Aurelius – who had been staring around the shop – coughed lightly, walked up to Ollivander, stretched out his hand for a handshake and introduced himself affably.

"Im Aurelius Dumbledore. It's nice to meet you."

"Another Dumbledore eh?" My father used to tell me about how Aberforth Dumbledore's wand was one of his greatest creations. I remember him saying the wand was unusual.12 ¾ inches, Aspen wood, Stiff, and had a Graphorn horn as its core."

Aurelius raised his eyebrows, seemingly enlightened, "Ah, I see. Didn't think my dad had a special wand." he chuckled.

Adrien, however, asked another question, one that he had been curious about for quite some time now and never got the chance to ask, "Did your father also make Albus Dumbledore's wand?"

He knew that Dumbledore did not always possess the Elder wand, and had been using a wand prior to obtaining it – a wand that was never mentioned in the canon –. He was awfully curious as to what it was and wondered if there was anything special or mysterious about it.

Oliivander scrunched his eyebrows for a moment before replying, "Unfortunately I don't think so. He never mentioned anything about his brother."

"Ah I see." Adrien responded and clicked his tongue inwardly.

Ollivander then clapped his hands lightly, "Right then. Which one of you lads wants to go first?"

Aurelius and Adrien looked at each other.

"Go on then, ladies first." Adrien chuckled and teased.

Aurelius frowned, " Funny…" he scoffed sarcastically, to which Adrien laughed.

He then turned to Ollivander, "I'll go first. I'm awfully curious as to what my wand will be." he said smiling, his voice laced with tones of anticipation.

"Very well then." Ollivander hummed and smiled, "Wand arm?" he then added.

Aurelius nodded and proceeded to stretch out his right arm. Ollivander subsequently brought out a measuring tape – seemingly out of nowhere – and took measurements of Aurelius's arm, from his shoulder to his finger tips.

Following that, Ollivander left and returned with a wand case a few minutes later.

"Give it a wave." He said, opening the case and handing the wand over to Aurelius.

Aurelius took the wand and waved it gently. All the wand cases on the sides immediately caught fire, making Aurelius take a step back.

Ollivander scratched his chin, snatched the wand and left again, only returning a few moments later with yet another wand case.

"Try this one." he said as he handed the wand to Aurelius and placed his hands on his chin.

Aurelius nodded and waved the wand. This time, there was no reaction at all.

Ollivander raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Young man, you are quite the peculiar person. Neither unicorn hair nor dragon heartstring work for you." he said, intrigued.

"Hmm…Ah, let's see if that one will work." He mulled for a bit before retreating once again to the interior of the shop.

He came back holding a completely black wand case.

"Here, now try this one…." He smiled, opening the wand case and handing the wand over to Aurelius.

Aurelius's eyes immediately lit up upon seeing the wand. It was a dark brown wand with intricate scarlet engravings around its length. He felt a strong resonance with it…almost as if it were calling him.

Thus, he took the wand with effervescent eyes and waved it eagerly. The second the wand came into contact with his hands, it glowed and caused the candle fires in the shop to burn brighter.

Ollivander smiled, "Interesting…Very Interesting…The wand chooses the wizard Mr. Dumbledore. And, this wand has chosen you. 13 inches, Red Oak wood, Unbending, and with a Phoenix feather as its core. The reason this is especially interesting is because the phoenix that donated this feather belonged to Aurelius Dumbledore I, who I assume is your elder half-brother."

Aurelius raised his eyebrows in slight shock. He was not expecting that the core of his wand came from his elder brother's phoenix. Now that he knew, the wand meant a lot more to him, and he saw it in a different light.

From the stories his father used to tell him, Aurelius was sure his deceased brother was a kind and excellent young man, even though he was one of Grindelwald's acolytes for some time. He had seen the emotion in his father's eyes whenever he spoke about him, and had thus always wondered what it would be like to meet him.

With this wand, he felt closer to him…and he treasured the feeling.

Adrien on the other hand was very intrigued. He found it interesting that Credence's Phoenix had donated the feather since this had never happened in the canon. It seemed like a little thing, but Adrien knew very well that little things often have far reaching consequences.

What consequence this seemingly little thing had? That we have yet to see...

"Right." he suddenly said, snapping Aurelius out of his thoughts. "I suppose it's my turn?"

Ollivander nodded, "Indeed Mr. Flamel. Let's get you your wand." he smiled and approached Adrien.

"Wand arm?" he asked.

Adrien smiled and stretched out his left hand. In both his lives, Adrien was a southpaw. It was something he took pride in. Even though he knew it was arguably irrelevant, it still made him feel unique…made him feel special.

Similar to what he did with Aurelius, Ollivander then proceeded to obtain Adrien's measurements and retrieve a wand for him to try.

"Give it a wave," he said softly as he handed the wand over to Adrien.

Adrien nodded, took the wand and waved it. The windows of the shop immediately shattered, sending glass shards flying everywhere. Aurelius shrieked and instantly ducked, attempting to protect himself from any stray shards. Bystanders outside the shop shouted and ran, thinking a fight had just broken out.

Ollivander frowned deeply and sighed, "This is going to be troublesome…"


A/N: Hey Potterheads! Quick poll for ya!

Do you want Adrien to play quidditch?

Yes, In quidditch, there is history to be made! For glory!

No, don't give a fuck. The sport is dumb anyways…

Also, what house do you think Adrien and Aurelius will end up in? Comment your thought down below.

Thanks for reading!