The Stormbringer

~ 23rd August, 1988.~

~ Dumbledore Family Home, Godric's Hollow, West Country, England, Great Britain.~

'It's finally here.'

These words came to Adrien's mind as he sat down on a chair in front of the large rectangular desk in the study of the Dumbledore Family Home.

There was a piece of parchment in his hands and in front of him lay The Magic Series Codex –spread open – as well as a slim black wand case.

His wand had just been delivered to him by an owl and he was quite eager to see how it had turned out.

Up until now, he had intentionally performed all his magic wandlessly and although this helped him tremendously improve his magical energy control and sensitivity, it didn't stop him from speculating about the benefits using a wand would give him at his current level.

Theoretically, wands were akin to magical energy magnets.

The resonance between the wood and core of wands produced a powerful force that attracted nearly all the magical energy particles present in a wand's surroundings and concentrated them around itself and its wizard.

It was because of this increased concentration of magical energy particles that wizards found it easier to cast spells when using wands – they would be able to easily absorb the magical energy, since there was so much of it around them, and channel it through their wands to produce a spell.

The wand itself would amplify the power of, and further concentrate, the magical energy as it passed through it, thereby making the resulting spell significantly more potent and precise.

It was one of the greatest breakthroughs of magical civilization.

Thus, it was no surprise that wands quickly became widely adopted in most traditional magical communities around the globe, like Europe, most of the Americas, and parts of Asia to name a few.

The benefits they gave were simply gargantuan.

Unorthodox magical communities – such as Africa, parts of the Americas, and parts of Asia – with distinct magical practices had opted not to adopt wands, simply because they were not required to perform their magic.

They saw wands as mere tools and conveniences and some traditionalists even believed that not using wands was synonymous to being a 'True Wizard', who did not need to use such things.

Adrien had read all about this in a book on wandlore that he read during his free time.

'Alright, let's see what's in this letter…'

Thinking that, he unfurled the piece of parchment and read its contents, his face full of anticipation.

「 Mr. Adrien Flamel,

Dumbledore Home,

Godric's Hollow,

West Country,

England, Great Britain.

Dear Mr. Flamel,

I'm elated to inform you that your wand has been made. Making it was…extremely difficult to say the least.

I had to work with Shikoba Wolfe, a colleague of mine who specializes in making wands with Thunderbird feather cores, to make it and I believe I speak for both of us when I say that it is our most prized creation to date.

The wand is 15 inches long, Unyieldingly Sturdy, and made of Neem wood. Its core, is of course the peculiar Thunderbird feather you presented me with…I've never come across a magical item with as much magical potency as it.

In choosing the right wood for the wand, we had to go the unconventional route since the feather destroyed every conventional wood it came in contact with; they simply couldn't withstand its power.

Thus, we decided to use wand-quality wood located in regions with prevalent Thunderstorms, hypothesizing that such wood would be able to withstand the power of the feather.

Fortunately, our hypothesis proved to be valid as Neem tree wood – specifically the ones located around Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela – was not only able to withstand the power of the feather, but also surprisingly possessed a strong resonance with it. Hence its subsequent usage.

Upon actually crafting the wand, an unusual phenomenon happened. Runes started magically engraving themselves around the entire length of the wand and faded upon completion, making them invisible to the naked eye.

After the runes had engraved themselves, the wand immediately gave me the feeling that it already had an owner and as such, I was unable to test its magical ability – upon holding it, it felt like a simple wooden stick with no magical ability whatsoever…which was very strange.

I assume that the wand would be responsive once in your hands. If that is not the case, please inform me.

Since the wand possesses a Thunderbird feather as its core, I presume that it possesses the ability to sense danger and preemptively fire curses, as is the case with all wands with Thunderbird feather cores.

Though, I suspect that it possesses additional qualities due to the runes that were inscribed on it. You will probably have to discover those qualities yourself.

Thank you for presenting me with the opportunity to create this masterpiece. Because of you, I was able to discover a field of wandcraft that has been left unexplored ….a field which begs the question,

How, and in what ways, can runes be applied to wandmaking?

Garrick Ollivander,

Ollivanders, Makers of Fine Wands since 382 B.C.

South Side, Diagon Alley,

London, England.」

'Runes huh…Interesting. Let's have a look at this wand. Now, I'm even more curious.'

Intrigued and excited, Adrien dropped the piece of parchment and picked up the black wand case. He opened it without much effort and grinned as soon as he saw his new wand…it was breathtakingly beautiful.

The wand was dark brown in color and had iridescent, and intricate-looking carvings in the shape of lightning wrapping around its handle. Adrien marveled at the allure the wand radiated.

Still grinning, he picked the wand, intending to give it a wave. As soon as he touched it, he felt a powerful resonance with it and felt as if he was taking a bath in a warm spring.

He could even faintly feel its…emotions? It felt overly jubilant.

'A wand as special as you certainly deserves a name…Let's name you…The Stormbringer…with you, I will cause an upheaval as I unravel the mysteries and complexities of magic. You will be the Stormbringer that ushers in this revolution.'

Adrien thought with a resolute glint in his eyes. With this wand, he was one step closer to his goals…closer to freedom…

The Stormbringer's carvings glowed brightly as if responding to his thoughts. It gave him the feeling that it was exciting for the storm that would ensue.

Feeling invigorated, Adrien proceeded to wave the wand and once he did, he immediately felt serene. Though, there was no response from the wand.

'Did it not respond?…. Hmm, I –'


The easily discernible sound of raindrops suddenly reached his ears and interrupted his thoughts. Adrien raised his eyebrows upon hearing it. The weather was just overcast not long ago.

"Could it be?"

Mumbling those words, he stood up and curiously made his way over to the window of the study to take a look at the skies.

The previously overcast skies had now become gloomy and leaden. Thunderous roars started to echo about, illuminating the hollow with violent blue lightning as it did. The sounds of raindrops intensified as raindrops continued to fall, increasing in size with each drop.

The children – both muggle and wizardkind – playing on the main street of the hollow started to yell and run toward their respective homes, seeking its comfort.

A storm was brewing.


Adrien started to laugh as he watched all of it, a wide grin plastered across his face. He was immensely satisfied with his new wand and had not expected it to directly create a storm out of nothing.

It was incredulous to think about. A wand so powerful that it could directly alter the weather? He had not seen anything remotely like it in all his years watching the Harry Potter series.

'Brilliant…Absolutely brilliant…'

Though he didn't know it yet, he had just gotten a whiff of the drug that he would later become addicted to.



A/N: It's finally time for Hogwarts! The pre-Hogwarts arc has officially concluded.

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