Chapter 19

Another long week, doing pretty much nothing but studying and homework. Midterms are coming up, and I'm nervous about them, so I've been spending most of my time with Chani studying for them. I really do look forward to the weekends now, partially because of the break from classes, but also because I always am excited to spend time with Arthur. I agreed to spend the weekend at his place this week, under the condition he'd go with me to get a tattoo. I had finished all my homework up for the week last night, so I had a free weekend with him.

"So," I looked over at him, "I hope you had nothing fancy planned for tomorrow because I got you something special."

"Hm?" He glanced over at me as we drove towards his apartment. He had picked me up from my dorm in another fancy car. I kinda wondered what everyone else thought of me. I guess at the end of the day; I didn't really want to know.

"I got us tickets for the game tomorrow."

"The Broncos game?!" He looked over at me with surprise, quickly looking back over at the road.

"Yep!" I smiled widely, ecstatic because of his reaction.

"Malia, you didn't have to."

"The big smile on your face says otherwise." I wove my fingers into his, as his arm was resting on the console.

"Thank you, Malia. Seriously." He squeezed my hand, looking over at me at the red light.

"I got them from a scalper on campus, so hopefully, they're legit."

"I hope so too." He chuckled, looking back over to watch the light. "Are we still going to get your tattoo?"

"After I drop my things off, yeah. I have an appointment booked for noon. I should eat some lunch and get some juice to bring along. This'll be my biggest one so far."

"You'll be fine, I'm sure of it."

"Thanks." I smiled, leaning over to kiss him on the cheek.


Arthur and I had lunch before heading over to my tattoo appointment. Since moving to Denver, I've been going to the same girl. She's really nice and punk rock, as well as very attractive, not that it matters for her quality of work. She's a very talented artist as well, which is the main reason I go to her.

We were in the tattooing room, while Arthur was looking around the main area at all the art.

"Are you sure you're with the old guy, Mali?" She raised her pierced eyebrow in questioning.

"He's my sugar daddy." I announced it without even thinking, instantly regretting it. "I…maybe shouldn't have said that."

"No judgment from me, girl." She smiled. "He's pretty handsome."

I smiled slightly. "Thanks."

"I assume you have pet rats if you're getting one as a tattoo."

"I did." I nodded. "They make the best pets. They're so sweet."

Arthur wandered back into the room and sat down. He smiled and me and reached over to squeeze my forearm gently. "How're you doing?"

"Fine." I smiled back at him. "It's not too bad."

He peeked over at my ankle. "It looks good so far."

"I trust Kyra." I nodded. "She's the best."

"You're too kind." Kyra chuckled, not looking up from her work.

It took a couple hours to finish the tattoo up. We spent most of the time chatting between the three of us. It always goes easier when you have something to pass the time more quickly. After getting out of the tattoo parlor, we headed to the Aquarium, where Arthur had set up dinner at. The dinner being planned later gave us time to walk around and look at all the fishies, which I was excited about as I've never been to an aquarium before.

We enjoyed looking around before it was time for our dinner reservation. Arthur ended up ordering fish, which I found kinda weird to eat at an aquarium, but decided not to say anything. After dinner, we headed out, but in the parking lot, my heels caught on uneven ground, causing me to trip and fall onto my knees.

"Shit." Arthur knelt down to help me up. "Are you alright, Malia?"

"Yeah." I got back up with his help, before rubbing the rocks out of my knees. I had seemingly cut them open back falling down.

"Maybe you shouldn't wear heels." He looked down at me worryingly.

I laughed, shaking my head. "I'm fine. And no, I will never stop wearing my heels!"

"Alright, alright." He chuckled, wrapping his arm around my waist. "Let's get you home." He held onto me the rest of the way to the car, even helping me get in.

We drove to Arthur's place, Arthur insisting I let him look at my knees after we got back.

"I'm fine." I rolled my eyes. Sure, my knees were sore, but it wasn't anything too bad. If anything, I was the most worried about my tattoo.

"Just let me clean them up. You're bleeding, Malia." He pointed towards my knees.

"Fine, fine." I walked into the living room and sat down on the couch, stretching my legs out in front of me. He was right, I was bleeding, and it was running down my calf. Arthur appeared a short time later with a med kit in hand.

"I'll be gentle." He knelt down next to me, running his hand up my leg. He began to clean me up, before finishing by putting some ointment on my knees. "There you go. All better."

"Thank you." I smiled at him as he stood up and moved over to kiss me. He moved back, sitting on the couch next to me and putting his arm around my shoulders, cuddling me to his chest. "Would you like to watch a movie before bed?"


I rolled over as I woke up, attempting to get out of the bed to go pee when Arthur grabbed me and pulled me against him. I let out an 'ump' as he squeezed me.

"I gotta go potty." I whined.

"You can go potty in a second. Right now, we're cuddling."

"You're so warm." I complained, trying to claw my way out of his arms.

He chuckled, squeezing me tighter. "I'm never letting you leave, Malia."

"But what about college? What about seeing the world?"

"Too bad. You're stuck here with me." He planted kisses on my forehead as he ran his fingers through my slightly tangled hair.

Eventually, he let me go and get up. I returned from the bathroom, picking my duffle bag off the floor and plopping it down on the bed.

"Why don't you leave some of your stuff here, so you don't have to transport it back and forth? Or better yet, I'll buy you some stuff that you can just keep here." He propped himself up in the bed, watching me with a smile, no doubt proud of his 'clever' idea.

"That's too much, Arthur." I shook my head.

"Nonsense." He shook his head, sitting up fully. He watched as I pulled out a clean pair of underwear. His eyes roamed over me as I stripped down to change into them.

"Find something you like?" I looked up at him with a questioning look.

"Very much so." He moved in the bed, grabbing my neck to crane down to kiss him. "I found a smart, beautiful woman."

"Aren't you lucky?" I ran my hand over his stubble. Our kiss deepened.


I'd be lying if I said I looked forward to a whole day at the stadium watching a football game, but I was doing it for Arthur's sake. He seemed excited about it, so that made me happy.

"What're your plans for the week?" Arthur asked as we sat down in our seats.

"I have a Halloween party I'm going to the following week, so Chani and I need to finish our costumes."

"Oh, what are you going as?"

"I'm going as a vampire and Chani as a witch."

"Like a hot vampire?" He smiled at me.

"Hopefully." I laughed. "I'll be sure to send pictures before I post them on Instagram."

"I'd appreciate some extra pictures too." He winked. "If you know what I mean."

"Sure thing." I winked back at him. "If I don't get too drunk, that is. Chani said there's going to be alcohol there."

"Well, if you do and need a designated driver, just let me know."

The game eventually started. We watched along, Arthur cheering here and there when good things, or so I assumed, were happening for his team.

"Tell me the weirdest thing about you." I cuddled against him, speaking quietly into his ear.

"Hmm." He thought for a few moments. "Probably that I let my best friend fuck my wife." He chuckled.

I looked up at him. "You mean Peyton?"

"Yes." He laughed again, looking away from the game to me. "Does that count for your question?"

"I already knew that, so not really."

"Let me think then." He smiled, looking back at the game, before cheering as the Broncos got a touchdown. "I'm sure the longer you know me, the more you'll find out what I'm into. That'll probably be weird to you." He answered, sitting back down.

"So, you're kinky?" I cracked a smile.

He chuckled again, nodding. "I think you would think so. What about you? What's weird about you."

"Well…mine isn't kinky. I just like dead stuff. Like taxidermy and oddities and stuff. As long as they're humanely sourced, that is. I used to go on trail rides looking for bones."

"That's not really what I was asking." He chuckled.

"That's what I was asking, though." I rolled my eyes. "But fine, have it your way. I'm…not sure what I like. I guess being dominated."

He raised his eyebrows. "I didn't see that one coming."

"Actually or…?"

"I don't know… you seem too innocent." He laughed again. "Not that that's a bad thing."

"Just cause I haven't done anything doesn't mean I have watched porn or something." I shrugged slightly. "My best friend was insistent that I watch some and tell her what I did and didn't like."

"Well, we might have to try some of that stuff then in that case."

I laughed. "Aren't you the gentleman?"

After a long time, the game finally finished. We left the stadium and headed home.

"I'm sorry your team lost." I looked over at Arthur.

"It's fine. I'm glad you got us tickets. I've been to games before, but you being there made it that much better."

"I'm glad you liked it." I smiled, leaning against his arm as he drove.


I ran my hand over the soft sheets, jealous that I didn't have as nice of ones in my dorm. They're admittedly a significant reason, along with the bed, that I liked sleeping over here so much.

Arthur walked into the room, a laptop in hand. "Ready to pick out some stuff to keep here?"

"Nooo." I pouted.

"Come on, Malia. Just a handful of things, that's all I'm asking." He handed me the laptop. I set it to the side on the nightstand. "I know you like shopping, don't try to lie."

"No." I crossed my arms across my chest. Arthur peeled them apart. I crawled away from him, the opposite side of the laptop. Arthur laid on the bed next to me, before wrapping his arms around me and pulling me against him. I shook back and forth before breaking free of his grasp while giggling, jumping on top to straddle him. I sat down on him, where I could feel that he was hard.

"Malia." He practically moaned my name, causing goosebumps to form. "I want you. Are you ready?" He ran his hands up my thighs, stopping at my hips.

"I'm not on birth control." I leaned back slightly.

"I should have condoms somewhere around here." He quickly got up from under me, getting out of the bed, and walking into the bathroom.

I chewed on my lip. Was I ready? I'm not against it, but part of me wants Chani to be my first, not Arthur. I feel like she deserves it instead of him.

Arthur walked back into the room, a purple box in hand. "I knew I had some." He looked up from the box to me with a large smile.

"Arthur." I pulled my knees to my chest, sitting up. "I'm--I'm not ready. Not yet."

"That's alright, Malia." He sat down next to me, gently touching my face. "No rush, alright?"

"I--I'll get on birth control soon. So we can." I smiled slightly, looking up at him again.

"Don't rush yourself, Malia. Seriously. You're too important to me for it to be okay. I don't want to lose you because you regret it."

"Thanks." I smiled slightly before leaning forward and wrapping my arms around him. He did the same, rubbing my back gently.