Chapter 20

Richard dropped me off at the dorms this morning, early enough that I had time to get to class. It was fun having a sleepover like that, not having to stay in my lonely dorm room. I went to my usual classes, but before I knew it, it was time to get ready for the party. Chani and I had agreed to get ready together, so I changed in my dorm and headed to hers with my makeup. She ended up doing my makeup for her and I did hers. We had a good time laughing and joking around through it. Chani then drove us to the party when it was late enough.

We arrived at the large house, parking reasonably far away, and walking to the door. We each grabbed a beer and settled into the party.

"Hey! Chani!" A guy from across the room, towering over most of the other college students, waved at Chani. He made his way through the crowd, finally reaching us.

"Hey, Sam." She smiled up at him. "Nice to see you made it." Chani looked back over at me. "Sam, this is my friend Malia. Malia, this is Sam; he's in some of my classes, and we went to high school together."

"Nice to meet you." I waved slightly at him.

"I've heard a lot about you from Chani."

"Good things, I hope." I rubbed my arm nervously.

"Of course." He nodded. "Hey, Chani. Kate's here."

"Shit." Chani cursed under her breath.

"Who's Kate?" I looked over at Chani, who shook her head, before looking back over at Sam.

"Chai's ex."

"We…can go, if you want." I offered.

"No, no. We're going to enjoy ourselves. Just…let me get us another drink." She took my empty cup and walked away towards the kitchen, leaving me alone with Sam.

We awkwardly stood around, not saying anything to each other, until a girl appeared by his side. She was a pretty blonde but looked very…typical.

"Hey, Sam." She smiled up at him, looping her arm around his.

"Hey, Kate." He looked down at her, before glancing in my direction.

"Oh, you're Kate." I smiled at her. "I'm friends with Chani. It's nice to meet you."

"Oh, it's nice to meet you …erh." She said, extending a hand towards me.

"Malia." I shook her perfectly manicured hand. No doubt she paid a good amount of money to keep her nails up-kept.

"So.." She looked back at Sam. "Is Chani here?"

"She's getting us drinks. I can text her and ask her to grab you one if you'd like." I offered, pulling my phone out to warn Chani of her presence, not blaming her if she didn't want to come back.

"No." She motioned quickly. "I think I'd be best if I… surprised her, y'know." She gave me a pleading look.

"I…" I trailed off, putting my phone back away in my purse. "Okay."

"Thank you." She said in almost a whisper.

"Anyways, what are you doing here, Kate?" Sam spoke back up.

"Y'know I love parties!" She said in a super chipper voice.

"I love your costume, by the way." I smiled at her cheerleader uniform, surprised Chani would date someone the opposite of her.

"Eeee." She shrieked. "Isn't it the best?" She swirled around to show me.

I nodded along, trying to keep the smile on my face. I just hope Chani would still want to date me even if I was bubbly like her ex. "I think you'd love my best friend. She's super bubbly like you."

"Maybe I've met her. What's her name?"

"It's Alice Constantine."

"O.M.G. I think she's trying to join our sorority." She grinned. "Crazy how small this campus is, huh."

"Oh that's cool."

"O.M.G. O.M.G." She started waving her arms around and jumping up and down. "Chani!"

Chani returned with something stronger than last time, in hand. We all ended up spending most of the night together. It was surprisingly not that weird. Chani had to make sure she didn't drink too much so she could drive back home and so I matched what she drank. We headed back to campus once the party began to die down.


Chani's soft lips pressed against mine. She tasted like alcohol, but I'm sure I did too. She began kissing the side of my mouth. She slowly moved away, down my neck, and towards my chest.

"Mali." She moaned out my name as she kissed my collarbone. "Are you ready?"

"I am." I answer, running my hand along her hair, careful not to mess it up.

She moved her attention back up to my face, looking at me seriously. "Promise me."

"I promise. I'm ready, Chani." I smiled softly at her as she watched me with her deep brown eyes.

She nodded and moved in to kiss me once again. Her hands shifted down my body and landed on the bottom of my skirt, pulling it up. She smiled slightly as his fingers crawled up my thighs before stopping at my underwear. "You're already wet, girly? Who knew you were so easy?" I pouted slightly, causing her to laugh quietly. "Don't worry, Mali. You're perfect."

"Perfect, huh?" I smiled. "Who knew you were so easy, Chani?"

"You better watch that tongue, girly." She warned me, a smile still on her face. Her fingers continued to gently rub through the underwear, causing me to squirm slightly. "Or else."

"You're tempting me." I played with the bottom of her shirt, not daring to pull it off without her permission.

"Try me, girly." She picked up the pace, causing me to let out a moan. "Good kitty. Let's get you out of these." Her fingers delicately ran under the lacy underwear, before shimmying them down my thighs.

She traced her way back up to my crotch, where a finger dipped inside me, hooking inside and rubbing against the ridges. Her thumb rubbed my clit gently as her finger rubbed my insides, causing me to quickly become overwhelmed. I grabbed onto her wrist.

"You're fine." She cooed, rubbing my head with her other hand. "Do you want me to keep going?"

"Umhm." I moaned out a reply, looking into her eyes, pleading.

"You can trust me, Mali. I won't hurt you." Chani's thumb continued stimulating my clit as her fingers ran through my hair, pulling me against her chest. I rested my head there and closed my eyes as she continued.

The dorm room door opened, causing me to shoot straight up and watch it with wide eyes. Chani's roommate walked in, shrinking down slightly as she saw us.

"I'm so sorry." She put her hands up. "I just needed to grab a few things." She quickly walked to her side of the room and began packing. Chani made sure to block her view until she left, throwing up one last apology.

"I'm sorry." Chani sighed.

"It's not your fault." I cracked a smile. "I think she has a radar and has to intrude whenever we're doing something."

She smiled. "I think you're right. Do you want to continue?"

I shook my head, no longer in the mood. "I just want to sleep now."

Chani nodded, pulling my underwear back up for me. "Come here." She huddled me into a hug before lying down. "Good night, Mali."

"Night, Chani."