First Stage, Iron Bone

"Extreme Dao for Eternal Life."

"Within heaven and earth, in this crazy world, there's actually something so miraculous?"

"The sea of information finally calmed down, Li Wu You's expression became shocked."

He hardly dared to believe it.

Extreme Dao refines the body, after hitting first stage iron bones, the body is comparable to the acquired realm.

Eternal life refines the soul, after hitting first stage enlightenment, the soul is sharpened and honed, you could clearly sense every ordinary martial arts sect's flaws.

After getting to second stage, third stage etc etc, even more so you could terrify celestials.

If you were to tell anyone about this, no one would even listen.

After 9th stage, all the more you would have already become an immortal god of legends.

Long life, eternal life.

Unkillable, inextinguishable.

If this were the past, he would not believe these absurd words.

But, with the experience of stealing a soul, his understanding had undergone a change.

Perhaps there really is this kind of extraordinary thing beyond the conventional.

"I fundamentally am privy to the body refining external cultivation methods, but it would be much better to just succeed with this extreme dao!"

If I were successful, then I would truly have the opportunity to break through the ordinary and see it through to a legendary space.

Li Wu You's face looked extremely hot.

Eternal life, inextinguishable.

It was the state that every person subconsciously yearned for even in their sleep.

For his situation, with his experience with repressing death, towards this topic he yearned for it even more than that.

To the degree that it was even an obsession.

He made up his mind, Li Wu You's mind had decided to look into the secrets of the extreme dao method.

"Extreme dao refines the body, compared to ordinary martial arts it was completely different.

"To reach the 9th realm, I would need to cultivate 9 different physical constitutions successfully."

"Any person wouldn't be able to simultaneously have 9 different constitutions."

"Therefore, I first need to master the soul stealing method."

"Every realm of cultivation needs to steal a compatible person's body, only then could one cultivate it to completion."

"With this back and forth, 9 bodies, 9 levels of cultivation."

"Only then could one reach unkillable status."

"Avoid at all costs cultivating the extreme dao without the appropriate physiques."

"Otherwise the mind would perish, 10,000 calamities with no hopes of return."

Li Wu You scanned over the opening outline, staring blankly.

No wonder the very first instructions on the jade slab was the soul stealing method.

It's the starting point for cultivating the extreme dao as well as the preparation."

"I don't know whether Li Xing Yun's bone and blood physique is capable of cultivating the first stage, iron bone."

Li Wu You's heart was nervous.

He continued reading.

First stage iron bone, to cultivate this body, you need an ordinary person's top tier body cultivation.

For example: Acquired realm, diamond body, or the bone and blood physique.

"Perfect, the bone and blood physique can cultivate it."

Li Wu You's face showed a joyous expression.

He could be considered very fortunate, coincidentally he had already gotten a body that was suitable for cultivating the iron bone physique.

Next is to look at the cultivation method.

To cultivate the extreme dao, it's simple, it is the demonic path.

First, you need a huge amount of medicinal refining ingredients, and then refine it into the peerless black blood soup.

Then, cultivate the first stage: iron bone's body refining.

Every time after cultivating, once again steep inside the black blood soup, then let the submerged body absorb the medicinal power as well as physical power.

Every time this process is completed, the body's power will be raised by 50 points.

After 10 times, about 20 days, then the body would have 500 points of strength.

Then it would be considered within the iron bone realm, comparable to the innate realm.

"It's such a heaven defying martial art."

Li Wu You finished reading, his heart was simply shocked.

Innate realm.

An ordinary person cultivating would take about 10 years time to reach this result.

Even if a cultivator with extraordinarily gifted talent, with a huge amount of resources accumulated, and also had a profound level of support, it would still take at least 3 years.

And with this extreme dao method, it would only take 20 days.

The final cultivation achievement would be a body at the innate realm.

At the acquired realm and below it would be peerless.

Compared to a fantasy story, it is even more unbelievable.

"Eternal life, inextinguishable, it could really be more than just a legend."

The fire in Li Wu You's eyes became even more concentrated.

Impatient, he continued reading.

"Black blood soup."

"Instructions: Main Ingredient, hundred year blood ginseng, supplementary ingredients, 10 year winter green, 15 year…."


After reading the ingredients in the instructions, Li Wu You once again breathed in a mouthful of cold air.

These types of medicinal herbs might really be priceless!

One black blood soup would need at least 5,200 pieces of silver.

And 10 orders of the black blood soup would need 52,000.

So much wealth would allow a common family a minimal standard of living for 1,000 years.

This is simply using silver to layer on cultivation realms!

"For unkillable eternal life, I only need to waste this much silver, was this supposed to be shocking?"

"My Li family can currently raise enough funds."

Li Wu You knew how to sum the costs and benefits.

Merely, all he had to do was request all of the medicinal ingredients and write them on a document.

Then, go to my door and say:

"Buy these medicinal ingredients, for every 10, send them to my study, if the treasury raises an issue, just tell them I want it."


Exactly like before, there would always be someone waiting there.

It was Ming Xiao Si, the person Li Xing He had bribed from before.

He took the medicine list and quickly left.

Although the medicine was costly, but with the Li family's current strength, they could completely bear to raise the funds.

Li Wu You did not worry.

He started to study the first stage, iron bone cultivation method.


A bit later, from within the secret room, a gloomy sound emerged.

Cultivating iron bone was very simple.

It barely even had 6 steps.

But, each step was unexpectedly especially tough.

Because each step was to warp the bones, muscles, tendons, etc etc, to a point of near shattering.

The first step was especially arduous to complete.

Li Wu You felt his body from head to toe all go limp, to the point of even twitching uncontrollably.

He nearly fell over from how hard it was to stand.

"No wonder it needs a special body to even begin cultivating."

If it were an ordinary body, this first step would not be successful, it would already be unsalvagebly mangled.

"The bone and blood physique also would barely be able to forcefully bear this."

Li Wu You simultaneously gasped for air while his heart secretly grew cold.

But he absolutely would not abandon this.

He understood, desiring genuine everlasting, inextinguishable life, it could never be so simple.

To suffer bitter distress in order to temper oneself, it was a required path one must walk.

Only with hard work and numerous revisions could one obtain true golden steel forged from the raging infernal.


After recovering a little bit, Li Wu You started the second step in cultivation.

Time passed.

In the blink of an eye, two days had passed.

He was nearly gnashing his teeth, withstanding immense bitter pain,having already completed 7 steps.

At this time, his body was nearly scrap.



The water inside his bathing bucket emitted steam fresh off the boil. The entire room was in this vapor.

Black medicinal liquid mixed with water was boiling.

It was filling the room with a disgusting fishy scent.

Faintly, you could just make out some dark red, roaming around within.

It was like the movement of a blood snake.

"Time to test the result."

"I hope it's comparable to what's been described!"

He took a deep breath, then removed his clothes, then got into the bucket.


The black red medicinal liquid instantly enveloped his body.

Li Wu You's facial muscles suddenly stretched in all directions, to the degree that his muscles were twisting and warping.

Because he had suddenly felt all the pores in his body involuntarily open.

Additionally, they opened to an inconceivable degree.

It was almost tearing him apart!

Immediately afterwards, via the black blood soup's power, it was like countless tiny snakes madly rushed inside the pores.

He felt his skin, muscles, etc were about to explode.


Even with a firm and persistent nature that surpassed others, Li Wu You still let out a low roar like a wild beast.

This kind of feeling, it's true suffering.

"Lord, you're alright, yes?"

Outside the room, Xiao Si in black servant's clothes had heard the commotion from inside the room. He nervously inquired.

"I'm alright!"

"Get lost!"

Li Wu You's two hands tightly gripped the sides of the wooden bucket, and coldly shouted:

"Without my permission, no one is allowed to come close!"


Xiao Si in his black servant's clothes after hearing this gloomy and cold voice was scared shitless, and promptly backed away.

Inside the room, Li Wu You's foreheads' blue veins were protruding.

His face was stretched taught, biting his teeth tightly.

"I desire eternal life, what is there to fear with this pain?"

"Despite everything, advance!"

His voice sounded like a demonic owl.