Chapter 6: Punishment

In the blink of an eye.

6 days had passed.

In this time, Li Wu You endured immense pain cultivating the extreme dao.

In the courtyard, flowers were blooming.

There was a tall and sturdy figure, from head to toe resembling a descendant of tigers and dragons, moving about like a surging tide.

In his hand was the curved crescent moon blade, moving like lightning, creating whistling sounds as it slashed through the air.

Instantly, his figure stopped in front of a wooden practice dummy, and the blade's light disappeared into the dummy.


A dense and dull sound came out of the wooden dummy's head, then, the wooden dummy from the tyrannical force exploded.

Splinters fluttered in the air.

They lay scattered everywhere in a mess.

Not far from the dummy, the surrounding flowers and grasses stirred and billowed due to the surging energy dispersing.

"Acquired realm, middle stage, 200 jin of force." (TL: 1 jin is 500-600 grams)

"The extreme dao's name is fully justified."

Li Wu You had a pleased expression.

Although cultivating the extreme dao was incredibly painful, and additionally spent inordinate amounts of money, but, this amount of progress was truly heaven defying.

After a short time of 6 days he went from the acquired realm initial stage to acquired realm middle stage.

Even if you were the most ingenious heinous bastard, you still wouldn't be able to accomplish this.

Additionally, his skin, muscles, bones, etc, were all clearly stronger than an ordinary person's by two to three fold.

Li Wu You already tested this once.

He had beaten his arm with a wooden log, and to his surprise, the log is the one that snapped!

And yet, surprisingly, he had felt not even the tiniest amount of pain.

Its ability to resist damage was surprisingly strong.

"When I truly break into acquired talent perfect stage, I'll then be impervious to sword and spear."

"When that time comes, this body's might will truly be displayed."

Li Wu You looked positively expectant.

"Lord patriarch, Qing Hua seeks to meet with you."

Just when Li Wu You was preparing to continue cultivation, from the arched entranceway in the courtyard came a tender young woman's voice.

"That bitch?"

Li Wu You's brows frowned a bit.

Raising his head to look, he saw Xu Di had already strolled in with her alluring, charming body.

(TL: reminder that Xu Di means Xu is her maiden name)

Today, she wore a scarlet, skin tight skirt with jacket.

(TL: Google "Chinese Ru Qun" for an image)

Her delicate, detailed physique was able to be clearly seen.

It looked like she had applied particular makeup.

She looked highly dignified and composed, but her brows permeated allure.

"Master, have you been busy these past few days? It's been quite a while since you've come over to see me."

After Qing Hua entered the courtyard, she had already sent away Xiao Si, so, she had no need to put her behavior on reserve, she went to Li Wu You's body and put both hands around his neck.

She sighed like a flower.

Her brows lifted up like a wave.

"Are you busy?"

Li Wu You silently looked at her, his voice apathetic and cold.

"What words are these?"

Qing Hua moved her body against Li Wu You's, pursed her red lips, her beautiful eyes had a sense of protest, softly hit his chest and said,

"You aren't busy, this someone can't come find you now?"

"Before you were the family patriarch, if you needed someone you would gently coax them, come over every few days to have some quick fun, now, after you've become the family lord, having your wishes fulfilled and no longer needing them, you act cold?"

"You still say you'll treat them well, these few days have passed, so…"

After saying so, Qing Hua's eyes turned red.

Tears flowed from her eyes.

She felt truly wronged.

After all, she truly did love Li Xing Yun.

Additionally, to help Li Xing Yun rope in the Li Family factions, she had spent more than a small amount of energy.

These days, after Li Xing Yun became the family patriarch, his behavior towards her had unexpectedly become as different as can be.

These past few days, he didn't even go to her courtyard one time.

"It's my mistake."

Li Wu You looked at Qing Hua's beautiful face lined with tears, her face resembling rain drops on a pear's flower.

He let out a tiny sigh.

"Did you know? That someone these few days has missed you, truly missed you, not thinking of tea, not wanting to eat, she had thinned a little and went down a size."

After hearing Li Wu You's apologetic words, she could change her mind, her beautiful pupils held a tiny thread of happiness.

She just knew, Li Xing Yun isn't the kind of person to forget favors and turn his back on what's right.

For the former, he certainly, truly loved her.

He wouldn't exploit her in perpetuity and then abandon her like worn boots.

Qing Hua was a charming, lovely girl, and pressed her cheek lightly against Li Wu You's chest, her voice turned especially charming and said.

"Since you know you were wrong now, then you need to make it up to her, immediately, right now, you need to service her until she is completely satisfied."

After saying that, Qing Hua's voice lowered until it was nearly imperceptible.

Her blush on her cheek also slowly started to extend to her neck.

She was so beautiful, she would move anyone.

She was the perfect lady of her room, from a young age trained on the three loyalties and four virtues.

(TL: The first two words the author used was "a lady's private bedroom", the last two meaning young lady. The Confucion three principles and four virtues for women were obedience to her father, husband, and son, and the four virtues were morality, physical beauty, conformity to convention in speech, and efficiency in needlework.)

To be able to say these kinds of blatant, bold words, she had completely thrown away her face.

Her heart was deeply ashamed.

She hoped that she could be with the man before her eyes until they had grown old together, jam packed with numerous children and grandchildren.

"You misunderstood my meaning."

Li Wu You interrupted Qing Hua's imagination running wild, and then, lightly pulled her off of him, watched her closely, and coldly said:

"My so-called 'mistake' was letting you think that I'd actually treat you well."

"Let you have fantasies about your future."

"Now, I need to fix this, crush these unrealistic fantasies of yours."

Saying that, Li Wu You suddenly lifted up his hand and picked her up by the neck.

And then, suddenly applied force!


200 jin of force, fundamentally it wasn't something a weak woman could bear.

Instantly Qing Hua felt intense pain.

Her breathing became rigid.

Her wide open, unwavering eyes stared at Li Wu You, her face contained inexhaustible fear and complete disbelief.


She could not figure it out.

How could this once graceful, soft spoken, man who endlessly cherished her suddenly turn on her like this?

"I'll tell you the truth."

"I never loved you."

"I was just using you."

"Playing with you out of convenience."

"You stupid bitch."

"Right now, you have absolutely no use, be a good girl and fuck off back to your courtyard, from then on, stay out of my sight."

"I could lead you to your death just like a dog."

"But, if you're careless, then don't blame me for being ruthless."


After saying that, Li Wu You threw the blue faced Qing Hua out.

The latter being like a bouquet of flowers that had been stomped all over, rolled over on the ground for over 10 feet.

The thorny flowers prodded into her body, face, hands, arms, making her completely bloodstained.

But, it unexpectedly seemed like she did not feel any pain.

Not a single sout emitted.

She coughed, and lifted up her pale face, dimly watching Li Wu You with dead eyes.

"You…. You…."

Her lips quivering, she couldn't manage to speak.

There was nothing sadder than a heart that was dead inside.

At this exact moment, this was exactly Qing Hua's feeling.

From now on, she would stay deep inside her house, like a prison.


Li Wu You looked at Qing Hua's miserable expression, he could not help but let out a cold laugh.

This was exactly the outcome he had wanted.

Originally, he wanted to kill this woman behind her back.

But then, he had a different idea.

Killing a person definitely wasn't a real punishment.

Letting her live a life worse than death.

Her heart burned to ash.

Leave her grieving and heart broken.

Let her eternally live in remorse, sorrow, resentment.

Let her fall into an abyss without daylight nor sunshine.

This, was punishment.


"Li Xing He, you aren't human!"

Li Wu You's cold laugh had thoroughly crushed her, and then gave her an understanding.

She abruptly grabbed her own head, her eyes producing tears of blood, and then, roared so wildly that she shouted herself hoarse.

At the same time, some strands of her hair turned white.

She had completely lost her heart and gone mad.

"Someone come here."

Li Wu You absolutely never had any sympathy, he said to the guard at the arched entrance:

"Take this crazy woman and deliver her to her courtyard."

"Lock the door for me."

"Without my permission, no one can let her out."

"Also, do not speak to her."

"Give her three meals a day, do this until her death."

The Xiao Si in his black servant's clothing hurriedly entered, saw the situation, and his expression turned white.