Chapter 8: Finding out the Past part 1

[Miko's POV]

"A secret seal technique and these things" I asked Takemikazuchi-sama while holding the Kagura Suzu and Gohei with both hands

"Yes, we had learned a secret seal technique that allows you to enter your own mindscape and traverse through it to find those memories of the two souls within you."

"Hai, and then what's next?"

"Then once you find those memories, locate the source of the negative energy and use those tools to disperse and purify them" I nodded at the things that I must do

"After that? What happen to those memories? What about the two souls? What am I going to do with them?"

"It's all up to you on what your next move will going to be. You will either assimilate those memories until those souls disappear or you could put them inside an object as vessels and preserve those memories as you wish"

"I understand, when will we going to start?"

"Tomorrow, early in the morning. The earlier we do this, the better. Meet us at the courtyard with the Kagura Suzu and Gohei with you, do you understand?"

"Yes, Takemikazuchi-sama"

"Umu, and Tsukuyomi, are you fine with this?"

"Yes, there's nothing more I want than to see Miko remember her past and become normal again"

"Wait, do you think I am abnormal, Tsukuyomi-sama?" I asked with a smug expression

"Ah! wait no, that's not what I meant! what I mean is that I want my Miko to go back to her usual calm and obedient personality" Tsukuyomi-sama became flustered as she tried to correct her statement.

Me and Takemikazuchi-sama look at her with amazement and laughed. She pouted at us but she then joined us laughing. We all laughed together in the room and we joyfully continued our tea session together.

Truly, I respected these wo godly figures more than before. I will be going to remain loyal to them as long as I live and there is nothing going to change that.


[The next morning]

I woke up early in the morning and got out of bed

I went to take a bath and put my shrine maiden clothes right after

Then pick up the Kagura Suzu and Gohei that Tsukuyomi-sama gave me yesterday

She insisted that I should keep it and I brought it to my room

Even though these two items are sacred tools of the shrine, she still gifted me these.

I am quite thankful to meet such a generous and kind goddess

She treated me dearly and cared for me like I was her own daughter

I'm quite feel blessed right now

Anyway, I walked out of the room with the two tools at hand and walk to the hallways

While I am walking through the halls, I came across with Yamato-san and Hitachi-san who just woken up and got out of their rooms.

The two of them noticed me all dressed up holding two sacred objects.

"Ah good morning Miko-san, you seem early today"

"Yeah, and what's with those you're holding? Are you doing a ritual or something?"

"Umu, Takemikazuchi-sama and Tsukuyomi-sama are going to help me remember my past and get rid of the source of the rage I felt that night" I proudly puff out my chest towards them

The two of them looked at me excitedly with their eyes sparkling brightly

"Woah really! That's great, Miko-san"

"Yeah, can we come and look at the ritual?"

"Umu! Sure you can"

The two of them become giddy with joy and I giggled at their childishness.

Then Kashima-san approached the group of people standing at the hall

"What's with the commotion here this early in the morning?"

"Ouka-san, Miko-san will be going to have her memories back" Yamato-san said excitedly and Chisato-san nodded rapidly

"Ah I see, then I might come as well and see"

We all nodded and went to the courtyard together


We arrived at the meeting site and we saw both Takemikazuchi-sama and Tsukuyomi-sama standing in front of a large seal drawn at the flat stone ground. The seal drawn was a huge circle with complex pattern within it and four smaller circles connected on four directions.

I approached the two and the two of them smiled at my presence

"It is time to get your memories back, Miko-chan" Tsukuyomi-sama said in a gentle motherly tone

"Yes, Tsukuyomi-sama. Although to be honest, I am quite scared that I might screw up when I get there"

"It's okay Miko-san, as long as you hold on to those tools you have, you will able to repel those negative energy and purify them." Takemikazuchi-sama said to reassure me

"Okay then let's begin. Step on the middle of the seal and sit in a mediative position"

I followed the instructions and approached the seal. I sat with my legs crossed and my hands on the side holding both the Kagura Suzu and Gohei.

Then Takemikazuchi-sama placed four crystal stones in each of the smaller circles.

"Now close your eyes and focus your thoughts. Then push those thought inside your mind" Takemikazuchi-sama instructed me and I nodded

I closed my eyes and focus my thoughts. I tried pushing those thought and I felt that my consciousness is being sucked in


When I opened my eyes, I felt like I am inside of a dream

Now that I think about it, this feeling is almost the same with the dream I saw before I first woke up in the shrine.

The space is empty and the ground is plain and endless.

The sky is black and the ground is white.

I tried walking and looking around to find anything in the empty space.

After an hour of walking, I come across with a distorted rift in the air.

I tried poking it with the Gohei and it ripples when poked

I took a deep breath and step in the rift


After crossing to the other side of the rift, the surrounding changed drastically

I looked around and it looks like the interior of the shrine except it is a bit smaller in comparison and the place is a bit messy and deserted.

I walk around and carefully scour for anything interesting.

The rooms are quite empty and it seems no one is in this place.

I kept searching until I reach a certain room

I heard noises from the other side of the room and peeked at gap of the doorway.

I found three figures inside the room, two adults and one child.

One is emitting a negative and oppressive energy while the other two are cowering from the oppressive figure.

I quickly opened the door and the three figures noticed me entering


"Who, me? I am the one to banish your negative oppression from this memory. NOW BEGONE!"

I went to a ready stance and brought forward my Kagura Suzu and Gohei.

"Grrrrrr, RAAWWWWWH!!!" The growled at me with disdain and then he charged at me, raising his wine bottle like club weapon.

He swings down the bottle at me but I dodged it to the side.


"Arrgh" The man groaned in pain from the sound of the bells clanging.

The man recovered slightly and swing his bottle horizontally. I crouch down to dodge the swing and countered it by swinging my Gohei upwards.


The hissed as he grimaced in pain from the burning sensation of purification. I kept swinging the Gohei with various motion while I occasionally clang the Kagura Suzu to immobilize the man.

The battle continued for several minutes. Every time the man recovers and tried to fight back, I dodge the swings and kept stunning him with the sound of the bells. He also received multiple damages from the purification swings of my Gohei.

While I am purifying the negative oppression, the two figures who were cowering are now watching the scene in awe.

After several purification swings later, the man becomes weaker and unable to steady his standing position. Eventually his feet give in and he kneeled to the ground.

His negative oppression is slowly fading away and he became purified. He then looked at me with a weak and confused expression. I meet his gaze and we look at each other for a few seconds.


I muttered those words before his body vanished from my sight. I sighed in relief and turned my attention to the two figures that were sitting on the corner. Then they stand up and approached me.

I observe the woman carefully. She has pink long hair that is tied into a bun with hair ornaments. She has long upright fox ears and nine fluffy tails She wore a long white silky robe with colorful flowers and geometric shapes. She has sharp yet motherly purple eyes that are looking at me with a gentle expression.

"Ara, Miko you have grown bigger. I'm so proud of you"

"Mommy, who is this this onee-san?"

"That's you dear, but only bigger"

I was shocked and quickly looked at the small figure. She has short pink hair with long droopy ears. She has small purple eyes that is radiating with innocence. She wore an adorable and colorful child-size robe. She has the same nine fluffy tails behind her.

'Wait, was she supposed to be me when I was younger? Then that means...'

I look again to the woman and she gently smiled at me


"Yes, I am your mommy"


My eyes slowly became watery and eventually, tears flowed out to my eyes.


I rushed towards her and embraced her abdomen tightly. She too embraced me back and I buried my face at her chest. My younger self also hugged me as well, not understanding why I am hugging her mother and crying.

I whimpered as I tried to hold back my tears from flowing. My mother noticed it and caressed my head.

"It's okay, let it out. you don't need to hold back"

"Waaaaaaaah mother!"

I cried a river and kept hugging each other for hours


After I calmed down and separate from the embrace. I then wiped my tears and snot.

"So um, mother..."

"Yes? what is it dear?"

"Well, I kind of forgot what happened in this memory. Can I ask why is the man was drunk and was beating you and my younger self"

"You see, that man was your father and he was drunk in alcohol because he is trying to forget the humiliation, he recieved from the higher-ups of the Royal Court. Then after became drunk, he started blaming me and your younger self for his failures and mistake. Then he beat us up to vent his frustration and anger towards us"

"That's quite awful, why would he do such a thing?"

"Please forgive him dear, the royal court was the one at fault here"

"I see"

While I am conversing with my mother, a distortion was felt in the air. I was startled and assume a defensive stance. However, the distortion split open and became a portal rift.

"I guess my next stop is here, mother"

"Yes, good luck dear" I nodded and approached the rift.

But before I stepped in the rift, I looked back at my mother and my younger self.

"Mom, Can I ask your name, father's and mine"

"Yes, my name is Yae Sakura, your father's is Yae Hakuro and yours is Yae Miko"

"Thanks mother, goodbye"

"Goodbye dear"

I nodded and entered the rift to the next memory.