After all and done that evening in the office, I called everybody together, prayed for them and discharged them to their homes

A sister walked over to greet me and asked if I was okay, stating that she had observed my countenance and could tell that I was not myself

I told her everything was fine - I lied to her

As I was about leaving for my car, the head of ushering department ran to me with much concern wearing on her face

"Daddy, daddy please, sorry sir." She became restless as I stood waiting for her to approach

"Sister Rebecca, is everything alright?" I asked calmly

"Yes daddy! I am just bothered about something. I have fought hard not to disclose this to you but only to pray about it in the secret but I am being compelled to let you know about it" she said

"Okay, okay, is it okay we talk about it here or we should see in the office?" I asked becoming a bit unsettled knowing the mess I was into already

"Daddy, office would be better." She answered humbly and I turned heading to the office

As I walked into my office, I began to think of how to respond to her should she brings up anything that has to do with what I was going through

We sat in the office and began to talk. She struggled for some seconds before words could come out of her mouth

"Daddy I don't know how this would sound to you really but sincerely sir do forgive me if you take any offense in what I'm about to say"

"Sister Rebecca, please speak up! I am listening to you" I became a little out of patience

"Sorry sir, i, I am dying inwardly daddy." She broke out from no where stammering

"You are dying? What do you mean by you are dying sister Rebecca?" I became confused

"I can't let go my eyes off you for the past few days. You have become a strong sensation to me that I am dying keeping it to my self. Daddy I am in love with you and I'm not myself"

"Jesus Christ! Rebecca is this the reason why you bring me back into my office?" I asked staring into her face

I stood up in anger and turned to the wall slightly thinking of how best to respond to her

By the time I turned to face her, Rebecca was standing completely naked in front of me

She had slipped out every covering on her body

How fast she was able to do that only left an impression of awe on me

"Rebecca!" I called out calmly and defeated

"Why are you doing this?" I asked

"I don't know daddy, but I can tell that I love you and I want you. I know you have kept yourself for so long and you deserve all that I have for yourself as a reward for your services to us" she pleaded, switching the tune of her voice which was already tormenting me

"How on Earth did I get here? What is really happening? Why all of a sudden I am surrounded with fornication?" Questions floated my head

Rebecca pulled back the chair and began to walk towards me unclad

This was an extremely beautiful lady from head to toe; the caliber of woman no man can resist besides God's help

As she approached me, my body was already intoxicated and my head began to ache to the point I was going to faint in her arms soon if I do not act fast

What will I do now? I questioned myself

There was just one thing to do; rebuke the devil and he will flee

But fear ceased me knowing fully well that I had messed up myself

I stood there when all of a sudden I felt my body shook and I lifted my hand to Rebecca's head with a loud cry

"Satan I rebuke you in the mighty name of Jesus!"

I watch her shook violently and stepped back quickly covering herself in shame

I could see her flabbergasted, wondering about what she had done

Immediately I noticed this, I left the office, ran to my car and drove off

On my way, I called my personal assistant who was in the church auditorium and informed him to ensure my office was properly locked believing that Rebecca would find her way out

I couldn't believe what took place in my office. It was beyond what I had seen in my few years of ministry

I knew that it was not ordinary. The devil had taken hold of Rebecca which came as a result of my fall

"Once a shepherd is strikes, the sheep becomes vulnerable" I said within my spirit

It took the grace of God that I didn't fall to the trap of the devil

How was I going to stand before the people of God in the revival meeting that was coming up the next day?

As I drove home, a lot flocked through my heart

My spiritual father whom I had caught in fornication was the guest minister in the program and I the host

It would be an abominable thing for two fornicators to stand on God's holy altar to minister righteousness to his people without them first repenting

I concluded that I was going to cancel the program and take out time to seek the face of the Lord and have myself healed from the wounds I had obtained in the fight with Immorality

The following days of my life would witness dramatic events of unforeseen battles as I sought for restoration.