As I lay on my bed that night, I began to contemplate how I was going to have a successful cancellation of the revival meeting

Already people were coming in from far and near to camp and lodge in preparation for the meeting

I recounted all the previous meetings; the mighty moves of God, the awakening of hunger among the youth and diverse miracles

How on Earth was I going to let the people miss all that they were supposed to receive that very day?

"I can't do this!" I shouted to myself

"If I wasn't going to minister, God has people whom he was going to use. I vowed that I wasn't going to be a part of those delaying the work of God as I remembered what the angel of God told me

since I was not ready by virtue of the immorality I had fallen into, I was going to make room for another to take my place for the moment until I had found restoration

the next challenge was who would take over the officiating of the meeting

I browsed through and nobody came to mind but my prayer coordinator

I called him and asked that he meet me in my house

His loyalty to me didn't delay. He arrived soon and we had time speaking briefly;

"pastor Donald, what I will be asking you to do is heavy but I know God will use you for it as there is none in my heart for the task other than you"

"okay papa!" he responded curiously to know what it was

"I won't be ministering in the meeting tommorow, neither will my spiritual father be coming. Things are out of hand at the moment and I need to seek the face of God in the secret....."

"bu, but papa....." he stammered in protest not allowing me to conclude

I asked him to stay calm and Continued speaking

"Pastor Donald, you are one of the few people I can trust right now. for many years you have built capacity. At so many instances I have stopped you from going out for ministration. This hasn't been without a reason. The time is now for you to test the capacity which you have built in your days of silence. Take care of the meeting and I want to receive a positive report beyond what we have seen" I concluded placing my right hand on his shoulder

"Okay papa, I hide under your mantle and may the name of the Lord be glorified" He said and went on his knees demanding that I pray and lay hands on him

I thought briefly if I was worthy of the request at the moment and prayed for him from the depths of my heart and he left

Pastor Donald wanted knowing what could be the reason why I was not going to be available in such an important gathering but I was wise not to disclose the matter to him in order not to weaken his faith

I made several calls that night to some of my key leaders in the ministry informing them of the development and my transfer of power upon the person of pastor Donald to act on my behalf

Just when I was done, my spiritual father's call came in.

The first time I did not pick as I was wondering worriedly how I was going to put it to him that he was no longer going to minister in the meeting should he ask of it

I know he was still my spiritual father and somewhat it was wrong I had made the decision to exclude him without first informing him

This, I did not because I wanted rebellion against him but because I had believed he would want same after the illicit act he had been caught in by me his son

The call came for the second time and I picked it soberly

"Good evening daddy!" I greeted

"David how are you doing?" he responded over the phone

"I am fine sir!"

We went on speaking for few minutes and he asked about the meeting that was upcoming

I told him that I wasn't going to be ministering as there was issues I had to settle with the Lord

"Issue! what could be so demanding that would put you away from doing the work of God David?" he questioned aiming to counsel

"Daddy, I have fallen prey to the same yoke that I mate on your neck the day I went visiting unannounced." I said calmly

"You mean you have fallen into the sin of immorality?" he asked and I answered yes

"Who have you fallen into this sin with my son?" he questioned trying to be careful as he himself was a victim

"I fell into the sin with my betrothed and presently I'm paying dearly for the satisfaction it offered me." I broke down in tears over the phone and began to weep

"David! I am sorry my son. I am sorry that I have not been the pillar you would look onto to pull strength from on this journey of faith. I can't tell what came over me to fall prey to darkness. I would have continued in the act if you hadn't caught me. It was God who sent you to me that day so that my sins could be exposed. I have been ashamed of myself since and felt terrible after the encounter but I have forgiven myself. David you must also forgive yourself and go to the Lord in humility and total repentance. Even though our sins are as red as Scarlett, the Lord will wash them to become as white as snow. You have done well in absenting yourself from the meeting tomorrow. I also would do same for now until the next, if the Lord permits us to continue. Find time to see me soon. David, I love you but Jesus loves you more" he concluded and hung the car

Ah, I was weeping by the time I put away my phone. My spiritual Father's words touched me to the very depths of my soul and I was greatly revived

With his genuine repentance and words, I knew that he had sinned against his will and there was a network of immorality launched against the church

"This is not ordinary. This is beyond the work of the flesh. Lucifer has seen the church weak in flesh and has decided to launch his demon of IMMORALITY against her" I thought carefully and vowed that this demon was going to be arrested

"Pop! pop!" A message dropped in my phone

It was Betty texting;

"Good day my love, I have made every arrangement to be with you in the meeting tomorrow and can't wait to be with you; love of my life. I have missed you deeply and can't wait for you to hold my body again. I promise to be wholely yours my sugar pie!"

I trashed the phone back on bed as my face was covered in utter rage and fury

"She is not ordinary, Betty is possessed and Lucifer is using her to ruin my life and calling."

How on earth will she be texting me romantic messages of such degree knowing very well that we were in a spiritual climate if she was the Christian sister I had known all my life

"This is not the Betty I knew. Lucifer has taken hold of her." I thought carefully and lay back on bed frustrated