"I heard His voice again. Those were the names the Lord use to call me before my fall. I had longed to hear Him call me those again. At the moment, my soul could not contain the joy that streamed within my soul."

That night; the eve of my revival meeting, I decide to separate myself and retire to the mountain where I could seek the face of God for my restoration.

As for the revival meeting, I left everything in the hands of God to take care of his work. it was time for me to battle for my restoration.

"A broken bone can perform no function until it is restored to stature.

I stood up from my bed and wore my mountain jacket, put on sandals and picked my Bible with me with a jotter and pen.

These items were enough for me to be alone with God.

I came out of my apartment and shut the door and started heading out.

The mountain was a distance away. Taken a motorcycle was a decision I advocated against. I did so to help me reflect and meditate upon my predicaments while I moved on the way.

I was a popular and well-known figure. It would be a great disaster if any finds me on the road by the hour when I was expected to be in an unknown location waiting upon the Lord.

I shielded myself with the cover of my jacket and went on.

As i walked pass from one street and corner to the other, I saw many road users passing and talking about the revival meeting. huh

Tears dropped on my eyes hearing how passionate and hungry they couldn't wait to receive what was awaiting them from the meeting.

"I can't wait to sit under papa tomorrow. Kai, my love for him knows no bounds. I wish Eternal Revival meeting comes up every week instead of month." I overheard a sister speaking of the meeting and me to another as they jubilantly passed by me.

Sorrow gripped me and held me to my marrow. I felt more ashamed of myself for what I had launched myself into with Betty.

Soon I was on a bushy path and heading into the trees, shrubs and overgrown grasses that paved the way into the enormous mountain.

This was my most usual praying spot.

It was a discarded terrain with rare visitors which made it the reason I loved it most.

As I proceeded, I began to hear weird and mystical voices.

I knew that I was not alone. I felt demonic presence all-over me, none the less I was a dead man walking. There is nothing I have not seen. I climbed the mountain and started praying.

I prayed for as long as two hours. At first I struggled and kept struggling. Betty's unclad pictures kept appearing to me. I would occasionally envision us making love deeply to a point I would lost out on the direction of prayer I had raised.

"This is what happens when you have intimate affiliation with someone you are not married to. It's creates a bond into the soul that entergles the two. The enemy then takes advantage to oppress and torture the parties involved to a degree of molestation" I perceived this on my heart and felt really disarmed.

I fell back and wanted to give up but I went on my knees again and continued in the struggle.

For about the next two hours, I began to feel my body getting warm gradually until I started feeling heat all-over me.

As the heat grew, my sensitivity to the presence of God became strengthened.

After a long while, I could feel the presence of God again.

My joy knew no bounds. I was weeping and praying as a prophet who has been wounded.

The moon gave way and the clouds settled in. The place became darker and blanked out. The thunder roared and the firmament broke open their hymen giving birth to a downpour of mighty rain.

I knew the heavens were once again opened and I prayed on and on more fervently giving no break.

My hunger for God intensified! like a deer panting after the broke. Like a Lily blossoming at the noon day.

I could hear the voice of God again in every nature around me; the trees, the thunder and lightening, the rain and the sound of their falls, the fragrance of the mountain.

My spiritual alertness returned and the fire upon me intensified. It was a glorious sight to behold again.

As I prayed on, my hands began to burn in the rain with intensed heat until they caught flames.

O Jesus! I could not believe what I was seeing. I wanted to run but the flames where on me in the rain.

"My son David! The apple of my eyes! thou servant of the most high!"

I heard His voice again. Those were the names the Lord use to call me before my fall. I had longed to hear Him call me those again. At the moment, my soul could not contain the joy that streamed within it.

I felt His hand touched my right shoulder and as I turned, there he was standing by me all smiling

"WelCome home David! WelCome home David! WelCome home David!"

His voice fainted and the envisioning of his presence vanished into the steam that rose from the mountain after the rain had poured.

Everything became calm again.

It was then I realized that all of nature had risen to Welcome and accompany the presence of the almighty back into my life.

I was exhausted and worn out by the encounter. I fell on the rocks enumerating on the encounter when all of a sudden my eyes shut and I saw a gathering of Lucifer with his demons in total outrage

"Pull out the the woods!!!" I had a demon cried out in their midst. The echo traveled with depths in my spirit until I opened my eyes

I knew what this meant; the kingdom of darkness were intensifying efforts to come after me again

It was a battle I needed to prepare for in other to overcome