I left my spiritual parents much revived and headed for my house expecting the day to while away speedily.

While in the car, I enumerated on so many things that would be the turn of events. The pregnancy, I been forced to marry Betty, my ministry, the shame and what would become of my destiny.

I couldn't fathom how quickly things were turning against me just for the pleasure of embracing the warmth of Betty's body.

"Truly, having intimacy with a person who is not your legally married spouse is TOYING with the SERPENT'S tail. its sting will be deadly, such that regret would be its agony." My spirit lectured me pitifully.

I drove home quietly like a man who had been exiled from his home land.

My ministry had not seen me so often in recent times as pastor Donald was the one running most of the weekly activities and programs.

When asked, I had directed him to Inform the people that I was in a period of spiritual incubation and my come back to full service would be powerful to the glory of God.

Reaching home that evening, I stormed into the bedroom and mate a huge some of money left on my wardrobe.

I was startled, as I had not received money from anybody in recent times.

I couldn't think further as I concluded it might be Betty who had found the money somewhere and left it over for me.

I decided to use it and shop for some items in the house.

I entered the car and drove to a supermarket downtown where I usually make my purchase.

I went in and picked all that I needed into the trolley and pulled down to the till where I was to make payment.

Immediately I removed the money and was about to pay for the items, I heard clearly in my spirit, "don't!" I listened again and heard the same thing.

I quickly knew that it was God warning me. I apologised to the cashier and left the items for my car thoughtfully.

Immediately I reached home, I called Betty and asked if she dropped money behind and she affirmed.

"Oh, love, I have been looking for the money all-over. It is obvious I forgot it while stuffing my things." she said

"You have such huge amount of money?" I asked shockingly

"Yes!" she answered

"You don't have a job. How come and where did you get such huge sum from for you to be reckless with?" I pressed becoming unsettled about her replies.

"Love, are you saying since I don't have a job, I can't have another means of earning?" She defended

I couldn't push further but concluded by informing her that the money would be kept until the next time we meet.

Before she tried engaging me, I ended the call and prayed to have more light about the money but I received nothing.

As I stood up to pick a book from the shelf, a knock came through on my door and I went to answer it.

"Who is there?" I asked gently

"It's me Prophet Victor!" The response came through.

"Ah, man of God, you didn't tell me you were coming to my house?" I protested

"It is a surprise Apostle." He responded and all of us laughed amidst my agony.

Prophet Victor had come with a lady and I greeted her lightly then ushered them in.

"Man of God, who is this my beautiful daughter sitting by you?" I asked trying to cause uneasiness in Victor because I knew what he was capable of.

"Ah, that's my betrothed. I bring her to introduce her to my special friend so that you can get to know her." He answered all smiling.

I greeted the young lady warmly and asked that she feel comfortable and quickly gave victor a sign to Join me outside

"I can't believe my eyes, man of God! Who is this one again." I asked

"Ah, but I have explained who she is to you." He answered begging for me not to push further on him.

"Man of God, How about sister Esther you proposed to?"

"Ah, that one, please forget about her. It is over between the two of us." He said angrily.

"Prophet Victor, with this you bring, it will make it seven ladies you have been in a relationship with in the last three months. And you have known them intimately; each one of them. You are toying with the SERPENT'S tail and the earlier you disease from this, the more better it becomes for you."

"Listen man of God, I'm not here for long sermons. I only came to visit you and introduce my wife to be to you. but incase you feel illitated by it, I will be taken my leave." Prophet Victor became angry

I shook my head and both of us returned back into the living room.

I served some fresh juice on the table and all of us spent the rest of the time together talking.

While escorting them out of the gate, he pulled me by the corner and showed me the picture of a lady online.

"Man of God, this one would suit you?" he said smiling.

"Stop it Victor, you know too well that I'm in a relationship." I said meaning serious.

Relationship! For how many months now? You mean to say you have seen something better and preferable?" He questioned and I waved the topic away.

"Is everything okay?" The lady questioned and we nodded our heads in affirmation.

I looked at her and pitied her greatly. It won't be more than three weeks before Victor would have a knew catch.

Victor had been into such a life without any visible consequence either from the women he had dumped or the devil. He was still doing well in ministry.

"My son, it may take a while with the SERPENT'S tail but it won't be forever before the serpent's head would turn." I heard the Lord ministered these words to me.

Blown away by the same words, I entered my house and shut the door behind me to wait upon the Lord for his help.

Truly, There were mysteries yet untold to me but little had I known that I would learn them, the hard way.