What catches my attention in women was their neat appearance which was what Betty first used to win me into Immoral act with her

I was in the sitting room listening to 8 O'Clock news when my phone began to ring on the table.

I reached for it and checking who was calling, I saw that it was an unknown number. I hesitated and dropped the phone, but the call came through again, this time around I picked.

"Hello Papa! It is Abigail your daughter sir." The voice came through

"Oh, Abigail is that you, daughter of Deaconess Felicia, I'm I correct?"

"Yes exactly daddy." she said

"I hope everything is fine daughter?" I asked showing care

"Very well papa, everything is fine." she answered

"I have received so much informations about your transformation and massive revival moves in the ministry. The Lord will bless you richly!"

"Amen!" she screamed over the phone as I prayed for her.

"Enm, daddy I don't know if you will be chanced tommorow, I want to see you and share somethings with you." she pleaded humbly.

"That will be fine. I will be in the office tomorrow morning, you can come and see me" I answered her feeling proud and glad over what the Lord was doing in her life.

We both ended the call and after some hours in the sitting room, I became bored and tired.

"Kai, I'm seriously tired been alone. How I wish I am married." I said in my heart and shook my head in pity for myself.

I stood up and went outside the house inspecting everywhere, then went back in and locked the entrance door.

I headed to my bedroom and after throwing myself onto it, I remembered I needed to have a quick devotion before bed time.

standing or sitting up became a great challenge as my body was soaked with the coolness of the bed, making me more sleepy and weak.

None the less, I dragged my feet to a sitting position and prayed lightly, read a verse in the Bible and went to bed.

Deep into my sleep, I began to have a deep vision.

In the vision, a beast was pursuing me fiercely with a pickaxe. It was boldly written on its chest, "Lucifer"

I was running and shouting for help until I came to a place and saw a massive pit ahead of me.

As I ran and tried to maneuver through it, my right leg slipped and I was about to fall into it.

Then I felt hands graped me, pulling me into it. I was struggling to let go my leg but the hands were greatly strong.

I tried to see what or who was it and to my greatest surprise, it was Betty.

She was laughing and blood streaming down her jaws.

Before I could come over my shock, she pulled me in and I was descending fast as she flew away.

I was about crashing to the bottom of the pit when I saw an angel descended below me and held me out of the pit.

"Thank you!" I said turning to behold who it was and I saw a beautiful damsel moving away whom I couldn't recognize. Please may I know you?" I asked

She turned and behold, it was Abigail's face I saw. she was such a beauty to behold.

"Abigail, you saved me!" I cried out

She smiled broadly and began to run towards me.

As she was running towards me, I was seeing my wife approaching me.

It was something beyond what I could describe. The wind blew the lining material over her body.

I felt like I was watching an India love movie and at the same time being one of the Characters.

Abigail was approaching fast and speedy, until she got close enough and was about holding my hands, then I woke up.

"Oh Jesus! it's a revelation!" I exclaimed and checked through the window to witness the rays of the morning sun which informed me that the day had break.

I quickly began my morning devotion and after it ponder on the vision I just had about Abigail.

I went to the shower room and after bathing dressed up for the office.

When I arrived, I was told that Abigail had already come and was waiting for me in the church auditorium.

I left for my office and told my personal assistant to invite her in which he did.

When she entered, I was glancing through a book and delayed a little in attending to her until I regained consciousness that someone had come to see me.

"Oh no! ABIGAIL I'm sorry for Keeping you standing. please have your seat."

I said pausing in-between and she noticed my countenance too.

Abigail was the perfect definition of a completely woman I saw. She had grown, appeared matured, disciplined and classically dressed.

What catches my attention in women was their neat appearance which was what Betty first used to win me into Immoral act with her

The dream I had bout her came floating into my head.

I waved the thought immediately and asked how she was doing.

"Papa the Lord is faithful. I want to appreciated the almighty for using you in my life that day sir, ever since then my life has changed impressively."

"I can see Abigail. A lot has have been told of you to me and how much the fire of God is burning in your life. I am highly impressed with what God is doing in your life. May his name be praised forever." I prayed and she shouted Amen.

"How about your pregnancy?" I asked remembering

"hmm, papa I had miscarriage three weeks ago."

"Miscarriage? Are you sure you didn't abort it?" I asked calmly searching into her eyes

"Ah, papa not at all. I cried when I had miscarriage. I wanted keeping it but when it happened, my mother advised me to move over it." She answered

"It's alright since it wasn't intentional. God has better plans for you Abigail." I comforted her

"Papa, there is something that has been bothering me lately.

"Ok, please tell me about it."

"Every night I go to sleep, i dream and see myself getting married to a minister of God, but I have not seen his face. Whenever I make a move in the dream to see his face, that's when I would wake up.

I have been praying seriously about this but I have not received any understanding and it is getting me worried.

After hearing her, I smiled and fell back on my chair.

"Abigail!" I called out

"This is not something to be worried about. The Lord is only giving you direction per your marrital life which you are already preparing for but must be more ready."

"How do you mean papa?" She asked

"Your commitment to the things of God is already a testament of your preparation for what God is revealing to you. Now that you are aware, you have to commit yourself more to the kingdom service because soon, God will be bringing his servant your way for you to help him fulfill God's mandate upon his life."

"Hmmm," she nodded her head digesting every point as I ministered to her under the inspiration of the Holy SPIRIT.

She felt greatly happy and everything lined up for her.

"Papa you are a blessing. I feel great now. I will be going for my NYSC posting soon and after that, I will wholely yield myself to the work of ministry. Thank God I'm already under this mandate and I will continue." She said referring to my ministry.

"That servant of God must be blessed then." I said and all of us burst out laughing.

We quickly spoke about her service, posting, and I also asked about Deaconess Felicia.

"Is your mother aware of these happenings?"

"Yes papa!" She answered me

I then discharged her and she stood to leave the office.

My attention caught her again as she walked out of the office.


I muttered in my heart becoming more confuse myself.

My head went blank. I couldn't reconcile a thing about her, the dream I had, Betty and her pregnancy.

"Oh, Lord, I don't even know what my future looks like anymore. Please help me Lord!" I fell on my knees

Speaking with Abigail revived me.

I felt fulfilled, why? I could not understand.

I spent some time attending to other engagements and from there departed home happily.

"There is no joy and fulfilment like when you are in the right circumstance and light is about to dislodge darkness in one's life." I ministered this words to my heart as I sneaked through vehicles on the highway heading home.