"What a web! this web is strong! It has held me! " I wanted to shout with every being in me; "deliver me Lord!!" but my mouth couldn't voice it.

Days had passed by and after much time spent in the place of prayer, I decided to make appearance in the Friday revival service starting from 7-9pm.

I stayed indoor all through and towards evening Pastor Donald and my ministry's personal assistance came to the house to pick me for the service.

The church had been informed and everyone ensured to be in service that evening as I was dearly missed.

My office was some yards away the main auditorium. When the INTERCESSORY prayer was done and the choir was ministering awaiting my entrance, I walked out of the office and refused anyone carrying my Bible.

Immediately I entered the auditorium, the ambience of the presence of God moved from me and hit the entire congregation, knocking almost everyone down under the mighty power of the Holy spirit.

A revival broke out and I could literally see tongues of fire settling on the heads of the believers.

Miracles and diverse operations of the power of the Holy Ghost were happening on their own accord.

I led a song and we worshiped God which ushered in more of his presence.

This took hours and I spent just a little time to minister the word of God to the people and the service came to an end.

As it was our custom, many who were intoxicated by the power of the Holy spirit and were receiving diverse encounters would be left in the auditorium to be with the Lord till the following day

The workforce and most dignified executives of the ministry gathered together for my address and everyone was happy to have me back.

I didn't expect a little of this because my mind was troubled, most especially the moment I was ministering and Betty worked in gorgeously dressed.

I felt hypocritical standing on the altar ministering before the woman I had committed fornication with.

The thought of her pregnancy which would only be a matter of time before it get exposed hunted me still, but God for the mercy of his people manifested his awesome power.

I was told of how much each of the church executives were doing to add value to the church.

I was shown the new Mass coverage Ac that was bought and installed by senator Moses and I blessed the name of the Lord for his life.

Other projects included funding of some outstanding church projects and many more.

As I addressed and appreciated everyone for holding on even in my absence, I called the meeting to a close and headed for my car.

"My prophet!" Not many called me that but senator Moses and a few others. I turned and he greeted me all smiling and handed me a very fat and robust envelope.

"My Prophet, I have sent you something into the account but I felt to give you this in cash for my joy to be full."

"Oh, that's nice of you. The Lord will keep blessing you senator Moses." I prayed for him

As we spoke, Betty came by and we greeted lightly then she left for her home, I concluded at the moment.

Senator Moses had my account details and it was in his usual act to send me money often.

Immediately I collected the money, I heard clearly in my spirit; "If you want to kill a rat, offer the rat something in exchange."

"What do you say?" I questioned senator Moses thinking he was the one that had spoken.

"Nothing my prophet!" He replied fearing

Immediately this happened, I became uneasy with the cash given to me. As I entered my car, I gave the money to Pastor Donald and told him to channel it into motherless homes.

When we arrived home, I was shocked that Betty had already arrived home and was waiting for me .

Immediately I set eyes on her, my countenance changed and pastor Donald noticed it.

"Papa, is everything alright?" he asked concerned.

"Yes! yes! yes!" I answered promptly.

"Please Pastor Donald, hold on a bit and I will be back. You will help escort Betty home before leaving for your house." I instructed out of wisdom, because if I was to allow Pastor Donald leave I and Betty in the house, it would be disastrous.

"I thought you have gone home Betty! What are you doing here instead of heading home after service had closed?" I held her by the hand and dragged her in ensuring Pastor Donald wasn't seeing us.

"Baby I missed you. I couldn't just go back without setting eyes on you." She said becoming emotional and almost crying.

This was one of her tactics usually employed to get me considering that I was a tender person.

Immediately I saw her in the mood, I was weakened, but not totally.

"Quick, quick, don't keep Pastor Donald waiting, please go now! we will talk on phone."

"What! you ask him to take me home in a hurry?"

"Shss," I asked her to be quiet using body language.

"For the matter of fact, I made a mistake giving you my house key. Now hand it over! For God's sake we are not married to be sharing house key." I demanded

"No way!" she said angrily and walked out without handing the key. Pastor Donald drove off and I felt a great relief.

It was already sometimes into the night. I went in quickly to freshing up and go to bed.

I remembered that I had left my phone home and went for it to check messages and updates.

Immediately I booted it, I began to receive ads of nude pictures of ladies flashing in and out.

I turned my phone to check how come. It had not been so until the moment.

I ignored it and went to on the TV to follow up with a program. Immediately i did so, an Immoral channel began to display nudes.

I fell aback on the cushion. No other person must have done this other than Betty. that of the TV I was sure of.

Anger boiled in my head with high voltage. "This girl wants to destroy my purity! O God help me."

I picked my phone to call her but remembered she may not have arrived. I wanted keeping the matter away from Pastor Donald so I let go.

I blocked the channel on the TV and reset my Google search engine, prohibiting nude contents.

I then left for the bathroom and had a bright shower.

When I was done, I spent sometimes appreciating God for the meeting and also prayed briefly asking for his help from Betty.

I slept after that and moments later was awakened by Betty's call.

Her voice was so romantic that it seemed like I had woken up with an erection.

I was heavily charged within and became drunken with the desire for sexual intimacy.

I tried to hide what I was desiring from Betty, not to give her a chance but it became difficult.

My body jerked with warmth and passion. I could feel the blood in it running speedily and my heart chasing after it shadow.

I began to search my heart for words of affection and Betty began to feel me coming alive again for her.

She went deep and I was coming up too in romance madness.

I was saying the things I was saying and crying inwardly.

The nudes I saw began to flash back into my mind and I quickly asked Betty, who admitted that she had done same to get me into the mood since I was distancing myself from her.

She told me this because I was already into her and in need of her, hence I smiled over it on the phone and told her lightly that she had gotten what she wanted.

I needed Betty badly. At the point it wasn't me. Another spirit had taken over me and I was lost. Only God could help me at the point.

"What a web! this web is strong! It has held me! " I wanted to shout with every being in me; "deliver me Lord!!" but my mouth couldn't voice it.

At this juncture, I wanted to be free from Betty's grip and run but at the same time I felt shy.

"Baby! I love you!" Betty said and I felt irritated.

"I love you too!" I said just to cover it out but it didn't come from my heart. I was more irritated saying it than I heard it from her.

She began to pour out all the tension that had gathered, expressing herself to the core.

No! no, no, no! I can't do this!" I cut the call and dumped the phone.

"Satan you are a lier! I am bigger than this!" I said and went on my knees praying out all myself and crying to the Lord for help.

I regretted the day I proposed to Betty.

My hatred for her and all that we had done grew intensed.

Her call came in and I ignored. She kept calling but I ignored and soon I prayed to satisfaction and went to bed.

"She must be wondering what sort of a human being you are." my spirit ministered to me.

Few minutes later, her text came in; "what sort of a person are you! I hate you!"

"I hate you too!" I said in my mind feeling irritated by her and shut my eyes as the appetite was pulled off me.

"This is what many are facing and going through. It is called internal battle against immorality and its sting. Many fighting it yet may appear free. O God deliver your people." I made my last prayer in my heart as sleep closes its gate over me.