"Hello Betty!"

"Hello! I thought you won't call me again since you have refused to chat, call and respond to my messages. Love, what have I done that you are treating me this way?" Before I could even understand, Betty was shading crocodile tears over the phone.

I was almost touched but I was becoming hardened a little so I lay her off;

"Listen lady, I didn't call to listen to you say sort of things I don't know, nor cry over the phone for not picking your calls. You should know that we are not in good terms. On a simple note, I call to Inform you that my spiritual parents called wishing to see us first thing tomorrow morning." I said

When one is either in love with you or wants to harm you most especially, every detail would be used against you. For the moment, "first thing tomorrow morning" became a fatal mistake.

"It's okay, that's fine. I guess it has to do with our marrital arrangements. But love, what if they ask us about the date or anything related?" She asked off direction

"What do you mean by date and anything related?"

"Ah ah!" she cut in

"Are you saying you don't know that people are waiting for the date of our marriage?"

"For God's sake, this is late Betty. Spare me a beautiful moment to pray and have some rest before tomorrow!" I said becoming infuriated

"It's Okay love. I will be with you first thing tomorrow morning."

"Ush, she is still calling me that name "love!"

"I stood up and left for the guest room where I spent two hours praying and afterward returned back to the main room.

Early the following day at 4:57am, I heard a fainted knock on my door.

Who must it be by this time of the day? I hope this is not armed robbers. They should better be aware this is the house of a man of God.

The knock persisted but I did not answer. I was heading to the window to carefully check through but my doorway was hidden from the window's direction, so I could not see anybody unless the person approaches the window.

Just as I was returning back to my room to ignore whoever it was, my phone started ringing. It was Betty calling and I picked.

I answered the call and dropped the phone to the bed and left for the door.

I opened yelling.

"Betty! Betty!! can you just tell me who you are? please go on ahead, I'm listening. Who are you?" I asked again

"How on Earth did you transport yourself here at this odd hour of the day?"

"Love, I don't understand! You told me to be here first thing in the morning and as a good wife to be, which I am, I decided to be prompt to honor you. Look baby, I want to be the woman; that wife you won't regret having."

"Is that why you are making me regret even before having you, which I'm not sure of?"

What do you mean by you are not sure of? Are you saying you won't marry the mother of your unborn child after impregnating her? Come on David! This is not part of the things you have been teaching us in the church."

"And I have taught you that you should seduce me so that I can sleep with you! Is that what you are saying?"

"Oh, I seduced you now isn't it? I only dressed the way you had always tell me you would love to see me dress. This is not what we should be nagging on David. We both enjoyed ourselves and had great fun. At least you have known that I won't disappoint you on bed when we are married. Or I'm I not?" She said mimicking and acting sexy as she touched my chin with the tip of her finger and went on in

I didn't know what to say. I allowed her in while I went out frustrated.

The cold and mosquitoes was much, so I decided to go back in and act strong against every tactic she may employ.

When I came into the room, I noticed that she had gone into the bathroom.

I had a still feeling to leave for the guest room but I felt too weak at the moment. At that hour of the day, I had woken up with an erection and her presence in the house at the moment began to confuse my head.


I threw myself on the bed tired, frustrated and pained with the humanity of Betty. I was also angry with myself. I gazed at my man down front and felt like causing it.

Erection was my greatest weakness. "Without it, I think I would be a better servant of the Lord. I find it difficult to explain why I feel vulnerable in this aspect of me."

Just as I was thinking, Betty threw the door open and matched towards me totally unclad from head to toe.

I opened my eyes and they landed on her. I quivered on the bed and dragged my back onto the wall.

"Betty please don't do this. Betty please cover yourself." My words fell on deaf ears as she matched on.

My tongue salivated and my body became more tensed. I was losing strength drastically. The passion in me to be into her grew wild and my body became more warmth and hot. It felt like steams of boiling water.

"Betty approached the bed and fell onto me. I wish to explain how I felt....but you won't want to hear.

"Love, I'm sorry. Please forgive me." She said as she closed in on me fighting to overcome my emotional resistance

"Lord help me!!!" I screamed and she fell off my body. I stood up, graped my phone and key and ran out of the house. I entered my car and drove out.

Few yards away from the house, I pulled off and dialed my spiritual father's number. Blessed enough, he picked the call. I explained everything to him in tears.

"Daddy, it is over between me and Betty." I said

"My son, Go back to that house now and hand the phone over to Betty right now, let me speak with her."

"I turned and drove back to the house and called. Betty refused to answer the call. So my father demanded I put the phone on loud speaker so he could speak to her hearing and I did so.

"Now Betty listen to me." he spoke over the phone. "I know you can hear me very well. I want you to pack all your belongings and leave David's house at once otherwise I will order the police after you. This is unbelievable! How can you do such a thing and call yourself a Christian. David! I will call back in ten minutes time and if she has not leave, I will order for her arrest."

My spiritual father said and hung the phone.

"Love please forgive me, I'm sorry." She pleaded deceitfully.

"My friend, get out of my house! You are a devil! You want to ruin my calling and take me to hell. Get out of my house at once and know that I am not marrying you. Get that straight into your head!" I warned

"By now the day had broken. Betty sluggishly left my house promising that I would hear from her father and family.

I couldn't believe this was Betty or a demon directly send from hell

"Jesus Christ! Ah! Thank you Lord for saving me today." I fell on my knees

"There are three things that defeats a man, Sexual passion, material passion and fame which brings pride. But discipline is a weapon to overcome all trusting on the help of the Lord."

Till now, I was fighting to understand why and how the enemy had gained access into my life and ministry. It would take a while before that understanding would come.

I went to the shower room to bath and wait until 8am, then I would leave to see my spiritual father for instructions.