My heart was boiling with anger and rage. I had been hunted enough. it was time to put an end to whatever that joined me and Betty.

At exactly 8am that morning, I dressed up and drove to my spiritual father's house.

While with my hands on the while, I felt so blessed going to see him. It was truly an opportunity knowing that I was not alone in the fight.

It was my nature that I had no much friends, an aspect of my life I was very careful on in order not to surround myself with people who would mislead me.

Prophet Timothy was one out of the few I had but he had changed over time and had become one I could not dare to consult, otherwise he would dilute the little right thing in my head with senseless and ungodly tactics.

I drove to the gate and pulled into the compound.

My father was already standing on the door way to Welcome me and show me love.

We greeted and they happily took me in, as we sat for a round table discussion.

"Daddy, first of all I want to begin by appreciating wholeheartedly the name of Jesus for your life and that of mummy. You have been great parents to me, ministry and life in general.

"Secondly I apologise for all my negligence which has led me to fall into all the mayhems I'm encountering in the hands of Betty."

"nk! nk!!" My father cleared his throat

"Son, please tell us. Are you sure you heart from God that Betty is his right choice for you?" He began with a question

This question I found difficult to answer because I had prayed about Betty and at the same time was emotionally attached to her.

"Daddy I did pray and waited upon the Lord and I had couples of dreams where she appeared to be my wife. There is this revelation I saw about her. I was about to wed her but the wedding gown rend and exposed her nakedness. All this now confuse me daddy!"

"Hmmm, David, what we have been searching for is here. Betty is not exactly what you and I know. I and my wife have been praying about this situation, trusting on God for a revelation. From what you say, there is another Betty that the Lord is going to reveal to us. This relationship has rather pulled you away from God. In such case, I don't think God would bring you what would distant you from him. He is a jealous God. This relationship has to be put to an end but for the sake of the pregnancy, we would have to be careful, wise and dependent on God for direction. Right now the pregnancy is already an implication, so we must be wise otherwise anything wrongly done now would jeopardize your life, destiny and ministry." He said

"En, David," His wife came in.

"What daddy is saying is that you would have to stay distant from Betty while this get to the notice of your ministry and Betty's family, then divisions would be arrived at."

My heart began to kick as I heard mummy made mention of my ministry and Betty's family - my ministry most especially.

"David, I know this won't be easy with you but it is the right step to freedom from the grip the devil has held on you. Many in today's modern Christianity would do otherwise but as men who bears the way of ancient and biblical truth, you would have to bend low and do the right thing."

"Find time to summon your elders in the ministry and inform them of what has happened. If you don't do this now and it get to them first, it would be disastrous. You have to stand before the people of the Lord and make your hidden sins public. I know you won't even think of aborting the pregnancy, so this is the right way to go. If you hide this sin from the people, it will take you closer to the enemy as it will generate multiple sins as means of covering up."

Ah, my eyes became red and tears dropped from them

"I, Apostle David, a high ranking minister of God known for righteousness and purity. Ah! Just for the pleasure of minutes. How would I stand and how would I start. I am finished!"

"Stop it son!" Mummy cried out against me as she depict my thoughts in her spirit.

"That is the devil speaking through you. You are not finished and can never be finished. This will be over and so long you do the right thing, the Lord will continue to be with you and it will end well." She concluded and pulled me to my feet where I had fallen.

Just then, my phone started ringing from where I dropped it on the table. It was Betty calling and mummy urged me to pick when she noticed it was Betty.

"Hello! David! my daddy wants to see you first thing tomorrow morning." She said as I answered the call. Before I could say a word, she hung the call.

I told my parents what she said and they urged that I go and if asked, I should speak as the Lord would help me do without denying that I had impregnated their daughter.

These words sung into my my heart and spread heat onto it.

"But wait my son, how are you sure that this pregnancy is true?" He asked

"She showed me the pregnancy papers and I confirmed it."

"Is that all the verification you needed?" My father asked and I answered him "yes"

"No David! How then are you sure if she is lying about the pregnancy or not, just to keep you entangled?"

You are supposed to make personal verification and in doing that, you need to take her to a lab where you can trust the result.

This made a lot of sense to me and I wonder why I had not for once thought of it ever since. My mood lightened a little hoping the pregnancy would be false.

"Darling, in that case, we should give David Dr Mike's number so that they can conduct the check-up from his lab.

This sounded good to my spiritual father and he became greatly amused.

I collected Dr. Mike's number and saved it on my phone.

"Prophecy comes from God, in accordance to his will. It is true that, that one is a man of God doesn't know all things including those that pertains to himself. We also have our limitations. Only God can not be limited and for everything he is yet to reveal to us, he has a reason for it. " I heard these words in my spirit as I began to think why I was not seeing things as clear as I wished to when it had to do with my person.

I gladly appreciated my spiritual parents and informed them that I would let them know developments on the issue.

I drove home quietly not being sure of what awaited me. I became both scared and worried. It felt like my purity and righteous stand before the people would soon be washed down.

My head was crowding so much that i needed to have a break.

"I know, though I sinned, the Lord will not forsake nor abandon me."

I drove on, until I was out of view.