I felt like standing from where I was and strangling her, but I quickly rebuked the thought.

"Err my fellow elders and deacons, I summon all of you here today not because I am anything special but as I stand before you all, my body is terribly shaking and you can attest to that."

"I am shocked to my bones over the recent developments in this ministry. My eyes, ears, spirit, body and soul has failed to believe that this could come from Apostle David...."

"Do you still call him with that title? We supposed to have striped him of any ministerial title as the number one disciplinary act for his undue deceit. Simply call him David." An elder angrily cut in, then sat down to allow senator Moses continue his speech.

"Thank you elder Samuel. As I was saying, David has awe all of us. I couldn't imagine that of all people, it could be him, hiding under the guise of holiness to deceive us.."

"Senator Moses," another elder stood up. "What exactly do you summon a fraction of us here for? I am trying to understand the purpose of this meeting. To start with, we have never for once come for a meeting in the name of the Lord and fail to pray before starting. That alone is a stain on my heart. Please go straight to the point and tell us what you are driving at senator Moses."

"Ah, that's true elder Kayode. I absolutely forgot to lead a word of prayer, but we have started already. Prayer could come at the end as we believe God is already in our midst."

"Errm, what I'm saying is that the work of God is a sensitive thing which we the elders must ensure it strives in the right part and direction. Apostle David has fallen away. Although he has appointed Pastor Donald to lead the ministry, I don't think this is right. Someone who has fallen away shouldn't be in the position to choose who takes over leadership. We don't even know if Donald has clean hands himself. We should choose someone else who will take up leadership until Apostle David is vindicated, if at all that's possible."

"Rightly said senator Moses, how can the blind be the one making appointment of who takes over from him when all of us can see accurately." Elder Samuel vehemently supported

"Hai! Jesus Christ of Nazareth." elder Peter Iorhen stood up. So this is why you call for this meeting. This is why you invite only the three of us to this meeting. Well, if you consider me as one who would be allowed to be used by Satan to destroy our beloveth Apostle David, I am not a part of it and God won't allow you all to do same. I plead with all of you to disease from this evil." He said and took some steps away then stood to finalize his words. "To warn, I won't be a part of any meeting again unless it involves the entire elders forum of Eternal Revival Ministry." As he motioned to storm out of the compound, another elder checked left and right and joined him in doing so.

Senator Moses was now left with elder Samuel.

"Senator Moses, I understand perfectly what you are talking about. You don't worry. Leave that to me, let's call for the whole house to gather and we will speak up our minds. If they won't yield, it is better we become the sand in an oyster to make it uncomfortable." Elder Samuel said.

"You have a very strong point. We shall do exactly as you have Said." Senator Moses admitted nodding his head.

"Please senator Samuel, take this hundred thousand naira for your transportation." he said stretching out

"oh, oh, ah, ah, Senator Moses. You mean this bunch of money for me? Thank you, thank you senator. My wife will make a nice meal tonight."

"Don't mention, elder Samuel, as long as we work together, you won't lack such gesture." Senator Moses deceived

Bishop Timothy was inside the building waiting for the outcome of the meeting. When Senator Moses joined in and expressed how the other two elders left angrily. At this point, the two of them expressed worry that things may go out of hand.

"But my senator, you should know this people. The way forward for a man is the way that leads to his pocket. You should have put oil on their hands first so they could stain their garments themselves without being forced. If you take a horse to the river and it refuses to drink water, put grass into the water and it won't escape drinking the water as it eats." Bishop Timothy quarried

"That totally escaped my mind." senator Moses answered

"So what is the next plan?" Bishop Timothy asked

"We will be having a larger meeting where every executive would be around. We have come out with two agenda; first, to win them over to our plans or secondly scatter and create confusing.

"That is good my senator. I have also come out with plans; to invite CEOs of top publishings houses and news organization. Let's plot with them and give them hints on how to further escalate that Apostle David is having affair with other ladies."

"The other sister, err, err, Rebecca, the one we used to seduce Apostle David in his office. We will bring her to review and publish the archives of what went on in the office." Bishop Timothy said laying back in the chair with a feeling of satisfaction.

"But you know we need solid evidence on that case, is there anything we have on ground connecting to that plot?" Senator Moses asked

"Ah ah! Very well my senator. You are talking like you are a novice in what we planned together." Bishop Timothy scolded

"Please remind me my lord Bishop. You know you were the architect of that plot and I was just a side game player. Please tell me more so that I can review it to those I'm meeting." Senator Moses pleaded

"What we planned was this; Rebecca went into Apostle David's office that day with a camera planted in her hair, sorry wig. Even though Apostle David didn't fall to the plot, we can collect pictures together and some videos and trap up something for the media. That is a simple game play, our boys behind the keyboard and monitor are good on that."

"Kai, my lord Bishop! My lord Bishop! I can see that you are good. That is very well planned and said." Senator Moses applauded and Bishop Timothy adjusted in his chair as his heavy stomach danced to the the movement.

"My lord Bishop," Senator Moses called in. "Apostle David has made a difficult political career for me and ministry wise for you. It is time we decisively deal with him so he could learn that he is a small boy of yesterday. I left your church and joined his ministry for this same reason...."

While still discussing, a bouncer walked in informing Senator Moses that DPO Usman had come and was waiting for him outside.

"Please let him in Immediately." Senator Moses ordered.

The two devils in sheep clothing adjusted there posture as DPO Usman joined them in and they went into discussion.

"DPO Usman, please meet his lord Bishop Timothy, my very good friend."

DPO Usman and Bishop Timothy greeted briefly as Senator Moses continued.

DPO please inform us how the case is going.

"Err, It's going very well senator and I will ensure that it wins to your favour as you wish. I received a call from the commissioner of police and he has asked me to follow up with the case in your favor."

"That is very good DPO. Very very impressive! I made a call to the commissioner yesterday" Senator Moses affirmed

Discussion went on for about thirty more minutes and soon a sachet of money was brought in a black polythene and handed over to the DPO who collected with a beaming face and left.

At his departure, Senator Moses made a phone call briefly and resumed to speaking with Bishop Timothy.

"Who was that my senator?" Bishop Timothy asked

"That is barrister Ayang Apkan , my personal lawyer." He will pursue the case without failure.

"I will also be meeting with Betty and his elder brother tomorrow to discuss things with them. She mentioned to me that she needs money for her pregnancy and I forwarded it to her." senator Moses explained

"This is awesome. Even Lucifer would be proud of you senator. You are truly playing this game well."

"And you have forgotten that I am a politician? We politicians are capable of pulling down anybody if we want to."

"I am highly impressed my senator. soon, all members of Apostle David's ministry would pull out to my church and you won't have a voice condemning and withdrawing elements of dirty gamers involved in politics." Bishop Timothy said.

The two applauded and wished themselves well in the undertaking.

"Please my lord Bishop, don't forget to meet with your designated television, publishing and news agencies. I would also make efforts myself." Senator Moses reminded and Bishop Timothy left his house.


In the police station, I was taken and locked isolated. From the day I was brought in, with everything ceased from me, I had an opportunity to wait upon the Lord more.

Abigail had come on three occasions to give me food but I refused eating. I couldn't be in such a mess and still have appetite to eat. I was going to call on God until he had gained glory for the situation I was into.

Hundreds of my followers were pouring in, into the station until everyone coming to see me was cutoff except for Abigail and my spiritual parents.

I have not mentioned anything about my family. Well, my family are those who belong to Christ. I lost my father since childhood and my mom died an age full life six years back.

Seen Abigail each time silently reminded me that I would one day have someone I could call a friend, a wife and a mother.

In the two days I had spent in cell, Abigail had shown me the natural connection of love I had not felt.

This made me have hope that soon, I would be vindicated, but if it was not the will of God, I didn't know how sorrowful my life would become. I thought of it as I say facing Abigail and cried.

"Papa, why are you crying. Please, we know the Lord will vindicate you." she pleaded.

"Abigail! There are things that have filled my heart beyond just this. I wish to communicate them to you but the time seems far."

"Papa you can talk to me. I am here and will be here. please....."

"hmm Pastor! Abi na Apostle you be. So even for cell you still wan nag this one too abi. Young lady! please your time is over. Pastor's wife is here to see him." A police officer disrespectfully acted

"Pastor's wife? Betty! what is she doing here now?" I questioned in my heart.

Soon Betty appeared. Looking at her, her stomach has shoot out and one could easily recognize that she is pregnant.

I felt like standing from where I was and strangle her, but I quickly rebuked the thought.

"Just a night of pleasure, and I could write a book of my perils and agonies of life. Young man and woman, let my story teach you that, if you don't tame your appetite, it would soon devour you." I wrote down this words in my diary later on, when I told the story of my life in tears.