"You have locked me up here like one who has committed murder. What is my offense?" I asked staring in the face of Betty and her eldest brother who were accompanied by a police officer

"dup! dup!! dup dup dup dup!!!" You open your mouth again, I will kill you here and right now, "dup!!"

"That's enough officer Daniel! Do you want to kill him? please see me in my office immediately.

You could wonder what dup means, that was the sound of the baton the officer attending to me was using to hit me on the back as I fell flat to the ground totally exhausted and lacking strength.

Officer Daniel opened into the officer of the DPO and mate him spacing about.

He gave a salute and remained standing as the DPO adapted to the position of his chair.

"Officer Daniel, I am ashamed of you Christians. There is no love among you.

You condemn and destroy your own without pity. I have warned you to take it easy with the man of God. He is a popular figure. if anything should happen to him, you will run with your tail in-between your legs seeking for where to hide but there will be no place."

"I am sorry sir!" Officer Daniel apologized.

"Get out of my office. Your apology is not needed. Christians are the problems of themselves. So divided and mounting about with bitter hatred for one another." DPO Usman hissed and rolled his chair to observe an invent through the window

Officer Daniel had returned back to attend to Apostle David. He pulled him close to the television stand and was showing him all the news making the rounds on air about him; the various interviews made with other women who were on the street accusing him of having one thing or the other to do with them.

"Now after watching this I believe you will accept that your case is worse than that of those you called criminal."

He then dragged me to the waiting room where Betty and her eldest brother were sitting waiting for me.

"Oh, love I'm sorry, I have never meant to hurt you. Ah, look what they have done to you." She shade crocodile tears

I turned to her and glared into her eyes as if to plug them out.

"Why have you come?" I asked faintly.

"I am here to know your final decision whether to accept responsibility and marry our sister or not." Betty's elder brother responded

"Just to remind you, this case will be in court tomorrow and there is nothing you can do to win it, but that's up to you.

"Betty stand up!" he ordered his sister who stood up sluggishly

"Look at her Apostle! Please take a look at her. You can see that truly she is pregnant. For God's sake, are you not a man of God again? How can you impregnate a lady and refuse to marry her? Who then would marry her?" He questioned

As he was speaking, a company of three men walked in smartly and stood by the way. They were my members in the ministry. I quickly knew why they had come; to sign themselves up as my legal representatives

I declined their offer and appreciated their concern for me

"I am guilty my people. I know the law. It will be pointless appearing in court for no other reason than this.y people, the Lord has spoken to me just that I am adamant. I accept to Marry Betty." I broke the news to the disbelief of everyone

Within the shortest time, I could see that there was jubilations in the station. One could only wonder what it was all about.

Betty ran and hugged me and I lightly hugged her back.

"I am sorry Betty, but you are closer to the grave than you have ever imagined. I whispered in her ears and she refrained from me quickly in expression of shock.

Soon, I was uncuffed and after signing my statement in the book I was provided with, I was allowed to go home.

"Sometimes we feel defeated and broken. In such times, our strength is gone and we are vulnerable, waiting for anything to happen, but God would not let us go."

As I was driven home that day, many things flocked into my head.

I wondered if this was my end or at the verge of me drowning, the Lord would render me help. It felt like my head would break.

"I know that at this moment you have questions on your heart but the journey is never close from ending." I interacted with my mind as we went off