After praying and going to bed that night a happy man, I had only one regret; for I being the reason for which the life of Betty would soon be brought to a shameful end, for this I was sure of.

"I blame you for all of this man of God. I give you all the blames there is to give."

"Wait, I don't understand. Are you here to mock me or what? Why do you blame me? For sleeping with Betty? What exactly are you driving at Prophet Timothy?" I asked Prophet Timothy confused and embarrassed

"Okay, here is all i'm saying. All this were going on and you didn't take the necessary measures to conceal it. You didn't let me even know a hitch of it. I visited you a couple of times and you acted like all was well between you and Betty, not knowing that you were allowing such a miniscule of a girl temper with your sanity. I am highly disappointed in all these. Of late I begin to doubt our friendship man of God. This is not how we were before. We were that close and had common knowledge for whatever that was going on with any of us." He quarreled

"And I expect you to know the reason which is clearly before hand Prophet Timothy. Letting you know about my perils would have saved me from the hands of man but deliver me into the wrath of God." I responded

"I don't understand man of God. What do you mean please?" he asked

"You went away from the standard I and you agreed to maintain in Christ Timothy. You fail off the track of purity. At this moment the whole world is against me, I can of better option rejoice that God is happy with me for the moves I took and still taken,"

"And then," Prophet Timothy asked suspiciously

"Your counsels would have rather pushed me out of God's will. I needed a friend to share my burdens with. But I couldn't let it be you because your operations of recent no longer agrees with the word of God." I concluded vehemently

Prophet Timothy smiled and adjusted his seat close to me.

"Man of God, I want you to understand that times are not the same. There were many things we didn't know why growing up. We were too young and thought it was that easy and cheap, but we later found out that we were totally wrong, personally I did."

"You have to act wise man of God. Well, you accuse me of falling off the track and yet here you are; the saint is the one who's image is captured with all manners of immoral acts. Just look around David. Every television channel, every news paper page and every wall on social media is about you - you who is the saint. All these are happening to you because you have not been wise."

"By the grace of God I have that wisdom David. I change Women as much as I want and still maintain low profile propaganda in and on the media. I may not have told you but my current fiancee just committed abortion and that is just one out of many. There are several options to this David. Come on, we are human and have blood running in our veins. We must craft means of survival and escape as we attend to the needs of our flesh and at the same time doing the work of God."

"If you hadn't pushed me aside as the sinner I have now become, you won't have been in this mess you've created not just for yourself but the entire body of Christ."

"To start with, I can't even imagine you going into Betty without the use of protection. This overconfidence is what is killing those of your kind. Even if you are not into sexual immorality, you should have some protective tools rightly with you, should you encounter a temptation that is beyond you. That would have saved you the shame and embarrassments, because without the pregnancy, none has a right to hold anything against you."

"Having sex with a woman does not put you to condemnation nor makes you a sinner. You are not going to prostitute in brothels. To think of, it is a relationship which is believed to lead to marriage. There is nothing wrong with it so far it is done in secret not to profane the church of God. We are living by grace and not by strength. All those claiming they are virgins are only deceiving others who wish to be deceived. Oh, were you expecting that you will court Betty without falling into her thighs, come on man of God! You didn't see correctly. Betty is dam gorgeous...."

"I can't believe this is you talking Prophet Timothy. With all this and you are still on the altar preaching? Oh Jesus." I exclaimed cutting him short

"He will never stop! Here you come again man of God....." He continued

As Prophet Timothy spoke at length, my head was aching and almost breaking. Initially I had thought this were just some lack of understanding he had but later on while he spoke, I lifted up my head and who I saw before me was not Prophet Timothy. I saw Lucifer dressed in a black rope standing.

Without wasting time upon seeing that, I rose to my feet and faced Prophet Timothy.

"You fallen angel, you defeated fallen spirit, I rebuke you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!" This was simple but authoritative. Immediately, the spirit disappeared and was no more, yet as we spoke on, Prophet Timothy was still being negative and misleading. I expected him to charge against me for what I had just done but he sat speaking normal. Could this be a trance? I was left shocked.

At this point I knew that he was not only spiritually manipulated but had also been mentally interrupted

"Prophet Timothy!" I called out

"Please leave my house!"

"Are you sending me out of your house?" He asked shocked

"Of course and to be more direct, please don't appear before me until your ways are amended." I ordered.

"So it has gotten to this? I hope all that I'm seeing and hearing is false. I wish you all the best." He said and stormed out angrily

It was all good I face my cross alone. "It is true I do not have anybody called friend - a misleading friend is more dangerous than an ENEMY." I muttered this words to comfort myself trying not to be shock at the sermon Lucifer had just preached to me through Prophet Timothy, a formal friend. The devil had sent him to add salt to my injury.

About an hour later, I welcomed my spiritual father into my house and we had a brief time praying fervently

"Daddy," I initiated a conversation

"You well know that I was to be taken to court where the court would decide the case. There was every possibility that I was going to be ordered to marry Betty. To avoid the unnecessary court process which was too shameful for me defending my sin by refusing to marry Betty, I was released on the condition which I agreed to marry Betty." I said and paused

Silence fell for a moment and my father spoke up.

"But son, this is very much crucial for us to run in haste. Has the Lord instructs you to marry Betty?" he asked

"I haven't but I am tired of all these. I just want to end it and see if there could be calm again. I signed before the police that I would marry Betty. I am sorry I did so without prior information to you." I apologise

"I understand son. It is not easy with all you have gone through but you would have still stand your ground. It is better to walk with the foolishness of God than the wisdom of man."

"That's true father but, this vision which I had where the Lord told me not to be afraid, he is with me keep echoing back into my spirit."

I have tried my possible best to put Betty away but it has resulted to the escalation of more issues. I just want the Lord to help me at this point of time. I am becoming weary and tired." I broke down into tears.

"I regret all my actions. I was a threat to the devil and he took advantage when I went to bath in the mud."

"Yes, Yes Yes!" I exclaimed

"What is it son?" He asked.

"I can remember the instruction I received from the Lord in a trance while in prayer the night before I signed to marry Betty."

"Okay, okay! what is it all about?" My father asked in haste

"I wonder why it didn't occur until now." I said smiling.

"I can remember that night while in prayer, I fell into a trance and I saw my ministering spirit appeared to me and instructed me to sign for the book which would be presented before me to marry Betty. He told me that the Lord wanted me to be out of cell to spend three days with Him so that he could show me things which I needed to know. Ah daddy, that is it." I exclaimed with great joy.

"Mmm, the life of a prophet is Prophecy." My spiritual father said nodding his head in amazement.

"My son," he said patting my shoulder. "Do not be afraid, for the Lord is with you. The Lord caused you not to remember the encounter so you won't struggle with it, but rather He made you acted in His plans." My spiritual father interpreted rightly

This meant one thing; that victory was on our side.

We spent sometimes to pray more and appreciate God for what He was doing which we didn't know.

My spiritual father then advised me to seek the Lord's face that night, and fix the date for which I would isolate myself to the mountain, to wait on Him for three days as instructed.

With this, my joy new no bound.


Upon my return, I had received rumors of senator Moses advances for a new church leadership, but I only took it as a rumor and had carved it out to be calm for the moment before addressing any issue that had to do with the ministry.

"Lord, it is your work, protect it and let your will be done." I concluded the day Pastor Donald came informing me of developments

First of all, I couldn't imagine senator Moses had such a heading.

After praying and going to bed that night a happy man, I had only one regret; for I being the reason for which the life of Betty would soon be brought to a shameful end, for this I was sure of

Beautiful still was the encounter I had with the Lord yet again. In it, I saw the presence of God saturated my room and I heard His voice saying, "Refine him! Refine him!"

"Refine him?" I wondered what the Lord was saying. As I was mediating upon it, I saw a mighty, bright and sparkling fire burning ahead of me (by then I was out of my room and suspended on an empty land with no trees and stones) baffled with the sight, I carefully dragged myself close to it. I saw three angels surrounded the fire and drawing close, I saw a man burning in it. He was agonising and wailing, yet the angels were adding more woods into the fire. I almost begged the angels to show him mercy. When I came closer, I discovered that the burning man was no other person but me.

The world was crucifying me - God was refining me.