"Okay, that is the best decision. Sorry for offering to come today." She said and both of us laughed.


Our wedding date was fixed and we began a massive preparation of ourselves for the big occasion.

I drove down town with Abigail and we bought marriage materials such as books and tapes which we brought home and we were studying together.

There were nights and days I fought so hard with my emotions which yearned and burned fiercely to be with Abigail.

This was happening same to her as most often she would say of she can't waiting for us to be married.

There was this day we spent time together reading a book on marriage and afterward discussed a lot of things that borders on marriage.

Medically we were satisfied to be married without any issue coming up that would border on genetic among other things.

After spending time together in church from morning till evening reading and studying together one faithful day, it was time to go home and I offered to drop her off.

When we drove to where she was to come down and go home, she became troubled as I was visibly hungry and worn-out.

"You are tired, why don't I go home with you to prepare you food before leaving for my house?" she said pleadfully

I turned and looked at her with a suspecting gaze and asked what was the time.

"it's half pass 4." she said

"Okay, that will be good, but remember you told me that we won't be spending time alone in the house." I reminded her

"En, that's true but I am not coming to sit or relax. I will just rush and prepare you noodles then run back home." she responded.

"Abigail." I called off key

"Yes sir!" she answered

"I can't wait for when you will enter that house and not go out again because it is now your home." I said

"Don't worry. I understand how it feels. We have just two weeks left for our wedding and Abigail will be all Apostle David's." she said with a powerful smile and my face beamed.

We arrived home and she quickly swung into action.

There was food stuff already at home so there was no need buying anything on the way home .

Since I and Abigail had entered into courtship, I had become a semi married man by the way my house was always stuffed.

"Daddy! Tommorow, I am going to the market. I will get you (she would mention the things) for the kitchen."

sometimes she would only bring what she had bought into the office while coming to church and my aids would have them stuffed into the car.

My kitchen, fridge and store were always smiling to the glory of God (congregation laughs)

My only problem with Abigail was that sometimes she forgot that she was talking to her papa and spiritual father. She would give me orders without minding that I was an Apostle (congregation laughs hard)

She would say;

"Daddy, I want you to add bedsheets to your bed; Daddy! you are changing your beddings tomorrow! Daddy! this is your menu for today (she would mention the combination)

She was the one arranging my diet and instructing me on what to prepare for myself.

I was alone in the house because as a man of God, people, including relatives could be distractive. I was the one doing everything by myself.

Most often Abigail would instruct me to anger and when she noticed, she would smile or laugh and tell me sorry.

I would then say;

"Is it me you are ordering like this? See, you forget that I am your papa, mentor and spiritual father abi?"

She would then laugh and asked me to forgive her; "ah my father o! forgive me daddy. It just that I am supposed to make you better as your lady. Don't worry, when we are married, I won't be instructing you again. I will be doing those things myself."

This was how she would usually say in a jovial way and we would laugh about it.

Well, I was always obedient to all her instructions.

The coming of Abigail into my life made me a more happy man, a more well kept and neat man, a more adoring personality and socially cultured individual.

Within few months, Abigail had enhanced me in so many areas she although limited.

I then wondered what would happen if we were married.

I sat at the parlor in front of the TV while my BETROTHED Abigail went into the kitchen and began to cook.

I decided to check on her and rightly I mate her trying to get a bottle of powdery ginger from the cabinet.

I went in quickly and offered to help. I handed it offer to her and stayed back at the door watching as she cooked

There was this sense of satisfaction that wore over me tensely watching Abigail.

The joy of knowing that this woman would be my beloveth married wife till death do us apart was unfathomable.

Noticing that I was hanging on the door and watching her in admiration while she cooked, she felt uncomfortable and asked me jokingly to go back to the sitting room.

I answered yielding to her request

As she was about to stand up and turn, her wrapper loosed loosely and her hands were already dirty with the dry fish she was washing at the moment.

I quickly went in for the rescue and tied back the wrapper in place.

She shylishly thanked me and noticing how uncomfortable she was feeling, I returned back to the sitting room.

My appetite had aroused. I tried watching the television to while away my imaginations but it wasn't working.

Shortly, Abigail came to the parlor and told me that the food was ready and she wanted to take her leave.

"Ah ah! love are we not eating together before you go?" I asked

"No daddy! I want to go so that it would save us what would become had I know. I can tell that you need my intimacy now which is a normal feeling one would have for who he loves.

You know that I do feel the same but with God's grace and discipline, we can overcome.

"Abigail!" I called out to her

"Thank you for being the woman of my dream. Thank you for not making me vulnerable but strong.

"Thank you daddy! Remember we have promised ourselves not to know our nakedness before marriage, and I personally would want to keep the meal hot and warm for you until we are married." She moved me with her speech.

"Thank you Abigail. Thank you! Please I will be glad you don't visit the house again until we are joyfully married."

"Okay, that is the best decision. Sorry for offering to come today." She said and both of us laughed.

I slotted into her bag some cash and escorted her through the gate where she took a taxi home.

I came back into the house and dropped on the chair enumerating;

"The journey of courtship most especially with the one you love must be a careful one equipped with trust for God's help and discipline. One is more easily prone to sexual indulgence with the one he so much loves than the one he wants for use and dump."

I then remembered there was food prepared for me in the kitchen and I went to get some to feed my stomach