"David!" he said with a smile beaming on his face "you may now kiss the bride."


I wanted a simple wedding; one I and Abigail could be pronounced husband and wife by my spiritual father and we were done.

This was so because I was more interested in begining my life with Abigail as married couples than having a glamorous marriage.

But my people would not allow that happen. Many had come forth volunteering for one thing or the other.

Different committees were set in place and many came forth pledging support for material and financial needs.

We had those who offered to buy livestock, make available vehicles that would be conveying people and so forth.

A man even approached me to give me money for bride price but I turned it down.

"Brother Kunle," I called out "bride price is my sore responsibility because I am the one marrying. Even if it is one million naira, I would pay."

The love of the people for I and Abigail most especially as they wanted to see us together was massive.

The wedding was to take place in Eternal Revival Ministry's auditorium and my spiritual father was the one officiating.

On Thursday 30th May 1991, I departed with my team to the home town of Abigail and we were traditionally wedded as husband and wife with everything fully payed and finalized.

The people of Abigail were loving and accommodating with an amazing culture.

It seemed like the entire village had gathered as there was no pace in-between two people.

We had gone there Thursday with the intension to return on Friday so as to rest and conduct the wedding Saturday in my Ministry but what was meant to be a day traditional Marriage ceremony turned two days.

We had to plead to be back Friday evening to enable the wedding hold on Saturday.

I ordered six buses to convey people from Abigail's home town to the city for our marriage the following money .

Pastor Donald had booked a hotel down town for our reception but I told him to make ready our ministry camp ground for the reception, using the avenue to appreciate God for his faithfulness.

In the car on our way home after being legally married as husband and wife, Abigail asked me if she was coming straight to my house.

It was what I wanted. I couldn't just wait to have this woman in my arms as my wife, there would be no more fear, no more guilt of sinning whatsoever but I told her;

"My queen, in as much as I love to and can't wait, I want us to honor the Lord. Tomorrow is our wedding where we would appear before the Lord for the church to fully bless our Union and commit it into the hands of God. Let's wait until that is done and we would be back home together. I have made arrangements for a hotel with your female friends who will attend to you over there. Tomorrow morning after everything is done, you will be driven to the wedding venue." I told her.

"How about our honeymoon?" She asked "are we still doing it over in the house?"

"Yes my love. We would start our marrital journey in our home and not a hotel." I told her

"But daddy, won't there be disturbances from people coming for visit and to celebrate with us?" She asked worriedly.

"Don't worry my queen. Trust your husband. We have a new home I have not tell you about. But that will come on our wedding night."

"Wow! You! Full of surprises." Abigail playfully patted me by the shoulder and I kissed her on the forehead.

What I had planned could be contained in a book and I couldn't wait to begin unveiling them one after the other.

Abigail under God's grace was going to have the best of me as her husband, that I was sure of.

We were first of all driven to the hotel where I had arranged for security to guard the place and committed trustworthy members of the church to keep watch over the love of my life.

In addition to booking a comfortable place for her in the hotel, I also booked three more hotel rooms for those that would be at her service until the following day.

After ensuring that everything was okay and she was well taken care of, I myself was driven to my house by pastor Donald.

I went to have my rest and to spend time with the Lord. Afterward I joined in with pastor Donald and the rest of my aids who were spending the night with me.

I was enlightened on how the wedding procession would go the following day among every other thing.

On the morning of the following day, at around 4am, pastor Donald told me to go into the bedroom and have a quick sleep to help me refresh and relax from all the stress.

When I went in and fell asleep, the angel of the Lord appeared to me holding two golden scrolls in his hand

His appearance was that of majesty and the ambience of his presence filled the entire place.

He was all smiling as he drew near and sat by my bedside.

"CONGRATULATIONS apple of God's eyes. This day heaven rejoices that his own is United to the bone of his bone."

"Ah, thank you faithful servant of the Lord. I know the host of heaven must have been fighting a great battle for I and Abigail to enjoy the grace of the almighty we are enjoying."

"That is true!" The angel said "After my visit with you, I shall join force with the rest of the angels to ensure that your joy is full. Take this!" He ordered handing me a scroll. "The Lord has sent me with this to give to you."

I reached out my hand and collected it.

The angel stood up and was about to leave.

"Are you going, ministering spirit?" I asked

" Yes servant of the most high God. I have to see Abigail before I return back to the battle field." He answered and walked through the wall and was no more

Wondering what it was, I sat up on the bed and began to read what was written in the scroll;

"My son, I have provided out of you a rib; my daughter. Through the union I am establishing between you two today, I will teach the nations of my love for humanity and my expectations from them. Take care of my beloveth daughter - Abigail." As I read, I could hear the voice of God echoing like he was speaking with his lips.

This was so real that I found myself sitting up on the bed on the same posture when I opened my eyes into the physical.

My joy knew no bounds so much that I shouted out in excitement drawing the attention of those who were attending to me; "What is it sir?" They asked. "Don't worry, i was just speaking with the Lord." I told them.

I stood from the bed and mate every other thing set awaiting me to go and shower and be dressed up.

Pastor Donald helped me to dress up in everything gold. I was looking like the king of the sky.

A convoy of cars was already waiting for me. The cars were designed with balloons and linings of different colors. When I saw the line up, tears streamed down my eyes. I couldn't fathom why God had chosen to bless me so much.

My tinted glass car was in the middle.

My aids escorted me in and was driven to the hotel where Abigail was awaiting with her own set of convoy.

It was this day that I could know how much the Lord had blessed our members with the display of wealth and fashion.

Our wedding attracted the media and the procession was already been shown on different television stations across the world.

I picked my phone and called Abigail;

"Hello love,"

"Yes sir!" She answered

"Did the angel visited you his morning?" I asked assuredly

"Ah, yes, yes, you know about it? I had an encounter with the angel of the Lord this morning in my vision and ..."

She wanted telling me more and I cut her short.

"I know what the message is love. We are blessed by the Lord. When we get home from the altar, we will talk about it more." I assured her

We drove to the venue at around 9am. Worship was ongoing when we arrived to warm the atmosphere as people couldn't wait to set eyes on us.

It was a Wow! I mean a wow!! My people had expected too long to see their beloveth Apostle marry and the day was finally here to the glory of God.

I was ushered in by my best man, Pastor Donald and men on suit. Other congregants joined in when we were few steps to the altar.

It was my day, I couldn't shy away dancing to the best of my abilities, after all I was a dancer before then.

After leading my team to do our bid, my bride was gorgeously ushered into the auditorium with singing and dancing.

Her moves on the train were so captivating to my soul that I felt like the most fortunate man on earth.

After she was ushered in and sited, other things followed and my father climbed the altar to minister and join us together.

"Praise the Lord children of God!!" my father began "Today is a wedding and not a Sunday service. I won't be preaching a long sermon but just few words of exhortation to my son and his beloveth bride. I will be brief so that they can go home and explore the passion they have caged for many decades (congregation broke into serious laughter)..."

As promised, my father preached a brief sermon and we were invited to the stand - it was time to exchange our wedding vows.

"...I Apostle Aondofa David, do solemnly pledge to take you; Terhemba Abigail as my beloved wedded wife, this day to love, to hold, to cherish, to honor, to protect and to build for the rest of our lives together till death do us apart (congregation claps hands joyfully)" I repeated after my spiritual father

Pastor Donald handed to my father the wedding ring and he prayed over it thus; "this ring represent the symbol that your son this day is United one soul and flesh with you beloved daughter..."

He then handed over to me the ring and I slotted it into the finger of my beloveth bride; Abigail

"Abigail, it's your turn..." He said and the microphone was handed over to her chief bride's mate as she repeated after my father;

"...I, Terhemba Abigail do solemnly pledge to take you; Apostle Aondofa David as my beloved wedded husband, this day to love, to hold, to cherish, to honor, to protect and to build for the rest of our lives together till death do us apart (congregation claps hands)"

She was also handed the ring and I gave her my finger with pride as the ring went in.

"It is written in Hebrew 13:4 'Marriage is honorable unto all and the bed undefiled...' Apostle David, the Church stands witness today that the two of you obeyed the Holy word of God and abstained from defiling the bed. Should the Church believe so?" My father asked and the microphone was placed before I and Abigail;

"Yes!" we both said and the congregation clapped jubilantly

"David and Abigail, it is a good testimony that the two of you have beared before the church today. This veil over the head of this bride represent a symbol of purity and abstainance from premarital affairs. Apostle David, you can now unveil the bride in the presence of God's people." my father said.

I swallowed some glands and took a step forward, then jently lowered my fingers and uncovered Abigail's face.

I was startled with the sparkling beauty of her. it felt like I was seeing her for the first time.

"Haven fulfilled all biblical obligations and righteousness in view of God's requirements for a man and woman becoming one as husband and wife, and by the power of the spirit vested on me as the anointed one before his presence, I hereby pronounce you, Apostle Aondofa David and Terhemba Abigail as husband and Wife."

My father paused as the congregation rose to their feet in jubilation, clapping and shouting to the glory of God.

"Please, may you all be sited." my father pleaded.

"David!" he said "you may now kiss the bride."

My body jittered a little and I took a deep silent breath and approached Abigail. Her body was warm and a bid tensed. I held her softly by the side of the face and planted a kiss onto her lips.

Abigail was too beautiful. for such a reason I was careful not to get lost into her. So I kissed her lightly and withdrew to the cheering of the people.

Some of the congregants were shouting, "more Papa! It is now yours, go deeper?" I didn't blame them at all (smile)

like a story, I was joyfully United to Abigail and from that day on, we began our journey of love as husband and wife