"I understand how it feels my king. Try and comfort yourself for the beauty that the Lord has made for us today. We will be praying for them, that's the best we can do and nothing more from that."


I held closely onto my bride and we turned to the side where a table was dressed with the marriage register kept on it. We both signed it and the marriage certificate was issued to us.

Forever and ever so long the earth held on to us, the newest couples in town was ordained.

We did the snapping and everything that could be done, then driven off the premises to prepare for our reception which was commencing just in an hour time.

The reception was one of its kind. Jubilation was the name of the day. I and Abigail danced, played some funny games and did a whole lot of things.

The Mc didn't give us a break. It seemed like he had forgotten that I was a highly placed Apostle.

Mc: "err, man of God, we know say you be man of God o (he spoke with a mix of pidgin English). But we still know that blood runs through your vein. You know, we won't be there with you and your beloveth wedded wife tonight and that is not our concern, in fact, anybody that passes papa house this night should be arrested (congregation laughs). So papa, we just want to know how tonight will be like in the inner chamber. I know as a man of God, you won't want to unveil somethings using the right words but I'm giving you just two options to choose from so that we will know how tonight will be like; (a. violent (b. silent, so papa tell us

The microphone was brought to my mouth and I grapped it;

"I don't need to tell you people na. Tonight is going to be a night of vawulence. Your papa will break ancient padlocks and trash the keys (congregation burst into laughter). After waiting all these years you want me to be a gentle man in the inner chamber? No na (congregation laugh again loudly).

Mc (facing the audience): "Chei, chai chai!! You think say our papa na calm man abi, he is physically and bedroomly capable (the congregation laughs hard)."

Everyone was laughing and almost throwing themselves on the ground.

Mc: Thank you papa, please may you have your seat." The Mc instructed and I held onto my seat laughing hard.

After all and all was done, it was time for me to sing and read the poem I had written for Abigail without her notice.

She was surprise when I was being ushered out to sing and read a poem for her.

I walked to the podium, graped the microphone and after singing the beautiful love song I had written just for my queen, I took to the poem and began to read;

"If love was the sky, if love was a flower in the field on a sunny day, if love was sunshine, if love was the streams of waters on a river bank gracing the morning rays of the sun, if love was a the dews of heaven falling on the morning, if love was a mixture of the finest of colors, and if I was to make a choice in choosing out of them all, I would move away from everything else and chose Abigail; my Pamela. This because, she blossoms more than the followers of the field, she shines more than the glory of the sun. The only thing unbeatable to her love is the beauty of her soul and the glaring fashion of her smile. My love, looking at you alone makes me a fulfilled man. I had wished for this moment when I'll do spend eternity with you and here comes the opportunity given by the Lord for me to uphold and cherish your kind forever. I promise to be more tender with you, than I will with an egg, not because you are flagile but because it would hurt me to see you fall off my hands. Today I see the beautiful colors of heaven and looking into your eyes makes me see the paradise of love and feels its embrace. My dearest Abigail, my arms will be your comfort, my words would keep your heart warm. my embrace would shield you from every harm. You have won me and everything about me, I want to truly say that i love you."

The people rose to their feet; everyone of them and rendered applauses into the air jubilantly.

This day, the colors of love were visible, because God had joined two of his children together in love.

As I walked back to my sit and Abigail moved with so much emotions and tears streaming down her eyes, stood to her feet and ran to me with a tight hug and planted a kiss onto my lips.

"I love you my king." She said calmly and I walked back with her to our sit holding her by the hand.

Deep down in my heart, I was the most blessed man on earth. It felt just too much and I could hardly believe.

When it was time for the presentation of gifts by different people, first, dignitaries were called upon for their presentation and the ground was opened onto all.

As I watched the crowd of people teaming up to make their presentation, I saw a young but elderly behaved lady been held and led towards my place. I was captivated by the sight and pointed to Abigail towards the direction.

"That's Betty my king." She said calmly

"Betty?" I asked and narrowed my gaze properly.

I could now see clearly that it was Betty, my afflicted, former BETROTHED.

Soon she was standing before us after struggling her way as she could not see.

Her skin had become darkened and full of rashes. She said as we watched;

"Apostle Aondofa David, congratulations sir, to you and your wife. Please I'm not worthy to hold my gift for you because I'm unclean. I had someone bought this for me so I could present it to you as a gift." She said trying to communicate to who was leading her to make the presentation for her.

I stood up to collect the gift and after doing so fell back into my seat with tears on my eyes. I was crying so much that my aids had to excuse me into the office.

I took a while in the office weeping profusely like a baby.

All my moment of merriment seemed watered down. I was afflicted seen Betty in such a humiliating state.

Minutes later, Abigail joined me in and comforted me, stating that she perfectly understood how much I felt seeing her in such a condition.

"Love!" I called out to Abigail "Just look at Betty! Why do people wait to be afflicted before they begin to live right? I feel so terrible that all this is happening to her and the rest of those who conspired against me."

"I understand how it feels my king. Try and comfort yourself for the beauty that the Lord has made for us today. We will be praying for them, that's the best we can do and nothing more from that."

Abigail comforted me and I regained my strength, stood up, wiped my face and together we walked back to the reception ground.

We Continued with what was left of us to do at the moment and it was called a close as I and Abigail entered our car to be driven home.