Chapter 4

         "I couldn't get enough of him. I was tired and painful but I didn't care. I didn't want to sleep either. I wanted the pain. I wanted him in me, all the time. I wanted to squeeze him in more as I felt his weight on me. I wanted to watch his face. I wanted his exertion to drop on me. I wanted to drop mine on him as well. I got on top of him. I had never done it before. I couldn't believe it myself that I was doing this. I was developing something new. I held him and put him in. He felt deeper in me. I was in charge and he liked it. I held his hands down. He pretended he was trying to break free. I let my tits touch his face. He went mad. He bucked. I pushed down. I couldn't believe I was doing this. I thought to myself "I'll never forget it".One of his fingers flicked over my bum. I did it to him. He lifted. There was no end to it, no end to the new things I was experiencing. He did something. I copied him on everything he did. I did something. He did it back as well. He held me from behind. I pushed back and forced more of him into me. I sucked and licked him all over. I made him cum on my abdomen. "Anna...Anna...Anna! I groaned while stretching my body on the bed as I opened my eyes slowly." I looked up close at the person standing in front of me. "Oh my God! I said at the top of my voice jumping up with my kneels on the bed with my face down." "I told you to wake up early. The head maid said at the top of my voice." "I am so sorry, I was so tired from all the work last night. I will do it now in no time. I said getting up on my feet." "I told you it is a bad idea if you get on the bad side of our boss. Go and clean the garden right now before he finds out." "I will...I will..but isn't he too harsh on us? He asked us to prepare dinner for the guest coming and he didn't even tell us if it is canceled or not and he kept all of us warming the food over and over again. I think he is just too much of himself." "You should stop complaining and go get your work done. She said with her face up as she finally took her to leave." "Why does she keep nagging me, is it because she has spent a lot of years here? I wonder how she was able to cope with all those years. I said looking frustrated as I finally walked out of the room."

      I walked straight to the garden looking a bit angry about the whole situation. I tried to sweep a little bit portion but I was not in the mood to work today. I cleaned a particular spot as I laid down to sleep. I supported my head with my hands while my eyes were closed as I was enjoying the fresh air coming through my face. "How is wish this moment could last forever. I said to myself."

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                     (Alex's POV)

   I opened the window in my room trying to enjoy the garden view from afar. I have always loved the garden view ever since I was a kid that's why I despise it a lot when I find it dirty. I looked at the whole tree structure from afar and they all look so wonderful, it was trimmed nicely in a round shape. "What would you like for breakfast? Dillion asked walking up to me immediately he walked up to the room." "Hmmm...I will love to tease her a little more. I said immediately I saw the girl lying in the garden from afar." "Her...Dillion asked looking confused." "Not you, I will be skipping breakfast for now, instead get me an energy drink there. I said as I changed into a hoodie." "Here it is. Dillion said handing the drink over to me." "Thank you...I said scurrying out of the room."

      I cleaned my swear as I walked up to her "She looks cute when she sleeps. I thought to myself with a smile." "What am I doing now? I said snapping out of my thought." "Are you going to sleep there forever without working? I asked her as I sat down beside how while looking straight forward." "What are you doing here? She asked sitting upright." "Are you trying to pick up a fight again? I am a little bit disappointed. I said handing her the drink." She looked at me for a while then finally accepted the drink. "Thank you. She said sounding very sincere as if she had needed a drink." I looked at her looking a bit surprised seeing her in a cold version of herself "Don't do that, it does not suit you. I said looking away one move again." "Why are you always coming to the garden recently? She asked me facing my direction." "Because I love the view and I like looking a the trees. I answered her without looking at her or how her reaction was." "Yes it looks nice but it will look very bad if I don't clean it every day. She said signing" "I agree with you. I said while nodding my head in approval." "What's your name? She asked suddenly." "What? I asked looking surprised" "My name is Anna. What's your name? She asked once again." "Alex. I answered." "Nice to meet you, Alex. Can we be friends? She asked stretching forth her hand for a handshake" "Friends? I said with a smirk." "Yes, we can be friends. She said with a bright smile." My heart flustered for a moment "I don't make friends. I concluded and left in a hurry." "Why...Why... Why can't we be friends she asked but I left her view before she could talk further."

Excerpt #1

I noticed the ray of the sun was encompassing her eyes. I stretched forth my hand to help her with the sun. I stood beside her for a while then I decided to wake her up.

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                     (Anna's POV)

      "Did I just get rejected just now? I asked myself looking a bit embarrassed." I stood up to clean up the whole garden before the head maid comes for an inspection. I went straight up to my room immediately after I finished cleaning the garden. I took a bath and changed my cloth. I went to the kitchen to get my food as usual because I don't joke with my food and I don't think I can do without eating daily. I finished my food in the kitchen because I was too hungry. I went back to my room after I finished washing the dishes. I lay down Immediately I got into my room. "Why does he not want me as his friend" "Was I too harsh on him on the first day? I asked myself but couldn't find an answer to my question."

"I know he will change his mind some other time. I am sure he only needs some time. I concluded finally closing my eyes"

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