Chapter 5

"Why does she have to tell me to clean both the garden and this study room." "The study room is so neat. I talked to myself as I was arranging the books in the study room." "I am not telling you to only arrange the books but also clean. The head maid said talking from behind as she walked up to me." "I will do that when I am done with this. I answered as I proceed with what I was doing." She left without any further words. "Why can't you just do it yourself? I said in a low voice."

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I tidied up the entire study room as fast as I could so that I can go and spruce up the garden. I walked up to the door and decide to take a last glance at the whole place. I surveyed the whole place one more time. As I was about to take my leave, I tripped and fell on the bookshelf, and all the books fell from the shelf. I looked around as I stood up groaning in pain. Hot tears streamed down my face" I have to do this all again" I said as I cried further

Alex POV

      I sat at the window looking at the garden to check if Anna would come to the garden. I heard a loud sound and I asked Dillon to check out the source of the sound. Dillon went and came back a few minutes later."Did you find out the source of the noise?" I asked Dillon " yes sir, a maid who was cleaning the bookshelf tripped and fell". I stood up and went to my dressing room to change into my usual hoodie I took a drink and left the room to check out the maid who fell. As I got to the study room, I met Anna trying to lift the bookshelf all on her own and I decided to help her out" Manner...oh... "You were about to call me a mannerless servant again. I feel kind of hurt. I said faking pain in my heart. "Sorry, I mean Alex. "What are you doing here? She asked me looking surprised and dumbfounded." ''I heard a voice and decided to check around if anyone got hurt. I said handing the beverage over to her" "Thank you so much. She said looking a bit worried." "You can go I will help you clean it up. I said looking in the direction of her eyes." "Thank you so much, I am counting on you." She said and left without hesitating." "There are a lot of books here, where am I going to start from? I said looking a little bit frustrated. I arranged the books slowly because I was not used to doing such chores. After 2 hours, I was done arranging the books and I went to my room tired. I decided to take my bath. I entered my room meeting Drake sitting on my bed. " Hey bro what's up.I asked him" " I'm good and where have you been? I have been waiting for a while now." he said but I could sense anger in his voice" "I was arranging the books in my study room. I answered lying on the bed tiredly." "What? Why are you the one doing that? He asked looking so surprised." "Do you remember the maid I talked to you about? I asked him." "Yes the girl who called you a manner less servant. He answered trying to recollect." "Yes that's right. She was assigned to clean my study room but she ended up getting herself injured. I continued." "But in what way did she end up getting injured? He asked with a suspicious look." "The bookshelf fell on her. So..." "So the almighty Alex decided to help her. He said laughing out loud." "It's not what you think actually. She thinks I am a servant, so I decided to play along. I said defending myself." "Why are you taking it so seriously? I never said anything. He said after seeing my facial expression." "You can think of it anyhow you want. I am going for a shower now. I said picking up my towel as I walked into the bathroom."

(Anna's pov)

      I was stunned that someone I taught was rude and mannerless could help me. I thought to myself as I was cleaning the garden. Immediately was done cleaning the garden, I saw the head maid coming toward me " I can see you are done cleaning the garden. she concluded looking around." "yes ma. I replied to her" "How about the study room? She asked." "Yes, I cleaned it too." "We need to prepare lunch for a special guest visiting our boss." "lunch again? I pray this special guest for the unknown boss makes it because I can't waste my energy knowing fully well that it will end up being futile. I said to myself in a low tone." "What did you say? The head maid asked." "Nothing. I replied to her as we both walked toward the mansion."

(A few hours later)

      All the maids and servants bowed their heads to welcome the boss and his guest as they made their way to the dining table. "I want you all to maintain a one-mile distance. A voice I suspected will be the boss said." We all moved as far as we could still bowing. "Why isn't he telling us to leave yet? I said to myself feeling pains in my back." "You all may take your leave. The boss said as the head maid lead the way and all other maids followed."

(Alex POV)

   Dillion walked up to me while I was taking a nap. "The dinner is set. He said."

"Did you call out all the whole maid to make lunch?"

"Yes, everyone prepared well for the lunch."

"Why didn't you ask me before doing that?"

"I have never once asked you before ordering the maids to make your meal for you."

"You should have asked me this time."

"Is there a reason behind it? He asked looking suspicious of my attitude."

"That's true but from now on you should ask me. What if I was not ready for any meal?"

"I understand. He said as he left."

"Are you taking it out on him because of your maid girlfriend? Drake asked me looking close to my face as if I had something on it."

"She is not my girlfriend. I said as I walked out of the room while Drake followed as we both head to the dining table."

Excerpt #2

I looked up when eating and realized all the maids were still bowing. They always remain like that till I am done eating. I stared at Anna for some time and noticed she was feeling pain in her back while bowing.

"You all may take your leave. I ordered as all the maids took their leave. "