Path to Become Strong

[System Notice: Prelude before the Main Story.

Time left: 67 days left.]

Vivian focused on the blinking translucent screen in front of her. While looking at the screen, her mind was racing with different thoughts that made her feel more conflicted about her current situations. Due to her emotions she turned to her right hand, then threw a punch in the air.

"Well, as expected, I don't even have the strength I had in my past life." She clenched her fist while looking at it with a feeling of a little bit of disappointment.. "Even if I trained for the remaining days, I wouldn't be able to get even ten percent of the weakest male lead in this world. "Meeting their level requires effort and time," sighed, "And a lot at that."

She clenched her teeth, irritated."What chances do I even have to face a powerful witch?"

She held her head and stood up. She headed to the window of her room. Her two storey house was located at the top of the hill. From this view she could see the village ahead and the forest that was separating the town in the village. Though she couldn't see the town anymore from here.

" How to become stronger huh? Should I just find some character and try to seduce them. They might protect me for life, that's for sure." Vivian laughed at her silly thoughts.

"Hmmm, I don't even try to make amends to the main heroine of this world. Plus relying on someone else, it's never been my style, that was only the old Vivian of this world."

"The Vivian who was thirsty for love and attention from others is long gone." She let out a deep breath. "Being needy sucks, it drains my energy where I can't express the real me just to please other people. During that time I lost myself in the process without even knowing. Right now, with my past memories intact," she looked at the horizon, a shadow casted in her eyes.

"I'm already satisfied that I have someone I can call family in this world."

A faint smile blossomed to her lips. She turned around and grabbed her gray cloak. "To gain strength fast, the only thing I can do right now, is that. Make a contract with the five elemental beasts in this world."

The five elemental beasts. In the otome game, particular in the friendship route, where the heroine didn't end with anyone. They were the ones who helped the heroine to become powerful and subdued the Midnight Allures of the male leads. However, these elemental beasts didn't need to make a contract with the heroine. As the Moonlight witch, they only served and protected her. Since from the records of the history of the story, these elemental beasts were loyal servants of the first Moonlight Witch.

Though there was no record of how they became the first witch's servant.

Since Vivian knew that by making a contract with them, which only means that the contractor would exchange a part of their soul to these beasts.

When the contractor died, the piece of soul that they used for contract would be absorbed by these beasts. That piece of soul served as a nutrient to these beasts to increase their power. The powerful the soul became under their contract, the more nutrients they would get.

The elemental beast didn't want to take any of the heroine's soul. They wouldn't dare to harm their first master's blood related.

Then the main question here is, could they have other contracts with other people despite serving the heroine?

Vivian shook her head.

Big Yep. Who wouldn't say no to nutrients that made one stronger?

There were only two conditions if one made a contract with an elemental beast: First, never order these elemental beasts to hurt the Moonlight Witch. Second, pass the trials that they would give you. With this, a contract would be formed.

"A part of my soul," she walked out of her house and donned the hood of her cloak. "It isn't really bad. If I can live this second life better than my first, then I guess it doesn't concern me whatever might happen to me the second time I die. This world has many things to look out for, and becoming a frog until I die, is such a waste and shame. And at this time, I will not waste my time to finally embody the version of me that even I don't recognize. I can be whatever I want if I put effort into it and that belief will light up the right path for me."

Vivian looked at the red crystal bag that she was carrying then touched the purple pendant which had a dragon symbol on the bottom of it that she was saying,"I have everything I need now to do in this place, all I just need to do is become wiser on how I use it. In the forest, I'll have my first contract established."


"Dad, is hunting really that fun?" little Vivian said with worry and curiosity that was visible on her facial expression. Her eyes are sparkling as she waits for her father's response. " I heard from mom that hunting is a very dangerous job and you could get hurt. What if you get hurt? I don't want you to get hurt, dad. Love you so much."She hugged him with teary eyes.

Her father chuckled while he touched Vivian's face and removed some tears starting to come out of her eyes. " Come on, my little Vi, I would not get hurt. Your dad is very strong. Look" He showed Vivian his 6 pack abs.

"I know dad is really strong… But…"

The young four year old Vivian's head received a pat from her dad.

"You need to listen carefully and always keep this in your mind my little Vi. I am strong and the guardian of the forest, Eclio, would always protect the hunters."

"Eclio? Who is he?"

"Yes. He is the elemental beast of the forest that guides every hunter who dwells on the forests. He also makes sure that everything would be balanced in the forest so no overhunt would happen that would endanger both the hunters and the forest. He is a beautiful white tiger with golden eyes. Everything's gonna be alright because he always got our back."

" Oh! I never heard anything about him before. Have you seen Eclio in person, dad?"

"Yes." Vivian's dad's eyes dimmed as if he remembered some pleasant memories. "It was around when I was a new hunter, he completely saved my life when I almost got attacked by a huge black bear. Though my vision was blurring at that time, I was definitely sure that I saw him, clear and vivid for a moment. And that was the only reason I could think of why I am still alive up to this time. This…" Vivian's dad extended the pendant he was wearing.

"This is the claw of that bear who almost killed me. The main reason why I always wear this is because it reminds me that whatever danger I might be, Eclio is protecting me just like every hunter out there. Also before we hunt we ask for his permission and promise a certain amount of the beast we would only hunt so that we would not incur his wrath. So that is why my darling, there is no reason to worry, okay?"

Vivian just nodded her head with the purest smile she could wear. "Okay dad"

The next memories shifted to Vivian's mother and sisters crying over the body of their father that was almost unrecognizable due to being attacked by a bear.

"Dad, you said that Eclio would always protect you?" Vivian dropped on her knees as she hugged the pendant of her father. " You lied to me."


If one didn't play the otome game, it would be very hard to find the whereabouts of these elemental guardians if one would just base on the word of mouth or records of this world. That was why she was certain that her dad was indeed telling her the truth during that time. Since no one knew the exact image of that elemental beast at all even in the records of this world.

A white tiger with golden eyes.

"Dad, if I manage to make a contract with the beast that you trusted so much to protect you, I wonder what feeling would it give me?"

"But there is one thing that is certain," her eyes glowed with malice. "I would enjoy having that beast as my first contract animal, that was indeed interesting for me."

There was no doubt in her voice, and her stature was brimming with confidence.

She was certain.

She would be able to make a contract with that beast.