Chapter 1

Everything appeared to be blur, seemed as if I had opened a bleary eye. I could hear distant chatter coming from a familiar room at the end of the hallway. I sensed a baleful aura, tensed and gloomy. The hallway was filled with a pungent smell, shabby furniture with ragged sheets covering them and I started walking towards the room hesitant and reluctant but as if this wasn't me. The door was slightly opened adequate enough for me to get a glance of the situation inside. There were two — Moon elves! They appeared to be arguing about something as I moved closer to the side of the door tiptoeing carefully not to draw any attention.

"We should give up searching, perhaps the crystals weren't really here in the first place" urged the first elf scratching his little hands nervously, He was as white as snow with a blue tint as he spoke his big eyes enhanced and dilated.

The second elf scoffed at him and gave him a scornful look" Hana wants no trouble for herself hence shall continue even after Nona has abandoned me" she continued "Unless you really fancy agony you should get back to searching". She finished quickly turning to a side while the first elf supposedly Nona took out his rod shining the globe of it across the room.

My head suddenly started aching as I backed down. I couldn't comprehend what was going on, my head felt a stabbing pain some weird tingling sensation continued till everything appeared to be pitch black.

"FOUND IT!" Screamed the elf with excitement they were completely flabbergasted" where is it?" inquired the second elf in a rush running towards Nona and his rod. "In the forest of chatara valley, we must get there this instant. Ohh the master will be so elated to hear this from Nona".

I felt a sense of impending doom, there was a sudden urge inside me to stop them. What's the crystal they are talking about and why would someone send moon elves for it, my mind was clouded with different questions and overwhelming rush of emotions but a part of me was calm as if that wasn't me even though I was struggling to regain my composure.

Nona jumped around the room in an eager manner till he froze suddenly for an instant and muttered something strange as if a spell.

I didn't realize that I was standing in front of the room, the door wide open. A shiver ran down my spine as I stood consummately dumbfounded and stunned. Their excitement faded as they got alarmed of my presence. The environment instantly got tensed up, they seemed uneasy but there was something petrifying in their gaze "it's the girl" Nona glared "without lum ....."

I woke up bone-tired, trying to analyze and process what just happened. It was 6 o'clock in the morning I took a long stretch to invigorate myself for the long and hectic day ahead. It was the starting of the new year of Alabaster royal school of Altalune hence I tried clear my mind of any diversions.

I took a deep breath to steady my nerves and I hear a sudden knocking on my door "Miss Bella, Our lady awaits you in the main hall after you have prepared yourself for our departure" informed Anna, one of my most trusted friend and supervisor. She has been working here for the Castillo family since I was born and was like a mother to me.

I quickly packed my stuff with Anna helping me" Don't forget to write home every Saturday " she reminded me though she knew I would forget or perhaps not write at all" I will for sure Anna do take good care of yourself and... ...." I stuttered my eyes filled halfway with tears I turned away quickly searching around for some books. She didn't say anything but gently smiled at me with warmth and sympathy in her eyes. "Become your own friend Bella and never let your friend feel out cornered or uncomfortable" she came closer to me and held my hand" You are unique and that will create obstacles for you but remember that no one is consummate, everyone is missing a piece but it's just how they endure it and embrace it" she finished looking towards me with compassion but there was a sense of pity I could feel through her eyes I didn't say anything but gave her an awkward smile and a nod.

As I entered the hall there was my grandmother lady Diana standing in front of a handcrafted crystal sword, the reigning monarch of Castillo Family, her slender and tall appearance with delicate features made her seem thrice younger than she was, she gracefully stood there elegant and sophisticated than ever but not every day you saw this poised lady distressed. I walked up to her and gave her a slight bow keeping my eyes down as supple as I can be.

She observed me steadily for some minutes" Last year was already damaging enough for the family's reputation with you adding more to it" her dislike for me was apparent from the beginning as she abominated the very idea of her only grandchild being born without the gift of light, Lumus. This extraordinary power has been inherited from generations to generations.

Even though, I had spent nights diligently and assiduously working without slacking off I still never saw her appreciating me or even one tranquil gaze which would have been enough to comfort me I eventually embraced that I would never find solace from her but absurdly my heart still seeks consolation and warmth which now seems completely preposterous to me.

"There is no anticipation of you making substantial changes and it's conspicuous that you without— "she stopped for a moment "are rather hopeless so I want you to behave on your part, that's all" she indicated the guard to take me away as if she loathed me on sight.

"This way" he said giving me a slight bow he stayed behind until we got out of the castle. I was going to stay at the dorms of Alabaster until I surpassed the league of a true Luna. I wasn't sure if I was going to adapt and perform well making friends was out of questions but still I was rather delighted than tensed.

I was as pleased as punch at the thought of getting into Alabaster, the school of the great seven Moons from where every powerful, omnipotent and ruthless wizards and lunas ever got out and earned notability through rigor, conscientiousness and getting through all the perils unscathed serving as a great example by making Altalune a better place for lunarians to reside and continue with dark magic.

I had to buy new gowns, dresses according to the dress code and some supplies before I could be dropped off so we stopped at Horus, one of the famous moon villages named after an Egyptian god whose left eye was the moon or evening star, representing healing near Alabaster valley. The entrance was covered with moonflowers vine and large trumpet-shaped flowers that never die. Fred George was a well known and prominent worker mostly because of his beautiful, refined and aesthetic taste of making gowns and dresses. His exquisite taste brought him a great deal of costumers and getting a reservation was considered a great privilege.

The entire village was filled with colors, music and different shops and boutique. As I entered his boutique some little elves guided the way, everything was classy but relaxed and a magnificent amount of shimmer and potions could be seen across the room labeled with names of different flowers.

The cloaks and gowns were a vision and totally glamorous

"Good morning, my lady it's an honor to meet you finally surely have heard a lot about you" said Fred George as he descended from the roof floating in a graceful manner. He was just as I had seen in the newspapers proud and elegant. "Morning" I replied examining him from head to toe. His gaze contained a sense of familiarity and he gave me a gleeful smile as if he saw a glimpse of someone dear to him in my eyes.

"Now let me see my lady" he said walking around me observing me for some minutes. He seemed really excited and full of energy and then selected a set of cloaks and gowns across the room with three different potions. He with a snap of his fingers changed the structure of the room, a big mirror appeared in front of me "Now the mirror shall decide what would be the best for you my lady and all you have to do is hold your moonstone rod in front of you" as he began explaining he put those potions upon the dresses.

The structure of the room consummately altered and it was more of a salt flat extremely captivating and pleasing for ones senses.

As I started to look around scrutinizing for the perfect dress one of the white gowns caught my attention, its touch both light and soothing it was extremely appealing to look at because of the details of white flowers upon it. As I placed the dress in front of me facing the mirror, the mirror changed its color changes slowly to aurora lights rich, vibrant colors with glitter hues of pink and pale green gave it a magical touch.

Fred looked at me astonished, fighting tears I was quite baffled by what just happened. He pursed his lips slightly finding courage to speak "This is the second time this occurred, these potions with the gowns determine the crystals you are given as they represent your core" grief and sorrow covered his eyes he glanced at me slightly" this mirror determines the right crystals for your core as you tryout these gowns, it's more dependent from which family you belong and only one of the student of alabaster has ever turned the mirror aurora" he gave me a slight bow quickly finishing off the conversation it was apparent he didn't want to continue talking about it and then began packing up the dresses and gowns for me. "Who was the first student?" I questioned out of curiosity.

My mind was swirling with different thoughts and inquiries. He gave me a perplexed look and appeared timid but after sometime he answered "Your mother"