Chapter 2

I got dropped off at the moor near Sea of Serenity known as Mare Serenitatis which was a wide, low lying relatively a smooth plane that looked like a sea from a distance but is solidified lunar rocks.

I stood stiff baffled inside, faking confidence and giving in my all to put myself as graceful and charming out there while waiting for pentbeatrix a carriage from our schools deported off for students of the same royal families.

Its most special and distinctive feature apart from its peculiar designs were its five wheels made out of Ipomoea alba a moon vine. I patiently stared down the moor filled with lilies, red algae, kelp with which sargassum bloomed they had gracefully flowing tentacles with an array of colors.

I was consummately engrossed in admiring the view; a warm spring breeze ruffled my hair. I was all dressed up in a rose quartz gown and an ivory colored cloak.

The moor was calm, beaut and peaceful to look at as if getting exodus from these frantic emotions jumbling up inside me, my emotions despite always being negative has played a significant role in my survival between animosity and apathy from people. Although, they cause me to become miserable leading to overwhelming thoughts and spurting out as another but its importance is rather based on how we acknowledge, process and embrace them instead of getting totally consumed up by them.

I was suddenly jolted up from my thoughts by a carriage coming close at the stop where I was standing with different crystal signs upon it one of them caught my attention. It was the crystal of the Selene royal family; they have a long history of luminaries with the strongest lumus embodied with great celestial wisdom, originally from Alula.

As the carriage stopped the guards opened the doors for a young girl followed by two boys behind her getting off one by one. The girl seemed smart, elegant and carried herself as a queen would with great accomplishments refined and stylish but her delicate features added up to her innocence. She quickly made way and stood near the carriage waiting patiently as the guard unloaded their stuff. The boy behind her was short heighted, with a little bit curled up hair and was stumbling to carry himself looking behind him constantly and picking up his robe, he was making way for the boy behind him with dark black hair, I don't think I have seen someone's hair this dark.

He could be easily depicted as a pompous blowhard and a very hard person to please, his olive colored skin complimented his looks well which seemed the epitome of perfection.

I couldn't take my eyes off him, his symmetrical small face and big doe eyes spell bounded me. I quickly looked away as he faced up, I didn't want to appear as an unlikeable creep I was already not everyone's cup of tea. I could feel him staring at me as the three of them came closer to me, I felt this urge to run away from there, as I look up he was there feet's away from me, his eyes stared deep into me giving me chills deep down my spine to all over my body, he brushed his hand through his hair giving me an eye roll as if he already despised me on our first encounter, his aura was tense, anything but welcoming.

The girl approached me further "Is this your first year of alabaster?" she inquired as she tucked her silky hair behind her ears. I didn't think it would be that obvious that this was my first year my attempts to put myself as poised and experienced had definitely failed.

I nodded back to her question forcing a smile not wide enough to touch my eyes. I could feel her excitement take over her body as she gasped" me too! I'm Maia and this is jerah" she pointed towards the other boy with slightly brown curly hair and now that I notice he actually is more heighted than me, he gives me a slight bow beaming a cheerful smile unlike the other boy" and this is Amaris "Maia finishes pointing towards him though he doesn't bother to response and instead shoots me a sharp look piercing right through me. " Don't worry he isn't that much social he will be fine" Maia assures me with an apologetic look. I already was anxious and this made my boundaries rise high then they already were, I move forward warding off all the thoughts as I see a peatbrix approaching.

I hear him call out Maia from behind his voice taut with anger. I couldn't figure out the reason behind his bitterness I understand that the two families had bad blood between them but that is restricted within the higher ups. My anticipations of getting along didn't seem to stand much chance my first interaction was already met with detest and I absolutely abhorred the fact that I still found him amusing despite him appearing to loathe the thought of even engaging a conversation with me.

As I sit down after scrutinizing the peatbrix thoroughly confirming it's for Castillo's by the calcite crystals signs upon it saving me the embarrassment of sitting in the wrong one an air of despondency settles down. My cousins were already sitting inside exchanging looks of exasperation caused by my presence.

I try to remain tranquil and completely quite during the journey as they continue to prattle and gossip and to my chagrin, they displayed clear disgust even to what I was wearing and to who I'm. They could never acknowledge me from the start and never made me feel welcomed in their company which became the reason I mostly enjoyed solitude, away from people, away from those who felt ashamed at the very sight of me.

"You could have gone for a more up to date flashy look but then again it wouldn't bring any heed to you "snapped Julia guffawing looking at lira and lily for validation who continued to giggle. I wanted this torment to end as anon as possible it made me wonder about how I believed that exodus from home would get me freedom but this freedom wasn't as I imagined. Freedom isn't synonymous with an easy life there is always a dark side to it.

Alabaster glowed bright during the night, the mighty castle caught my attention as I looked up fascinated by its compelling design and structure, looming towers and the ditch around it filled with water gave it a medieval touch. I felt a sense of refreshment after standing in front of Alabaster, it rejuvenated me with a tinge of hope I wanted to explore every corner of Alabaster and admire it.

All the students were lined up in front of the front gate when some Luminis covered up enitirely with silver and shiny cloaks appeared with moon elves. The Luminis greeted everyone a warm welcome directing us the way towards the main hall. Our stuff and packages were collected by the moon elves

"Be careful with it you uncultured imp" Mouthed Julia at one of the moon elf who was struggling to pick up the heavy loads. I was left in a fit of pique by the sight some people despite being brought up in a luxurious and tutored up bringing lack decency.

There were many famous statues of well known lunarians made up of moon cream marble and iridized with opaque that made them more intriguing to contemplate. My gaze was still focused on Amaris who was observing every piece with a curiosity of a child, he had an engaging smile while focusing on a painting, I couldn't comprehend what it was about the different pieces of moons, stars and crystals perplexed me but it seemed forlorn. I quickly shifted my focus as he glanced back at me with a mystifying look.

Anon we reached the Great Hall filled with babble and a hubbub of laughter of students; there were different sections of tables for different royal families. In between sat the Castillo's and on their side were the two other main royal families Selene from Alula and Micas who were from Altalune.

Everyone settles down according to their seats and families, the first year students get the front rows, as I sit down I see a bunch of students standing circling around a boy, he had a charming and an innocent vibe and appeared very popular. He had wavy brown hair and deep emerald eyes, a jaunty and a confident manner. His skills of handling crystals could be the cause of the crowd because everyone was admiring him as he flexed his lumus, carefully molding sculptures, as he finishes his eyes meet mine and he passes a silly grin. Addled I stay blank, my face still I wanted to smile back to him as it would be discourteous of me but I couldn't instead I turn my face away from him. He watches me silently taking a seat in the first row table of Micas probably wondering why I'm not reacting. I don't want to be transparent simply because he smiled at me. It just didn't seem right.

An elegant and sophisticated figure appears with a weird and big hat, small cat eyes and long reddish hair. He moved up to the great stage and everyone greeted him applauding.

I glance to see Amaris in the crowd seated behind more refined and graceful but his expressions change as soon as his eyes are locked with mine and for some odd reason it makes me dejected and blue. I couldn't grasp the situation I was in and his vile behavior.

"It's my pleasant duty to bid you all a genial welcome, my name is professor Mayar of Alabaster" said the alumini standing on the stage" I'm more than elated to see new faces joining this year and bound you all with my high anticipations" paused the professor signaling back stage and three flags of the three royal families roll down hanging from the ceilings.

"The new student's of the three royal families Castillo, Selene and Micas will be assigned their separate dorms and one moon elf for assistance to each student" finished Professor Mayar clapping once and a group of Moon elves emerged out of nowhere between the hall with fairy dust upon them.

They were enthralling to look at while they performed a few tricks and went beside their assigned students. The moon elf assigned to me looked gloomy and dull and it in a lazy manner came beside me" I don't like you from the start" it snapped after glaring at me for a few minutes folding his little silver hands across its chest, I didn't even bother to inquire for his name I was even appalling for a moon elf how Flabbergasting!

The professor motioned forward and asked for every new student to show off their lumus so that their crystals could be designated to them" these crystals become your core and will guide you through finding your true lumus and refining it to finer and higher level" he stated examining through the new students seeming keen and taking pleasure in the bewilderment of the students. His excitement faded slowly as soon as he saw me amongst the students and he grew dismal as if he already was aware of what was going to happen.

As I heard this a shiver ran down my spine making it difficult for me to breathe and hold my consciousness, I started to feel as if I'm breaking down with every breath I took, my brain as if seized up and when my name was called out to come upon the stage I cudgel my brains trying to stand up processing what I was about to face, humiliation.

As I went upon the stage trembling with fear by the horror of the stares each of them felt deeply engraved in me. I couldn't look up because I was too embarrassed to, the rumors will finally gain base and make my life more miserable then it already is. One can flee to the end of the world but can never get freedom from his past it follows the person even after their death the difference is that people sympathize more with a dead person.

At the back of the crowd stood a massive silhouette staring at me calm with a sly smile all over its face and a sense of familiarity struck me as I glowered at it confounded, I could feel my head spinning and words became lost before coming out of my mouth and everything slowly seemed pitch black. I wanted to scream but was out of words. I could hear murmurs of different people.

"ominous!" murmurs roared up" It's true"

The last thing I know is that I'm on the ground" she is WITHOUT —Lumusss" I hear