Chapter Five

Xander stared at the Nigerian girl in front of him. She still had her hands defiantly crossed across her chest like she was ready for a fight. "You don't have a say in this. You're mine, period. Be careful not to break any of my rules, or you'll get punished ", he said darkly and walked out of the class.

Regina let out a deep breath when he left the class. His words sent a shiver down her spine, but she pretended like it didn't have any impact on her. The way he sounded, it didn't seem like he was joking. But how could he just claim her, just like that. Who does that? Was that the way things were done were he came from?

Her friends stared at her. "What? He's the one acting weird", she said. "I don't know, he seemed too.. intense in his love declaration", Emily said with a blank face. Favour frowned. "It wasn't fit to be called a love declaration. He didn't even mention love in his declaration. He just claimed you as his, so unromantic ", she said. She looked annoyed. "Woah, calm down Favour. You're taking it too personal", Regina said. Then Favour sighed, "I have a confession. I actually had a crush on Xander, bit now I feel he's not my type". Emily smiled. "No surprise in that. We know you can't resist cute guys", she replied. "Are you offended, Gina? ", Favour asked. Regina pouted, "Offended, why will I be offended? ". "Because Xander is now your boyfriend", Emily said. "Don't be absurd. Boyfriend, oh puh-lease, spare me the joke", Regina replied. "We know you love him", Favour said with a smile. "You're being ridiculous", Regina said. "Just accept it, we're not going to judge you. I mean , it's about time you like a boy. I was getting worried that you will end up being a nun or something", Favour said. "I don't like him, period!", Regina yelled. "Okay, okay, fine. No need to be upset", Emily muttered. Regina sighed. "Sorry girls, I'm just stressed out right now". Emily stroked her cheek, "It's okay. Xander is kinda creepy, or may be he's joking. It doesn't matter. There's nothing you can't handle". Regina smiled and returned to her normal cheerful self.

When it was break over, Xander came back to the class. He gave Regina a sly smile , but she rolled her eyes at him and ignored him for the rest of the day.

After school, Xander decided to go for a run. He was restless and excited to know about his mate. He knew he could just dig up about her life, but he wanted her to tell him herself. His mansion was close to a forest, so he went to the forest at night. He took off his clothes as the breeze blew past him. He ran quickly with force. Then he jumped,changing into his huge, white wolf in mid air, landing on four legs and running through the forest. The scent of damp earth was relaxing, and the dry leaves on the ground make a cruchy sound as he ran. But what was on his mind wad Regina. He had gone too far in claiming her , it took all the self control he could gather for him to control his wolf when Regina did not accept to be his. He tried to reason with his wolf, she was a human who did not know the ways of shapeshifters. But his wolf did not want to reason, all he wanted to do was to mate with Regina and claim her so the whole world could know that she belonged to him. Werewolves were overpossesive creatures, they just can't help it.

Meanwhile, at that time, Regina finished saying her night prayers and climbed her bed. She reflected on all that happened that day and her mind finally settled on Xander. She scared of the feelings she had towards him , was scared of the fluttering in her belly which were probably imaginary butterflies. She felt guilty, after all she was a devoted Christian. But she decided not to lie to herself, she had a crush on Xander. She firmly told herself that it was just a crush, a normal liking of the opposite sex that all teenagers had, and nothing more. No, not love. She sighed. She hoped it wasn't love, or she was doomed.

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