Chapter six

The following morning, Regina and Xander walked on the corridor of their class holding hands. How it started was that Xander walked up to Regina and held her hand firmly. Reluctantly, she followed him outside the classroom, and they started chatting. She knew it meant something in their school to hold hands, and was not too happy about it. She knew it would cause rumors to spread, students in their school like exaggerating. As they were walking hand in hand, Regina saw Silvia coming towards them. Silvia cat-walked, shaking her butt seductively. She tied the end of her uniform shit across her belly and her skirt was slimed she could hardly walk properly. She had applied makeup to her face and wore colourful bracelets. Regina felt she looked ridiculous, and couldn't stop herself from laughing. She laughed so hard tears fell from her eyes. Xander joined her in laughing. The makeup Silvia applied was heavy. She was starting to sweat, so the makeup was ruined and smeared on her face. Xander knew she was trying to get him to notice her, but she was doing a terrible job at it. He too thought it was funny. It wouldn't be long before a teacher notice her and punish her, as the school did not accept such makeup form students. "What? What's so funny?!", Silvia snapped in frustration. She was angry with Regina for laughing at her. She was also jealous of her. She wondered what charm she had placed on the Korean guy that made him so attached to her. Regina did not answer her but kept laughing. Silvia hissed and walked away, still cat-walking. Regina turned to Xander, "Look what you have turned our school girls into". Xander smiled, a charming smile that made her heart flutter. "What can I do? it's not my fault they find me attractive", he said. She looked in wonder, "So I'm the only girl that is immune to your looks?". He touched his chest dramatically, "Ouch". She grinned. His lips then curled into a sly smile. "I know you're not immune to me. You just want to believe you are", he whispered in her ear. She shook her head, trying to clear the fog that was beginning to form in her head. He laughed at this, and placed his arm on her shoulder. Regina swatted his arm away. This made him smile. As they stood together, Regina could see students watching and whispering about them. She knew what the latest news would be, and she wasn't happy about that. But she wasn't the type who cared about what people said, as long as it didn't reach her parents' ears....

During morning assembly, Favour and Emily walked to the line where Regina was standing , with a smug smile on their faces. "Oh, what's up, Gina? How's you and your boyfriend doing? When is the wedding coming up?", Favour said casually. Regina widened her eyes in horror. "Are you crazy? What are you saying?", she asked. "Ohhh, don't pretend. Everybody knows that you and Xander are now an official couple. Just yesterday you were denying having any feeling for him, and today you were found holding hands and laughing with him. Gina, you are confusing. Anyway, I won't stop you before people start saying it is because of me that Regina doesn't have a boyfriend", Emily said. "That's not true! I don't like the way people draw conclusions in this school at all. They just saw us walking together, it doesn't mean we are a couple. You know I can't have a boyfriend at this age, my parents will kill me if they find out", Regina said sadly. Emily patted her shoulder sympathetically. "Don't worry, we'll figure this out. We'll find a way for you to be with your Xander without your parents knowing", she said. Regina shot her a glare, but she chuckled. "Ladies, I have news for you", Favour said. Regina sighed, "Which guy caught your attention today?". Favour went on, "The newest, lucky guy to be on my crush list this week is Jaden Smith". Emily and Regina exchanged glances. "What?Jaden Smith is soooooo cute! I've watched many of his movies and my favourite one is The karate kid. I hope one day I meet him...", Favour muttered. Emily and Regina burst out laughing. Favour glared at them, "What's so funny? I have decided to aim for the stars. Besides, now Regina has a foreign boyfriend. Maybe one day I will be united with my one true love...". "I thought your one true love was Jacob in twilight?", Emily asked. "That was before. Besides, he is older than me. But Jaden is perfect for me!!", Favour replied dramatically. One of their classmates on the line (Joyce) who was listening to their conversation spoke up, "Miss dreamer, keep dreaming. It's never going to happen. Jaden Smith doesn't even know you exist". This made Emily laugh out loud. Their conversation was happening during assembly when announcements were made. A prefect came to their line, "Kai! Stop making noise here". They glared at him but kept quiet. Soon, the morning assembly ended and they marched to their classes.