Chapter Seven

Classes went on smoothly. Through out, Regina kept thinking of her condition. She hadn't figured out her feelings for Xander yet, but she needed to do something about the rumors about her and Xander. News travelled fast in the school, she did not want the principal to hear of the rumours (he may report to her father). Besides, her reputation was as stake. Everybody knew Regina to be an innocent, devoted Christian who was intelligent and gentle. She could be described as beauty with brains, and teachers praises her for her character. In the Nigerian society, it was wrong for a girl below 18 years to have a boyfriend. Such a girl was seen as wayward, and the church frowned on such a behaviour. Well, adults frowned upon such behaviour, teenagers didn't see anything wrong with it. But the fact was that Regina did not want her parents to find out about the rumors. Her parents were strict and her father even forbid her form having male friends. Yeah, her parents took protectiveness to a whole new level. She rarely came out of the house and she didn't have a curfew because she didn't go out unless she was sent to buy groceries. She thought about that thoroughly, and decided the best thing to do was to stop her friendship with Xander. She didn't like the idea but that was the only thing she could think of.

As Regina was thinking of stopping her friendship with Xander, Xander was thinking of how to tell Regina of their mating. He knew she was going to panic when he tells her about him being a werewolf, but who wouldn't? Her panicking will be understandable. But what if she decides she doesn't want to mate with him? He shook his head. She didn't have a choice. His wolf had identified her as their mate, and she didn't have a choice. Besides, he saw the way she was affected by him. He was sure he wasn't the only one having strange feelings...

When the bell rang for the close of school, students left the class. Regina sat down arranging her books in her bag. Her mother had told her earlier that she would come a bit late to pick her form school, so she wasn't in a hurry. Xander walked up to her desk and sat beside her. She glanced at him before continuing what she was doing. "What is your residence?", she was surprised by his question. "What do you need my residence for?", she asked. "Can you just answer the question?", he asked. She sighted. At this point she knew Xander was persistent and didn't take no for an answer. "I don't know why you need it. It's far from here so you won't be able to come, and my parents don't allow me have male visitors. But I'll tell you anyway", she muttered. "I live at No 16 sinders street, behind Levi Hotels". He nodded. Soon, she was done arranging her books in her bag. She closed her bag and left the class.