
Agents of Chaos


*Unknown Location*

A group of Beings clad in darkness could be seen sitting around a table, emanating chaotic auras.

"The Gods have birthed a new champion; it seems they are trying their best to stop us but they know it's futile, their power stops from interfering." - ???

"Indeed, although I can feel him/her, I can't pinpoint his/her location, they seem keen to hide him from prying eyes I wonder which universe they sent him to fight our agents"-???

"Don't bother yourselves with the little champion ANOS, our forces are already closing in on the newly emerged universe, we must conquer it quickly before those goody two shoes send a champion to stop our conquest".- ???

While enemies schemed in one location in another location where familiar presences could be seen also preparing for the upcoming chaotic era.

"The little guy you sent to the Marvel universe last time seems to be gathering a lot of attention"-???

"Hahaha, indeed Daara it seems those chaotic entities have noticed the emergence of the little champion, nonetheless they can't see him yet and he is still too weak for them to feel threatened".

Daara: I don't like the fact we hid this from him, he might hate us in the future".

"No, this was the best choice; let him grow at his own pace, worries will just pressure him too much and stunt his growth, when he is strong enough we shall summon him and inform him of his mission."-???

"It seems the agents of chaos are approaching The Anchored Space, it's still a new universe and they are no strong guardians to protect it, Daara can you send your champions to intercept the longer we wait the quicker they will conquer the universe, and create an anchor for their descent, sigh!" -???

Daara: She doesn't seem to be on a mission, I shall summon her."

Somewhere in a certain universe a tall and athletically built, white-skinned woman with light green eyes, an oval face, and small lips. She has greasy red hair and wore armor that hugged her athletic body allowing the onlookers to see her strong yet beautiful figure, disappearing from her previous location and appearing in a beautifully decorated room with a large couch and a table in front of her view.

Taking some moment to realize where she was, the girl went to the couch and sat down patiently waiting for the one who summoned her, moments later after her arrival a new entity appeared in the same room and called out lovingly to the girl.

"Selene my child." The girl who went by the name Selene stood up from the couch and bowed to the new entity, politely returned the greeting.

"Daara-sama".Making eye contact with the Goddess, Selene waited patiently for her to give her any new orders.

"A new universe has emerged and it seems the chaotic entities are dead set on conquering it and have sent an army which is due to arrive in a month or two. My reason for summoning you is to ask you to assist the guardian of the universe to protect it, I hope your team has had enough rest, as usual, I wish for your success, Good luck."- Daara

Receiving her new mission Selene bowed and thanked the Goddess disappearing from the room and appearing back to the first location she was once before she got summoned by her Goddess.

Releasing a sigh, she took out a device; pressing a button she heard a voice from the other side receiving her signal. "Prepare yourselves we have a new mission, we will set out after 4 days, I expect to see you all at dinner, we have much to discuss"- Selene

" Heee, a new mission, it's been a while since I've had you speak this seriously, am getting excited, can't you give me some spoilers Selene what's this mission about". A cheery voice answered from the other end of the signal.

Without even bothering to answer the question, Selene canceled the connection and returned the device to her storage with a slightly annoyed look on her face, standing up to prepare herself for the upcoming mission she exited with a slight smile replacing her annoyed look.

*Back in Marvel*

After disappearing from his previous location with a bust of speed Dante appeared in front of the army of ogres led by the ogre champion who noticed the appearance of Dante just s he had arrived.

Looking at the number of enemies in front of him, Dante's eyes reflected excitement he didn't know when but he became a battle junkie, his body was vibrating and his grip on his sword hardened trying to restrain himself from rushing without checking his enemies, looking at the red ogre who stood out from the rest of his green counterparts he used [observe] on him.


A variant of the ogre species that has past the limits set for his specie.

Its presence increases the strength, speed, and vitality of normal ogre warriors by 35%.

STR: 205, DEX: 125, VIT: 210, INT: 55]

His [Observe] has leveled up a lot since five months ago enabling him to see more information, checking the other ogres he could see most of them are between levels 75-90, showing a significant difference between them and their champion.

As he was observing the ogres the ogres were also observing him albeit with confused expressions since they expected an army to face them but here they were confronted by one guy.