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Noticing their gazes on him, Dante grinned at their confusion while unequipping his sword, in bursts of speed Dante closed the gap between them, and as if not to be outdone the ogre rushed at him with the same fervor albeit with slower speed. With the distance closed, Dante jumped high in the air covering his arms with a blazing flame, a result of one of his new spells [STARFIRE]. Smashing straight into the middle of the army Dante moved in blinding speed dealing killing blows to the massive army.

Seen his army being dealt with easily, the Ogre champion dashed towards Dante with mad eyes intent on chopping him into pieces, sensing the incoming champion Dante used [BLINK] and appeared in front of the rushing Ogre using his momentum, Dante smashed him with his fist prompting him to rise straight in the air but Dante had no intention of letting him go, holding the Ogre's head he smashed it in his knee, jerking the head back with a spin he kicked the ogre's side with a strong force throwing him straight to his subordinates knocking him unconscious.

As he pulled out his sword Dante aimed at the location where most of the army was centered, spinning his sword in a drill-like way. Dante infused some of his flames and threw the sword with a powerful force that broke the sound barrier smashing straight through multiple enemies who couldn't avoid the incoming attack, happy with his achievement Dante summoned his sword back and with an unstoppable momentum moved from one location to another chopping Ogres in blinding speed thinning the massive army to nearly half of its previous amount.

Whilst maneuvering left and right in his killing spree, Dante sensed the awakened Ogre champion rushing at him with his axe in a swinging motion, predicting the trajectory of the swing Dante used his right hand to parry the ogre's hand slightly shifting the axe's trajectory away from him. Noticing he had missed his strike, the ogre tried to lift his axe and swing another strike but was stopped by Dante as he stepped on the axe resisting the ogre's pull, using his free hand Dante punched the Ogre's face pushing him a couple of steps away from his axe.

Ignoring his axe, the ogre rushed at Dante in a grappling-like motion intent to crush him in his massive arms but Dante sidestepped and tapped the ogre in his back just to frustrate the poor ogre champion, seeing Dante not taking him seriously the Ogre become frustrated and continued charging mindlessly leaving holes in his form that Dante used as a ticket to toy with the Ogre while also focusing his attention on the other Ogre warriors that popped up now and then to catch him off guard.

Deciding he has played enough Dante pointed his sword at the Ogres and used one of his sword skills [RETRIBUTION] that manifested as a wave of flame burning everything in front of him that was marked as his enemy, the flame burned through the army of the remaining Ogres that had tried to outrun the wave but it just delayed the inevitable.

A couple of minutes the flame extinguished leaving the once crowded land to only one existence standing, Dante heard the system notifications signaling his level up, checking his gains, Dante saw that he had leveled up 5 times today


NAME: Dante


LEVEL: 175 > 180

Hp: 6400/6400 (20Mp/s)

Mp: 750/5000 (12Mp/s)


STR: 305

DEX: 450

VIT: 320

WIS: 275

INT: 250

LUK: 200




Starfire (56/100)[ACTIVE]

A powerful flame that can burn through many of the existing materials present in the multiverse. The flame can be thrown at enemies in form of massive orbs or can be coated around arms or weapons to aid in battle.

Cost: 5 Mp/s

Burst (20/100)[ACTIVE]:

Concentrate energy at one point before releasing t in a form of a wave 20 m around the user.

Cost: 1 Mp/s. The longer the energy provided the stronger the burst's strength.

Blink (70/100)[ACTIVE]:

A skill that enables the User to move to a location or unit instantaneously without traversing the space.

Cost: 20Mp


Ice Manipulation (Advanced – 35%)

Increases the ability to control ice elements in the surrounding. It also increases the power of all ice-related skills the User has.

Fire Manipulation (Advanced – 40%)

Increases the ability to control fire elements in the surrounding. It also increases the power of all fire-related skills the User has.

Wind Manipulation (Advanced – 35%)

Increases the ability to control wind elements in the surrounding. It also increases the power of all wind-related skills the User has.

Sky fall (Expert – 12%)

A unique sword style that includes a series of swift movements that is focused on overpowering opponents through precise and well-timed strikes that throw them off balance creating no opportunity for a counterattack.

(A/N: The knowledge section is something I had added since some things just don't sit well as skills to me)

Impressed with his progress Dante left the dungeon and headed back to his cabin which he had built months ago in the forest so as to avoid some unnecessary troubles that he might have caused in the city, he still goes into the city now and then when looking for dungeons or shopping for some necessities.

Having taken a long relaxing bath and eaten dinner, Dante's thoughts wandered to today's battle, although the enemies were a lot he was still able to deal with them and come out on top with minimal injuries, he felt excited about how strong he became since his first battle, with a smile on his face Dante slowly drifted to the world of dreams