Best friends

After their breakfast, Kiara and Qwen packed all the plates on the table and carried them to the kitchen. They left Lucious and Sora in the Sitting room.

While they were in kitchen, they had a conversation.

"How was your trip Qwen". Kiara asked.

"It was fun and boring at as time" Qwen said.

"How was it boring, when you went to one of the fun place in the world Qwen". Kiara told her.

"Yeah, I know but it was boring without you and Rex" she replied.

"Awww that's nice". She told her.

"Yeah Kiara, I was stocked with my mom every time. I couldn't even talk to Rex because they was no network at the hotel we stayed. She replied

"Rex didn't call me either. At first I thought my number was unreachable. But since you and your dad were able to call me, then he would also be able to call me too".

"But unfortunately for me, he didn't call". she said sadly.

"But have called him since you returned"? Yeah, I tried calling him, but he did not answer the call". She said.

"Wow that's bad. I have not even seen him since you left neither have I heard from him" Kiara responded while she kept doing the dishes.

"Do you think he is angry with me Qwen asked.

Kiara was already tired of the Rex discussion, she had an "I don't care look" on her face. Because, she really didn't care about Qwen and Rex's relationship.

She wasn't in support of their relationship from the beginning. Sometimes when she recently quarrels with her boyfriend and eventually breaks up with him and have no one by her side. She often gets jealous of Qwen and Rex's relationship when she sees them together

Sometimes, she cries and asks God why she didn't have the relationship that Qwen and Rex has.

She doesn't like admitting to herself that she is jealous but her heart says otherwise.

Qwen sometimes notice the jealous look on Kiara's face but she doesn't want it to bother her because the love and bond she has for her best friend surpasses every other feeling.

Qwen loved Kiara a lot because Kiara was her only true friend. Unlike her, Kiara has a lot of friends including guys.Qwen was not like Kiara. Kiara was just Qwen only best friend and true friend.

"No I don't think so, maybe he is busy and cannot reach you", she replied. Enough with Rex now. We are finally done with the dishes". Kiara proudly said.

"Okay whatever you say". "I think we should go to the sitting room those two best friends" Qwen suggested.

"Yeah , so we can join their discussion", Kiara winked.

They arrived at the sitting room.

"Dad we are done with the dishes, so what is next on your list?" Kiara happily asked.

"Okay thanks for doing the dishes". "According to my list, after breakfast we should go to the park and spend time with together". Lucious added.

"Awww" they shouted .

"That nice Lucious" Sora happily said.

"So which park are we going to Mr Lucious" Qwen excitedly asked.

"Madison square park". Lucious answered.

"Really dad? Madison square park is one of the best park here and it is difficult to have a ticket to get in" Kiara said.

"Yeah I know, I got us four VIP tickets for us" Lucious happily told them.

"Aww that's nice" Sora said with a smile on her face.

"Wow dad, you really went extra miles for this event". Kiara said while she raised her brows.

"No Kiara, he didn't go extra miles for us". Qwen teased.

"Oh yeah, Kiara said while she raised her brows continuously. "He went extra miles to impress his best friend", Kiara teased.

"You girls are not serious rather than teasing us I think it would be better you get ready to go to the park " Sora suggested.

"Yeah, I think both of you should listen to Sora. Because she is actually saying the truth. We have to go to the park because the tickets won't use themselves". Lucious told them.

"Of course you will always support your best friend" Kiara teased them. They both giggled and went upstairs.

Meanwhile, Sora and Lucious stared at each other while the girls went upstairs and couldn't help but laugh at them.

"Sora", Lucious called.

"Hmmm", she replied.

"Why do you think the girls like teasing us a lot? Is not like we are doing anything wrong. We are just best friends like they are" He told her.

"Don't you know the way teens act, they always have an impression that a guy and a girl cannot just be friends. They must be either friends with benefits or they are even dating. But they decides to tell everyone that they are friends to cover it up" . Sora said.

"But we aren't". Lucious asked.

"Try telling that to them" Sora replied.

Meanwhile Kiara and Qwen got ready for the park. Kiara added a little makeup to her face and combed her hair again. She changed the style of her hair and tied it into pony tail and allow some strands to fall to her face.

While Qwen borrowed some of Kiara's makeup and added a little to her face. Kiara helped her combed her hair and she allowed it to fall down.

The hair style marched her dress. Qwen wore a blue body fitted short gown. The gown fitted her perfectly and marched her blue eyes.

After they were done with their dressing and makeup, they went downstairs.

"Dad, we are done preparing for the park". They said while they descended the stairs.

"Okay girls, you look beautiful and breathtaking" he commented while giving them thumbs up.

"Thanks a lot" They both replied while their cheeks turned red.

"Okay everyone, it is time for us to go now"

"Yah"!!! they rejoiced

They rushed into the car in the garage. Kiara and Qwen entered the hair seat and sat down. Sora entered the front seat while Lucious sat on the driver's seat.

They left the garage and headed straight to their destination .

While they were in the car they got into a conversation.

The run trip was fun. Madison Square park was about 10km away from their house. They discussed about fun things and snacks.