
"We have arrived" Lucious told them.

"Yipee", They happily replied while raising their hands up and down repeatedly.

He parked the car in the parking lot and they all exit the car.

"Before we go, we should take the VIP tickets so we will be giving all the special attention we deserve". He told them while he handed over to them.

"Okay". They replied.

They had fun at the park.They visited a lot of interesting places and rides. They were treated specially because of their tickets.

Lucious and Sora spent time together while Kiara and Qwen did the same.

There was a carnival happening in the building next to the park. The carnival was big, many people in the park left for the carnival.

Kiara and Qwen decided to attend the carnival, they took permission from Lucious and Sora and left for the carnival.

Sora permitted them and told them to be back before 3:00pm.

"Okay we will, thanks". They happily replied and left for the carnival.

The carnival was big and exciting. There were so many games, exhibition and rides including the "merry go ride".

They played many games and won a lot of awesome prices including toys. They took pictures and selfies and uploaded them on their pages.

"Wow Kiara, I wish we can come here everyday and the carnival will never have to end". Qwen said.

"What a nice wish, but it will never come true" Kiara replied.

"It may come true, Kiara". Qwen said.

"Na, I don't think so, but I think that we should enjoy today as if it was our last" Kiara suggested.

"Yeah". Qwen happily replied.

While they were on their way to the "merry go ride". They heard someone calling them from behind.

"Kiara, Qwen please wait up" , the voice echoed.

They turned around to see who it was, to their earnest surprise. It was the guy that Qwen was angry at, Rex.

As soon as Qwen saw him, She walked away and she pretended as if she didn't see him because she was really upset and angry with him.

"Qwen please wait" Rex said while trying to catch up with him.

Kiara just stood there and stared at them like a statue.

Rex increased his speed in order to catch up with her. He finally caught her.

"Qwen please wait", Rex said while he dragged her towards himself.

"Let go of me, you bitch". Qwen retorted.

"Please I know you are really angry with me but please just listen to me". Rex told her.

"Why should I? when you abandon me for over three weeks". Qwen told him angrily.

"No I didn't and I can never do that to the woman I love", Rex said while he held her hands.

"Wow, so you love me Rex, Is this what you call love"? Qwen asked him angrily.

"Yes, I do and I love you a lot Qwen. In fact there is no I love except you". Rex said with a pleading look in his eyes.

Qwen sighed.

"Qwen please just allow him to explain whatever he wants to explain cause it's getting dark and we have to go back to the park and meet my dad and your mom" . Kiara told Qwen.

"Okay Rex, say whatever you want to say fast". Qwen told him.

"Thanks a lot Kiara". Rex told her.

"Don't thank me, say whatever you want to say so we can leave this place". Kiara said.

"Okay Kiara". Qwen I know that you are angry with me and what I did was wrong but I had no choice".

"Firstly, I didn't receive the message you sent me telling me you were going to Hawaii. I tried calling your number but it was not reachable".

"Two days after your departure, I received a call that my mom was ill".

Before he could continue, he was interrupted by Qwen.

"Pfft, so pathetic. You are even using your mom's name to cover up for your mistake. She told him with a disgust look.

"Qwen please allow him continue, even if you feel he is lying". Kiara told her.

"I am not lying, why would I lie to you?" He asked her.

"So because your mom is supposedly sick, you couldn't call me?" She asked

"No, you know my mom leaves in Ukraine. I couldn't call you because there was no network". He replied.

"Before I traveled to Ukraine, I went to your house so I could explain everything to you but when I got there, Your neighbors told me that you traveled to Hawaii with your mom. Then I tried calling you but your line was not reachable". He explained.

Qwen actually felt sorry for him because she knew he was telling the truth but she wanted him to suffer a bit.

"Wow, your story is sad". She said mockingly .

Kiara gave her a hard glare telling her to let him finish.

"Qwen please believe me". Rex pleaded. "At first I was angry with you because I felt that you traveled without telling me". But when I told my best friend, Jasper about it . He told me that you messaged me about your travel but I didn't reply" Rex stated.

"Please Qwen, I swear that I didn't receive your message". He pleaded. I even tried calling you while I was in Ukraine but there was no network and I know that you did the same". Rex told her.

"Okay Rex, when did you return". Qwen asked.

"Yesterday". He replied.

"So what are you doing here". She asked him.

"I came here because of you, Qwen". He replied.

"Me!!! How"?? She asked with a surprise look.

"I checked your location on google maps and I found out that you were here. So I came as fast as I could to see you". He answered.

"Awww, you sound romantic but you aren't" . She told him.

"Please I am sorry". He said looking sorrowful and sad.

"Sorry for the interruption, Love birds but I think it is time for us to go home Qwen". Kiara butted in.

"Yeah". Qwen replied.

"Uhmmm, Qwen, can we see tomorrow"? He asked with a pleading look in his eyes.

"Okay, whatever, I will call you later". She replied.

"So it means that you have forgiven me and we are cool now". He smiled.

"Nah, i didn't say so, but I will think about it". Qwen replied.