Having fun to getting punished

"Thanks baby". Rex said.

"Don't thank me yet". She told him.

As they were about to leave, they heard their names

"Kiara, Qwen" the voice echoed.

They turned around to see who it was to their earnest surprise, It was Lucious and Sora. They quickly turned forward because they were so scared.

"Oh my Gosh!!! Qwen they are already here". Kiara panicked

"We are so dead Kiara". Qwen panicked.

"It all your fault". she said pointing to Qwen.

"No, It wasn't my fault, It all Rex's fault". She replied

"Me!!! What did I do". Rex curiously asked.

"If you didn't engage us in your so called explanation, we would have left this place by now" Qwen argued.

"So now you two want to quarrel. Don't you guys think it is better we find a way to solve this problem rather than arguing". Kiara angrily told them.

"Okay ma'am" They replied.

"Young ladies, what are you doing here". Sora asked.

"Oh my gosh!!! they are behind us". They panicked.

"Hmm...hmm....Dad.....what..... are you doing here". Kiara said as she faked the smile on her face.

"Answer the question Kiara, what are doing here". Lucious angrily asked.

Hm....hm....hmm....." They stammered.

"Now you guys are stammering". Lucious said.

"Dad we are sorry". They pleaded.

"Sorry, you are sorry. We have been looking for both of you.She checked the park and everywhere but all to no avail. We were even going to file a report that both of you went missing".

"Didn't we all decide that we were gonna leave here by 3:00pm.but you girls have made us stay till 5:00pm looking for you.

"We...we are sorry". They sorrowfully said while facing downwards"

"We even tried calling your phone but you didn't answer, why"? Sora asked angrily

"Isn't it obvious, they were talking to this guy over here".Lucious said while pointing at Rex angrily.

Rex heart skipped, he felt like his heart jumped into his mouth as Lucious pointed at him. He was so nervous, he just kept quiet while they were talking.

"Oh!! yeah, I get what is going on here" Sora said.

"Really mom"? Qwen asked. Thank goodness you understand".Qwen said as if she saw a glimpse of light in the darkness She sighed.

"Yeah I do, you and Rex have turned a family fun day to your personal date". Sora angrily said.

"The light they saw suddenly disappeared, their happiness turned to sadness". They actually thought that the problem was solved but it just began.

"No mom, that is not it. I can express everything to you".

"No I am so interested and I don't want to hear anything from you both. Just get to the car so we can leave".Sora said while pointing to the direction of the car. "And as for you Rex..." She said angrily.

Rex felt very nervous and chill ran through his spine . Because he has never seen Sora this angry before.

"Rex did nothing wrong Sora. He just wanted to spend time with his girlfriend like a good boyfriend would do. Also it has been a while since he saw her". Lucious stated.

Rex was relieved that Lucious was favoring him and defending him also. He saw a glimpse of light in the darkness and he prayed the light will over shine the darkness.

"Really, Lucious, so you are supporting him". Sora asked.

"No am not, I am just saying the truth". Lucious confessed. Kiara and Qwen looked so pathetic.

"Okay Lucious, you are actually right. Rex isn't the one to get punished, It should be Qwen and Kiara". She said as she pointed at them.

"Thank you ma'am, but it wasn't their fault it was actually mine. I made them stay long because I wanted to explain something to Qwen.

But I didn't know that you were waiting for them or they were supposed to meet you at a particular time.Sorry ma'am please forgive me". Rex pleaded with a guilty look on his face.

"Yes mum, it was actually his fault we stayed here long. We about leaving when he came and demanded to talk to me". Qwen said with no expression on her face.

"Enough!!! I don't want to hear anything from any of you" Sora snapped angrily like a roaring lion that wants to devour.

"I think it is better we go home and forget about everything that happened, it getting late". Lucious suggested.

"Okay dad, I like dad suggestion". Kiara confessed.

"Don't think you both are not getting punished, we are going to continue at home". Sora said.

Their laughter turned to sadness.

"But mom, it is not fair, we are going to get punished but Rex isn't". She groaned.

"Why should I get punished for your mistake"? Rex asked.

"I said enough!!!" Sora shouted.

"Okay ma'am" they replied.

Goodbye Rex, they waved and entered the car. They went home