The nightmare is back again

They decided to sleep together on the same bed.

"Ah"!!! Kiara yelled.

She noticed that she felt severe pains in are body especially her hands and legs, it was like they were tied.

She was sitting on a chair and her hands were tied behind her the chair. Her legs were also tied hard.

She noticed liquid dripping from her hands to the chair, it was her blood. Her hands were tied hard with something stronger than ropes and chain and she couldn't tell what it was.

"Help me!!! please someone help me"!!! She cried out because she felt like she was dying. She didn't want to die now.

"Please get me out of here. I did nothing wrong and I am just a commoner with no mother just only a father". She yelled

Suddenly she felt chilled and cold . It was like a death was coming or a powerful person. The cold was intense and it filled the entire room, she felt like she was freezing. Kiara was so scared.

"Shut up you bitch". A voice said. Suddenly she saw a man who came out of nowhere in front of her. He was looking like some kind of creature she often saw in movies.

He has a dark intense and powerful aura. She knew the man wasn't normal.

He wore black clothing, his hair was red and black like the devil. His eyes were all red and fire was in his eyes. His fingers were like claws.

It was long and blood was dripping from them. His teeth was like the vampire's teeth she often sees at the movies, it was long and sharp and was also dripping blood. It was like he just killed someone and she was next.

She was so scared and very much afraid. "Please who are you and what do you want from me, Why are you keeping hostage. Please? Kiara fearfully asked.

"I said shut your mouth you brat if you don't want to be my breakfast. The man scolded.

"Please I am sorry just let me go and i will pay you back by bringing you a delicious breakfast". She said with a pleading look.

"Young lady you are here because I want you here and you won't leave until I am done with you that is if you come out alive". He has no emotions in his eyes as he said those words to her.

"Tell your mother and your grandmother that the clock is ticking and their destruction is near. Their reign will soon be over and I promise to destroy them and their people including you". He angrily said.

"Tell them we are back and this time we shall have no pity on them. We are back to dominate and destroy. We are going to reign till eternity because we are going to be the only ones left". The strange man said before he disappeared into thin air.

Immediately he said those words, Kiara felt like she was choked. She was very scared and was sweating profusely. She felt chills running through her spine.

Suddenly, there was fire in the room where the man stood. The fire was spreading and facing her direction. It was coming to her. She thought she was dead.

"Ah!!!!!" she shouted at the fear of death, then suddenly she woke up.

She screamed loudly. She was sweating profusely and her pajamas was soaked. Her heartbeat accelerated and she was panting and was finding it difficult to breathe. She felt like she was being choked.

"Kiara, what is going on with you hope you are alright". Qwen who suddenly woke up from her sleep due to Kiara's screaming asked.

"Why are you panting and sweating like this? What happened to you". Qwen asked with a concern look on her face.

"I am fine". Kiara replied.

Qwen noticed that Kiara was having difficulty breathing and she was sweating and panting. She gave her water she found on the cupboard beside the bed, so she would be fine.

Kiara drank the water and after a while she felt better. Her heartbeat was normal and she felt relieved.

"Thank you Qwen". Kiara said.

"Thank goodness Kiara, You look better now. I was so scared when I saw you like that" . Qwen confessed.

"Thank you". Kiara greeted again.

"No problem Kiara, what happened to you. Why were you like that?why were you sweating so much and panting like that"?Qwen asked looking concerned.

"It is nothing, no need to worry about me. Lets go back to sleep". Kiara lied as she laid to sleep.

"What do you mean by nothing. You were literally scared and panting as if you saw a ghost. Did you have a bad dream"? Qwen asked.

"Qwen forget about everything that happened and just sleep, It is very late. In fact I am even fine". Kiara said.

Kiara already made up her mind that she wouldn't tell anyone about her dreams no matter how scary it is. She didn't want anyone to think that she was a freak because of her dreams. It was even strange to her.

But now she is feeling helpless because she doesn't know how to make Qwen forget about it.

"Kiara, I would have been sleeping if your terrifying scream hadn't woken me.So now, I won't sleep or go anywhere until you explain everything to me.

Don't even try lying because it won't work. In fact if you refuse to tell me, I will tell your dad about everything that happened". She threatened Kiara.

"Qwen please, I don't think you want to hear about my dreams.