The dream is finally revealed

"Yes I do and I am very interested". Qwen said with an "am all ears" look.

Qwen, I decided I won't tell anyone about it because it is strange and scary. I don't even understand it, just forget about it". Kiara tried to convince Qwen.

"No, I won't and I want to know whatever you are passing through no matter how scary and strange it is because that is what best friends do. Qwen confessed like a true friend.

"But you have to promise not to tell anybody and you will not abandon me but you will help me figure me out". Kiara said to her.

"I promise Kiara". Qwen answered.

"Okay Qwen, hope you are ready because you are about to her the strangest thing ever". Kiara asked.

Kiara never to tell anybody about the dream but she has no choice but to spill it out.

"Am waiting... Qwen said.

Okay, Ever since I completed 18 years, I have been having some strange nightmare consecutively. I always see myself in a strange dark place and I always noticed that there are always strange creature trying to kill me.

My dreams becomes more scary and complicated. I once saw my self swimming in a pool of blood filled with skulls and bones.Those same creature also chased me and they didn't stop until they caught me but before they will catch me i am already at wake.

"Yesterday, in my dream, I saw myself in a dark place and I was being chased. I ran as fast as I could but it felt like I ran in circles. I saw a glimpse of light and there was a beautiful woman in the light. She told me to come and meet her but I couldn't because I was pulled backwards and was hit almost to death".

An "O" formed in Qwen mouth as she heard those words coming from Kiara's mouth.

"And today's dream was even more scarier.

I was tied on a chair with a strong material. I screamed for help but all to no avail until I saw a scary person. He looked like a monster. His eyes were red and his teeth were long and sharp and it was dripping blood. His nails were no exception.

He looked like a beast that looking for who to devour. He told me to tell my supposed mother and grandma that he was coming to destroy them and reign forever. He was so serious when he was saying it".

"He said him and his people were going to rule the whole world and destroy any other creature in it".

"I am so scared because he said he was also going to destroy me". Kiara narrated sadly.

An "O" formed in Qwen mouth because she has never heard anything like that before in her life.

Kiara noticed the expression on Kiara face and she was sad that her friend was scared of her.

"I knew that it wasn't a good idea to tell you about it. You are scared of me and you think I am a freak". Kiara cried out.

"No I don't, I am just surprised and wondering how you can have these strange dreams". She said while she tried to comfort Kiara.

"Qwen, I don't know what is wrong with me". Kiara said while she cried.

"So why did you decide to keep it to yourself. Keeping it to yourself will not help you solve it".

"I kept it to myself because I was scared that people will think I am weird". She cried out.

"But why didn't you tell your dad about it, he will not be scared of you instead he will help you solve it".

"I didn't want to stress him out neither to make him worry for me". Kiara confessed.

"So you also felt that I will also be scared of you". Qwen asked.

"No I didn't, I didn't want to bother anyone about my problems and didn't want them to be stressed out. I just decided to secretive about it".

"I am sorry if I offend you by not telling you about it". Kiara pleaded.

"I am not angry but disappointed that you didn't trust me but I have forgiven you". Qwen said.

"But we have to think of a way to solve this problem. From what you just told me, I feel that your dream is trying to tell you something". Qwen stated

"Hmm... I don't get what you are saying". Kiara replied with a confused look on her face.

"I am just saying that maybe your dream is trying to reveal something hidden to you. And in order to reveal it you have to try to understand the dream". Qwen said.

"So you are trying to tell me that there is something deeper than the dream".Kiara asked

"Yes Kiara, So we have to figure it out and in order to figure it you have to tell your dad about it because I feel it is something bigger than us". Qwen said.

"No!!! I can't tell anyone about it and I have already made up my mind". Kiara said with a serious expression on her face.

"The reason I decided to tell you was because I had no choice but to tell you. I cannot to tell my dad or anyone about it because I already made up my mind to be secretive about it". Kiara said.

"Okay, but how are you going to figure out your dream"? Kiara asked.

"If that is the only way to reveal the mystery about my dream then I rather not solve him". She said with a serious expression on her face.

"It seems like I am the one trying to help you figure out your dream and you don't want to help yourself". Qwen said.