Mysteries about my dream 1

"Can't we just figure it out ourselves instead of involving my dad into it". Kiara asked.

"It seems impossible because you and I don't even know about your life." Qwen said.

"Meaning"? Kiara asked.

"Just forget about it and let us go back to bed". Qwen said.

"But I don't understand what you just said". Kiara told Qwen.

"Tomorrow we will continue our discussion because I have to sleep now". Qwen stated.

"Why? do you have engagement tomorrow" Kiara asked.

"Rex called me earlier today and he told me to come over to his house tomorrow so we can spend time together". Qwen told her.

"So because you want to go out with Rex, that is why you don't want to help me". Kiara asked.

"No Kiara, I even forgot about Rex invitation. I felt very sleepy and tired that is why I wanted us to sleep". Qwen replied.

"So since it is not because of Rex you are going to bed, I feel it is better we continue our discussion and solve the puzzle in my dream".

Kiara said.

"Why do I feel like you are jealous that I am spending time with Rex than you. For crying out loud Kiara, Rex is my boyfriend and you are my best friend and you guys have different positions in heart". She said with a sad expression on her face.

"I never said such, I just wanted you to help me with my dreams because I am really scared and I want to figure it out as soon as possible to stop them". Kiara replied.

"But I already promise to help you with everything but I will do that when I come back from Rex's house in the morning and I promise not to spend a lot of time there till then just ask your dad about some vital things about yourself". Qwen suggested.

"Vital things like what". Kiara asked with a confused look on her face.

"Things about your mom, grandma and your other relatives even where you mom is from". According to you the strange man in your dream made reference to them in a scary way". Qwen suggested

"But my dad already told me that my mom died during child birth and her family members abandon me after her death because they never him". Kiara said while tears dropped from her face.

Kiara never liked discussing about her mom because it hurts her deeply. She grew up without her mom and her other relatives and even having no information about them except her mom's name which was Lara Yong. It was only her dad and grandpa until her grandpa due to died cancer leaving behind only Kiara and her dad.

Her dad acted as both her mom and her dad and always tried his best to provide all she wanted and needed, he never made her feel like she inferior but superior. He always made sure he fills the position of her mother in her heart but physically and emotionally.

But sometimes Kiara can't help it but miss her mom because she lack the motherly love that others had even if her dad tries his best to provide it. Even Sora was always there for her and also tries her best to fill the position of her mother, But it felt that their effort where in vain because she still misses her mother a lot even if she doesn't know her.

Because when Kiara was younger, there was a strange woman who was always by her side protecting and guiding her. She never saw her except in her dreams but she felt the presence of the woman and also a bond with her. Sometimes she would write about the woman in her book until she got a diary, She would even draw a picture of the woman. She called her guiding angel. When the woman was beside her she would always feel secure.

But after she clocked 13 years the presence of the strange woman disappeared and she stopped seeing the woman in her dreams or near to her. She didn't tell her daddy about it. She only told Sora and Qwen and asked them not to to tell her dad. She misses her a lot and wish she would come back to her.

"But we have to gather some vital information about them because it seems that there are connected to your dreams". Qwen said to Kiara.

"But why do you think that there are connected to my dreams". Kiara asked.

"Because the man in your dream made reference to them in a scary way". Qwen replied.

"Maybe he was lying and he said that to make me scared". Kiara said.

"Why will he want to make you scared by telling you about them". Qwen asked.

"I don't know maybe he felt that way my weakness". Kiara said.

"Yeah, maybe he was actually lying or saying the truth. Don't you want to know more about them, if not for your dreams but yourself.

"I'm really not enthusiastic to know about them because I hate and despise them for abandoning me and I really don't want to know more about them, But I will think about it". Kiara stated.

"Okay Kiara, but you have to be careful when you are asking him so you will not raise any suspicion". Qwen suggested.

"Okay I will". She replied.

"I think we should sleep now because my mom will soon wake us up". Qwen suggested.

"Yeah, you are right". Kiara replied while she tried to arrange the bed.

"Good night". They greeted each other as they laid to sleep.