Mysteries about my dream 2

Ding dong!!! the alarm rang. They felt so tired because it was just 5 hours ago when they slept. Kiara decided to off the alarm.

Ding dong!!! the alarm rang again 5 minutes later.

"Oh my gosh"!!! Qwen shouted. As she was about to off the alarm she heard their name.

"Qwen!!! Kiara"!!! the voice shouted loudly.

"Qwen isn't that your mom's voice". Kiara asked as she woke up.

"Yeah it is, she wants us to wake up and get ready". Qwen answered.

"What!!! I am very tired and sleepy, what

is even the time". Kiara asked.

Qwen managed to get up from the bed and she checked the clock to see what the time was. To her earnest surprise it was 8:00am.

"Omg Kiara, it is already 8:00am.

"Ah"!!! she shouted as she ran to the bathroom.

"Qwen!!! Kiara"!!! Sora shouted again.

"Mom we are coming, we are having our bath and getting dressed" Qwen replied.

"Okay be fast, we need to get back home so I can go to work". Sora said.

"Yeah we will be". Qwen replied.

"Kiara please be fast". Qwen said.

Kiara took her bath as fast as she could.

When Kiara was done, she came out of the bathroom and then Qwen entered.

Kiara applied her cream on her skin. She wore a black short leather skirt with a matching white short singlet revealing a small proportion of her breast. She also wore a big black leather jacket and her jewelries. She let her black thick curly hair fall to her back. She wore a black leather booth. She looked very beautiful and gorgeous.

Qwen came out of the shower and entered the room. She noticed Kiara's look.

"Kiara, you are looking very beautiful". She commented. "But why are you wearing black, did someone die". Qwen asked.

"Thanks for the compliment but no one died, I just decided to wear black today because I like it". Kiara replied.

"Okay, please can I borrow your some of your clothes". Qwen asked pleadingly.

"Okay, you can wear whatever you want". Kiara replied.

Qwen took a white hoodie and a short red skirt. She tied her hair into two equal pony tails. She looked mesmerizing and gorgeous.

She wore a white canvas.

After they got ready, they rushed downstairs getting there they saw breakfast on the table. It was pancake and fried egg with tea. It was Kiara's favorite.

"Omg!!! My favorite". Kiara said as she quickly sat down.

"Good morning girls, you both look lovely today". Lucious greeted.

"Thanks dad". Kiara replied as she stuffed pancakes in her mouth.

"Thanks Mr Lucious". Qwen also greeted as she started eating breakfast

"What happened to both of you, do you guys have any idea of what the time is". Sora scolded them.

They didn't reply, they just stared at Sora with an apologetic look on their faces

"We already late for work Sora, just forget about it". Lucious suggested.

"Okay, but we will continue our discussion after work". Sora replied.

Qwen just stared at Sora while she was talking, While Kiara kept eating her breakfast.

"But first, I will have to go home to get my working kit and uniform".

"Okay, I will drop you at your apartment and wait for you so we can go to work together". Lucious suggested.

"Okay thanks". Sora replied.

After their breakfast, they greeted each other goodbye while Lucious and Sora went to work leaving Qwen and Kiara behind.

"Qwen, when I you going to Rex's house". Kiara asked.

"Later, maybe by 12noon". Qwen replied.

"So since we are less busy, we should find some information about my mom from my dad's room". Kiara suggested.

"Yeah, that is a good idea but first we have to do the dishes". Qwen replied.

They carried the plates to the kitchen and washed it. After they did the dishes, they proceeded to Lucious room.

They were so determined to find something useful. They searched the cupboard, the wardrobe but they saw nothing but they didn't give up.

Kiara decided to check where he usually keeps his hospital file. She checked each file piece by piece but she saw nothing useful in it. So she decided to check the file where Lucious kept her document including her birth certificate.

Qwen kept searching but all to no avail.

So she decided to take a break.

Kiara read through her document if she will find something and then a picture fell to the ground.

She looked at the picture before her and she saw a very beautiful woman. Her face was perfect and she had a dark curly hair like Kiara. She felt like she knew the woman and she was close to her

Qwen noticed that Kiara was staring at the picture with a smile on her face.

"Kiara, have you found any useful information". Qwen asked

Kiara was lost in her thought as she stared at the picture. She didn't even notice that Qwen was talking to her.

"Kiara are you okay". Kiara asked worriedly as she took the picture Kiara held.

Kiara regain herself immediately picture was taken away from her.

"Wow she looks beautiful and gorgeous. She looks a lot like you even more beautiful". Qwen commented.

"Yeah, she does. Do you think she is my mum". Kiara asked Qwen.

"Yes, it is very obvious that is why your dad always kept it closed him and you". Qwen replied.

"I asked my dad when I was younger, if he had any picture of my mom but he said he didn't because he destroyed everything when she died. Kiara said sadly.

"Maybe he doesn't want you to miss your mum so much and he wants you to move on with your life". Qwen stated.