Who is my mother

"But that is not enough reason for him to hide everything about her from me. Whether he likes it or not she is still my mother and I am her daughter". Kiara confessed.

"Yeah that is true, but maybe he felt that was the right thing to do at that moment. You can't deny the fact that he was very sad and helpless when his wife died". Qwen replied.

"Yeah that is true but she looks so beautiful, I wish she was with me right and I have the opportunity to call her mommy like you do. I wish I can give her all the embraces and kisses". Kiara said as tears rolled down from her eyes.

Kiara felt very emotional and sad because anytime she the thinks about her mother, she will always remember that she lacked her mother's love and affection. The things she was supposed to enjoy and do with her mother she couldn't enjoy and do them because her mother was taken away from her early. She continued crying because the pain was too much for her to endure.

"Please Kiara stop crying everything is going to be fine. I am sure that wherever your mum is right now, she misses you a lot and she also couldn't experience your love". Qwen said while she tried to comfort her.

"But why is the world so cruel. Why did everyone have a mother but I don't"? Kiara asked.

"I don't know Kiara. Even my father was still taken away from me. I couldn't even experience his love". Qwen replied.

"So let's stop crying because it will not fix anything and we have limited time". Qwen suggested.

"Yeah, that is true. We should continue our search". Kiara replied.

She used her phone to snap the picture of her mother so it would be close to her.She was about to drop it when Qwen noticed something strange. Kiara's amulet was glowing.

Kiara always had an old looking and pale amulet around her neck. The amulet very old and ancient. It had a pale pink color pendant. She never removed it from her neck because her father told her that before her mother died, she gave it to her. Kiara made the amulet a part of her because she it was from her mother and it was the only thing she had from her.

The amulet was glowing and she didn't understand why it glowed.

"Wow Kiara, your amulet is the same as the one your mother wore in the picture and it is glowing".

"Yes it is, my dad told me that she gave it to me before she died". "But I don't understand why it glowed". She replied.

"Maybe it has special powers". Qwen said while she stared at the amulet.

"Powers, so you think that my amulet is special and strange like my dream"? Kiara asked.

"I don't know anything Kiara, I am as confused as you are". Qwen replied.

"Maybe we should just continue our search because it is almost time for you to visit Rex". Kiara concluded.

"Okay I think we should continue with this file". She said as she pointed to the file on Kiara's hands.

"She placed it on the floor while they squatted to check it thoroughly. Kiara found an old letter". She opened it and saw that it was from her mother, Lara to her father Lucious.

Dear Lucious,

How are you doing today? I hope you are fine. I am really sorry I left without telling you. I had to go back to my land because there was an emergency and they wanted me back. I am really so because I will not be coming back home or to you.

Yesterday, I found out I was pregnant with your child. I was happy and angry at same time because it was a taboo in my land if you fall in love with an outsider or a commoner.

As she was about to finish reading the letter, she heard their names.

"Kiara where are you" the voice said.

"Oh my gosh!!! my dad is back". They panicked.

"Why is he back so early". Qwen asked while they tried to arranged the room.

"I don't know maybe he forgot something". Kiara replied.

"Kiara, Qwen. Lucious called again.

"Yes dad, we are on our way". Kiara replied.

They managed to arrange the room a little so they can attend to Lucious and continue their search when he has gone.

As they were about to leave the room, Lucious entered with a surprise look on his face.

"What are you girls doing her". Lucious asked

Fear gripped them and they froze and stood there like a statue.

"Answer my question now". He told them while his surprise face turned to anger.

"Nothing dad, we just decided to clean your room". Kiara lied.

Kiara knew very well that her dad will not believe her but she tried her best.

"So you both came to clean my room and it is looking like a dog's cage. It is even looking worse than before". Lucious said as he looked around the room.

"Sorry sir, we just started". Qwen pleaded.

They prayed silently that he should not ask them anymore questions.

"So dad, why are you back so early". Kiara asked.

"I forgot an important file and I wanted to invite both of you to a party at the hospital. We are celebrating our 15 years anniversary". He said.

"Seriously, what is the time and venue so we will be there". They asked.

They were very happy that the topic was changed.

"The time is 5pm and it is taking place at the auditorium in the hospital". Lucious replied.