She is dead

"I hope it is going to be fun because I don't like attending boring parties". Kiara asked curiously.

"Yah it is but I need to be going back to work now". Lucious said

He left their direction and went to the cupboard to pick the file he forgot.

"Why is this place so scattered, I remembered I arranged it before I left to work". He asked but got no response.

Lucious noticed that the file he kept the last information he had about Sora was scattered. He carried the file and was about to arrange it when her picture fell on the floor.

He knew very well that the picture can't just fall if someone hadn't tempered with it. As he was about to pick the picture he noticed there was stain on it and he was very sure that someone touched it.

His gaze immediately went to the director where Kiara and Qwen were standing. They were his number 1 suspect because he met them in his room.

To his earnest surprise, they were not there again. He left the room and barged the door.

"Kiara!!! Qwen!!! Lucious shouted.

"Yes dad". They replied.

They were aware that Lucious knew what they did in the room and they made up their minds to say to explain and tell him the truth.

They came downstairs as fast as they could. "Yes dad you called us". They replied.

Lucious stared at them because no words flew from his mouth.

"What were you both doing in my room and don't even think of lying to me". Lucious finally

asked while his facial expression remained the same.

", I was the one who decided to go to your room to find some useful information". Kiara replied.

"What useful information are you looking for in my room". Lucious asked.

"Information about my mom and her family". Kiara said sadly.

"What!!! I have told you countless times that your mom died when she was giving birth to you".

"Yes you said that but I have the right to know about her. I need to know what she likes and dislikes, her favorite food, how she looks and what she wears.

"Dad please tell me about my mom because I have the right to know about her". Kiara cried out.

"I know that you want to know about her but I don't have anything about her again". Lucious confessed.

"Okay since you don't have any information about her. Why don't give me a description of her". Kiara suggested.

Qwen just stood there and watched them like a statue. She didn't want to interfere or involve herself in their discussion because it was a family discussion between father and daughter.

"So you want to know about your mom huh". Lucious asked.

"Yes dad" she replied while she kept a straight face.

"But promise me that you won't be sad or feel lonely again because you have Sora, Qwen and I by your side". Lucious said.

"Yes dad I promise you". Kiara replied.

"But I can only describe how she looks and her behavior".

"Dad please can I also see pictures of her and maybe your wedding album. Kiara asked.

"Kiara I have only one picture of her with me which I am sure you have seen already. I burnt everything I had about her including her clothes and picture because I was devastated, helpless and lonely when she died. I also didn't want you to grow up knowing so much about her so you won't feel lonely without her". He said with a sorrowful expression.

Kiara couldn't hold and prevent the tears in her eyes from busting out. She felt so sad because her father went through a lot and suffered too due to her mother's early despise.

She felt bad because she was making her father experience the pain he went through all over again. She understood why her father never wanted to talk about her mother again.

"Kiara I only kept this picture of her so I would keep it close to my heart.

Your mother is an amazing woman, she was very nice and beautiful even. She has thick black hair like you and your eyes even. You both look so much alike. When I moved into this city she was the nicest person I met....

Before he could continue, Kiara ran and enveloped him with a big and sad hug. She felt very emotional and as if her world was crumbling. She felt so devastated so she let all her tears fall to her face.

Lucious noticed all the tears and pain in his daughter eyes and couldn't help it but cry also while he comforted her. His greatest pain was seeing the only family he had in pain.

Lucious parents died in a terrible accident when he was young. He had nobody with him, he felt lonely. He stayed with his grandparents. He went to the university to study medicine and surgery until he received a call one day that his grandmother died. His grandma has been suffering from cancer but they was no cure for it. She only waited for death to come and take her.

Again another one close to him died. He had only his grandpa with him until he met Lara but Lara left him early giving birth to Kiara. Years after Kiara's birth his grandfather died. He had only his daughter in his life.