Where are we???

"Kiland Island". They shouted.

"Yah!!! surprise"!!! Rex told them happily.

"Huh...I have never heard of this place". Qwen said with a confused look.

"Yah...I know...It is a new island that have unique features". He replied.

"We are lost and confused". Kiara said.

"I'll explain everything once we get to the hotel". Rex told them.

The plane landed at the airport and all the passengers left the plane. Qwen, Rex and Kiara left the plane and waited in the reception room.

"What are waiting for...I am really tired"? Qwen asked.

"We are waiting for our ride to come because I don't know our way around here". Rex replied.

"Okay...but I think we should wait outside so we can easily notice him when he arrive". Qwen suggested.

"Yah!!! it is a good idea but I will wait outside while both of you stay here and relax till he comes". Rex also suggested.

"Okay". Kiara replied while she sat on the sat on the chair beside her and stretched her body. She was really tired.

"The reception room was big and beautiful. There weren't many people in the room because not many people visit the country since it was rare and residents of the country hardly travel out. The people in the room were very beautiful and they all looked rich and fancy. It was as if everyone in the island was rich.

"Wow!!! this place is fucking beautiful". Qwen said as she stared at every corner of the room.

"I agree". Kiara said while she mimicked what Qwen was doing.

"If the airport can be as beautiful as this...I wonder how the island or country would be". Qwen thought.

"Seeing is believing...I can't wait to explore the country and have the best vacation ever". Kiara said.

Rex walked in with a man beside him, I guessed he was the driver. They immediately stood up and carried their bags the moment they saw him because they were so determined to leave that place. The driver helped them with their bags and they all went straight to the car.

Rex entered the front seat while Kiara and Qwen sat together on the passengers seat. The car drove off.

They admired the places they saw and even everything they saw.

"Hmmm...what do you guys think about my surprised...do you like it"? Rex asked while he pointed at the place behind the window.

"It looks very beautiful and interesting but don't get your hopes up because we can have mood swings". Qwen said with a wink.

"Hmm...hmm...Rex you said you will tell us about the country because I am very interested to know where I would be staying for the next one week". Kiara suggested.

"Okay...firstly...we are in a very unique and rare country. According to my research, I found out that this island is special island that was developed from the war between nearby cities. The war was so intense and deadly that many lives were lost. Due to the war, A superior and powerful kingdom from the countries at war decided to eliminate their selves from the war because they didn't want to loose their people.

The kingdom decided to create a island were their people will reside and they called it Kiland Island. Rumors has it that members of this island are known for their special ability. Some call it super powers while others call it devilish powers but it has not yet been proven". Rex concluded.

"Wow"!!!. Kiara and Qwen shouted because they were very surprise scared and afraid. The last statement he made really terrified them but Qwen was more terrified.

"Qwen wasn't a fan of horror films and stories. She hated scary events and stories and she was easily scared. She hated Halloween because it was scary while Kiara was clearly the opposite of Qwen. She sometimes persuade Kiara to enjoy Halloween but all to no avail.

"I am so excited that I want to stay here forever and prove the rumors". Kiara said excitedly.

"Are you out of your mind...you want to stay with devilish people here. I even think it is better we start leaving". Qwen suggested.

"Qwen you don't need to worry...it is just rumors". Rex said to her.

They stayed in the vehicle until they arrived at the hotel there would be staying.

Immediately they arrived, the driver packed the car at the parking lot while Qwen, Kiara and Rex left the car.

They went straight to the reception room while Rex went to meet the receptionist to take their room keys leaving Kiara and Qwen alone.

"Good day ma'am...please we have a reservation here and we want to know our room. The name is Rex and co". Rex concluded.

"Okay...I'll check and give you reply". She replied.

She took some time before she could find the name and when she finally did...she directed them to their rooms and gave him the keys.

"Thank you so much and enjoy your stay". She replied with a smile.

He went to meet Kiara and Qwen where they were seating.

"I have gotten the keys...so let be going now". He said carry his luggage and approaching the elevator.

"Hmm...Rex...are we going to be together in a room". Kiara asked curiously.

"Nah!!! I booked two rooms...You and Qwen will stay together while I will stay in the other". Rex explained.

The elevator stopped at the second floor and they left. They stopped at a room, Rex brought out the keys and opened the door.

"This is your room and here is the keys...I think it is better you both freshen up while I order dinner". Rex suggested.

"No problem...thank you so much". Kiara said.

After their discussion, Rex left both of them in the room and left for his room. They arranged their luggage inside and locked the door.

"I feel very tired and sleepy". Qwen said yawning.

"Me too...I will just manage to take off my clothes.

They both laid on the bed with their clothes on and fell asleep.