Why are all these things happening???

"Beep!!! beep!!! the alarm rang. Kiara and Qwen woke up from their slumber. They were feeling so tired because they didn't even bother to freshen up before they slept off on the bed.

"Argh!!! I am so tired" Kiara said as the bright sun from the window poke into her eyes.

Immediately they woke up, they noticed strange things were happening which was really scary. They saw different butterflies of different shades, species and color surrounding their bed. The butterflies surrounded their bed in an orderly manner and it was beautiful but strange. Some of the butterflies flew on the bed and it was terrifying and beautiful.

"Ahhhhh"!!! Qwen shouted as she ran out of the bed terrified.

"Omg!!! what are these things doing on our bed". Kiara shouted.

Immediately they ran out of the bed, the butterflies came together on the bed in an orderly manner and it formed something on the bed. "Welcome Queen Kiara". The butterflies formed.

"Gosh"!!! Kiara shouted as she read what was on the bed.

Immediately they read it, the butterflies flew out of the room through the window it got in from. They flew out fast and immediately they all went they vanished into thin air and it was like nothing ever happened.

Kiara and Qwen just stood like a statue and observed what just happened. After some few minutes, they sat on the bed and thought of what just happened.

"Welcome Queen Kiara...why did they form that...how did they know me...in fact, I am just new here and butterflies are already welcoming me...what is wrong with me...I want to go back home...ahhhh...". Kiara asked in surprise and in a terrifying manner.

"Don't worry...let just freshen up and we can think about this letter...Rex just texted me saying that we must be already because we are going out". Qwen said trying to comfort her.

Kiara went into the bathroom while Qwen tried to adjust and arrange the bed. Immediately Kiara was out. Qwen ran into the bathroom to take her bath. She was really hurrying because she already got a text from Rex that he was ready and waiting for them at outside. She didn't want to keep him waiting.

Kiara was still terrified and pale. She just wore blue jean trouser with a simple pink T-shirt. She wore black sneakers and tied her hair to a ponytail. She still looked beautiful despite how simple and corporate she was looking.

When Qwen was done with her bath, She wore a simple short red gown with white design on it. The was free and she tied a white belt around it. She wore a black heel and tied on side of her and let the others fall. She was also looking beautiful.

Kiara still had that pale look on her face as they were going to where Rex was.

"If you don't smile...how are you going to catch any cute boys attention because there are many cute guys around here and I won't be happy if you go home without any". Qwen said while they were walking.

"I can't just get what just happened out of my head and beside I don't think I really want a guy in my life right now". Kiara replied.

"...I hope you remembered that you promised me that you weren't going to tell anyone about the strange things happening to me. Please I need you to keep that promise and anything that occurs to me a secret because I don't want to bother anyone including Rex". Kiara stated.

"Alright...a promise is a promise...and you also promised that you weren't going to hide anything from me either". Qwen replied.

They reached where Rex was and noticed that it was an eatery.

They exchanged greetings and sat down for their breakfast. Rex had chips and dip while Qwen and Kiara had pancakes and eggs which was Kiara's favorite.

They eat their breakfast and they had fun eating. They saw everyone that entered the eatery and noticed that there was something particular about them. Kiara noticed that everyone of them had three strips of either pink, yellow or white on their hair which was strange because she also had it.

But she didn't let that bother her, she just sat her breakfast and watched Rex and Qwen do their love play. She couldn't help it but get jealous sometimes.

After their breakfast, they followed Rex outside. They followed him like a little cub following it mother because they didn't want to get lost.

"Where are we going, Rex"?. Qwen asked.

"It's a surprise...just follow me and you would know". Rex replied.

Kiara just kept on looking at everyone she saw. She noticed that both the male and the female had the stripes on their hair and it looked exactly like hers.

"What's wrong with her...why does she have that look on her face, she doesn't even know that her phone is ringing". Rex asked because he was concerned about her.

"I don't know...but I will find out". Qwen lied. She knew very well why her face was like that but she can't tell Rex or anyone about it.

Kiara finally noticed that her phone was ringing, it was her dad.

"Hello! dad". She greeted.

"Hey!! Kiara...how are you doing". Lucious asked worriedly.

"I am very fine and okay...what about you" Kiara asked.

"Same dear... I tried calling you yesterday but you didn't answer. I guessed you were sleeping already. I really miss you a lot and need you in my arms right now".

"Awwww!!! dad...thanks...I will call you later...I have to be going...bye". She ended the call.

"Wait guys". Kiara shouted as she noticed that Qwen and Rex were leaving and she ran to the cab they were in.

"Were you guys going to leave me...I was talking with my dad when I noticed that you both were leaving". Kiara asked.

"No!!! we were going to wait for you in the cab because of the sun". Qwen replied.

"So where are we going now, I really need to go to a place to calm my self down". Kiara asked.

"Let us wait and see". Rex replied.

They drove and arrived at a place where the driver stopped and packed.

"We have arrived". Rex said as he came down of the car and motioned for Kiara and Qwen to do the same.

"Where are we"? They asked curiously.

"We are at the biggest beach in the island". Rex replied.