A visit from my guardian angel.

"Wow!!! it just keeps getting better". Qwen said.

"I can't wait to soak my body in this island water". Kiara commented.

"I know you both are excited but why don't we go so we can secure a very good refreshing spot". Rex suggested.

"Okay". They replied as they left.

They arrived at the beach. It was so big and beautiful. It was filled with beautiful girls and boys rocking beautiful swim suit. Couples were at one side of the beach enjoying themselves while the children were playing in the sand and making sand castle. It was a beautiful and captivating view.

"Omg!!! I love this place already". Kiara said.

"Yah!!! but I don't think I want to get my self in the water. I'll just seat here and relax". Qwen suggested.

"Me neither...we will just stay here". Rex replied point to a resting spot beside them.

"Whatever...I just find my self a very beautiful swim suit in that shop over there". Kiara said pointing to the shop.

She wait straight to the shop. She entered the shop and the sight was very captivating. She saw beautiful swim suit hung everywhere and girls trying to find the perfect one.

"Omg!!! this are all beautiful...I even know which to pick". Kiara said as she stared at what she saw in the store.

"That is why I am here for you". A voice replied her from behind.

"Argh...you scared me". Kiara replied.

"I'm so sorry". A beautiful girl in a beautiful swim suit and sweet tune replied.

"I really need a beautiful swim suit...this is my first time here and I'm even visiting". Kiara said.

"No problem...your wish is my command". The lady replied.

The woman motioned for Kiara to follow her and she did. Kiara felt that the woman wanted to show her a very special swim suit. When they got there, it was a big and beautiful room. Immediately they got there, the lady locked the room door leaving both of them together.

"What the heck!!! why did you do that"? Kiara asked.

"I'll explain everything to you but first promise me you won't tell anyone about me or whatever is going to happen including your best friend". The lady asked.

"I can't make such promises". Kiara answered with an "I don't care" look.

"Okay...remember me...I visited you two days ago". She asked.

Kiara tried her best to remember and the finally did.

"Yah!!! you are that strange woman that said she things and had a strange entrance but you look very different now and more real". Kiara replied.

"Really...you really like the word strange...I have been hearing you say it ever since you got here.

"Wait a minute...have you been following me"? She asked.

"Hmm...when I found out you were here I thought it would be better I know you more". The lady replied.

"In fact, how do you know me before because it seems like you are from this island". Kiara pointed out.

"You really like talking a lot...you won't even give me time to explain myself and everything to you...but before I say anything further you have to do two things for me". The lady said.

"Huh...I am really confused". Kiara said.

"Nerd, what I mean is that before I tell you anything, you have to do two things first". The lady concluded.

"Woa...so I think I should pretend to care. What do you want me to do for you my lady". Kiara said sarcastically.

"I'm not gonna talk with you with that tone of yours". The lady said.

"Go to hell then because I can't be nice to a stranger like you besides I don't even know your name". Kiara explained.

"But I already know yours and everything that needed to be known about you nerd so I am not a stranger". She stated.

"First of all I am not a nerd and besides it is obvious that I don't know anything about you and I am really curious on how you got these information about me". Kiara stated.

"Aren't we supposed to be friends because you need me a lot and you might even die because without me". She said.

"Pfffft guess what...I don't give a damn about it...just get to the point why I am here". She said.

"Alright nerd...my name is Abigail but you can call me Abi. I am from this land...but before I will continue, you have to promise me that you aren't gonna tell anyone about me including your best friend, Qwen and you have to pull your amulet anytime we are talking. Abigail stated.

"You are just making more curious and scared". Kiara replied.

"Damn!!! I have to go now". She stated as she looked at the clock on the wall.

"You can't just leave, you just landed me in oblivion". Kiara said

"I am sorry but I will come back later and we will continue our discussion. Why don't you take this swim suit and enjoy your vacation". She said as she exist the room.

"What is wrong with this lady...why does she always leave her statement incomplete. Now I have to figure out what she just said". Kiara complained.

Meanwhile she left a very beautiful swim suit and the bed. Kiara took into and went to the bathroom to change. She looked so beautiful on it and she really liked it. She exited the room and went back to the beach.

Qwen and Rex just spent their time together. They talked, had fun and even kissed twice. Rex really likes kissing Qwen a lot. Kiara was playing in the beach when she saw them kissing and she couldn't help it but get jealous. She knew she shouldn't be getting jealous but she couldn't help it and she doesn't really like admitting it to herself.