Can I speak with you???

The sun from the window poked through her eyes and she realized that it was morning. She was very tired and stressed out because last night was one of her worst day ever. Immediately she opened her eyes, her mind went back to what happened yesterday and she was really sad and at same time confused.

"Good morning sleeping was your night". Qwen asked.

"It wasn't the best but whatever". Kiara replied.

"But from the way you slept it seems like you were really stressed out". Qwen asked with a worried look on net face.

"Yah...I was...I am really sorry for the way I acted yesterday...I was sad because you and Rex have a perfect relationship and I have none...I know that I shouldn't have felt that way but the sadness just came". Kiara pleaded.

"Alright but remember that you don't need to be jealous...I am sure that you will have a caring guy that will truly love you". Qwen answered.

Kiara enveloped her best friend with a hug. Kiara didn't want to tell anyone about anything that happened yesterday, she didn't want them to worry or think something is going.

"So what is the plan for today...we can't just stay at home doing no". Kiara curiously asked.

"I really don't is Rex who really plans it". Qwen replied.

" was your date last night...I hope you guys really enjoyed it". Kiara asked as she sat closer to Qwen.

Immediately Kiara asked the question, Qwen's face turned red and she was already blushing.

"Only at the mention of his name you are blushing...I love the way you love him". Kiara teased.

"I'm not and beside our date was fine and it was the best we have ever gone to...and I can't even wait for tonight". Qwen replied still blushing.

"So you guys still have plans tonight"? Kiara asked.

"Maybe". Qwen replied.

"No need to be shy about it...all is for you both to be happy". Kiara said like a true friend.

"Thanks".Qwen replied giving Kiara a hug.

"But I hope you guys have reached stage two of every relationship". Kiara asked raising her eyebrows repeatedly.

"Am confused...what is stage two". Qwen asked with a confused look.

"Must I teach you everything...I mean I you guys have S.E.X." Kiara replied spelling the letters in the last world.

"Huh...what is S.E.X". Qwen asked.

"Are you playing or you are u don't know what sex is". Kiara asked with a surprise expression.

"SEX!!! I thought you were calling the abbreviation of a word". Qwen replied.

"I can't possibly talk to you right...I think you should ask your honeyboo where we are going today while I prepare". Kiara sighed.

"Let's continue our discussion first". Qwen replied.

"We will continue another day when you are in your right senses". Kiara assured her.

"I'm already in my right senses and in fact my brain is working better than ever". Qwen assured her.

"It is obvious you are not...I think you should not over stress your poor brain so it wouldn't explode. Kiara continued teasing her.

"Do you know what...I am going to meet the person who thinks that I have a working brain". Qwen jokingly said as she left the room.

"Safe trip and don't forget to kiss you honeyboo". Kiara shouted.

Meanwhile, outside the room, Qwen mumbled to herself.

"I will show her that I have a working brain and I am in my right senses". She murmured to herself.

She just barged in into Rex's room and she noticed that he just came out of the bathroom because he tied a towel around his waist.

"What the heck". Rex shouted as Qwen immediately shut the door.

"Omg!!! I am really not in my right senses today but I still have a working brain". Qwen said to herself as if she had just achieved something very crucial.

After waiting for about 5-6 minutes, Rex finally came out. Qwen was so ashamed to see his face.

Rex knew it was something couple should often do but his girlfriend didn't. He only shouted because he thought it was someone else.

"I am really really really sorry". Qwen said holding her ear lobes face downwards looking very pathetic.

"No problem...I really want you to do something for me please". Rex replied.

"What is it...I will do anything for you". Qwen assured him.

"I want you to go to the mall and buy some food stuff...I would have gone but I really feel under the weather". Rex replied.

"Oh! I am sorry...just give me the money and I buy everything you want me to buy". Qwen assured.

"Why are you being so kind...what did you want in return". Rex asked as he moved closer to her such that Qwen could feel his hot breath.

"Now I am being nice who are complaining? but if you don't like the nice me, I can continue being wicked". Qwen replied as she tries her best to get away from him.

"I didn't say that beautiful...I think you should get going before you bored me with your talk". Rex said as he left Qwen.

"Whatever...what should I buy"? Qwen asked.

"I will send you the list of everything you need to buy". Rex replied giving Qwen the money she needed.