
Meanwhile, back in the other room, Kiara just took her bath and needed to borrow a shirt from Qwen.

"Qwen!!! Qwen"!!! Kiara shouted but got no reply. "Where have this little girl gone to". Kiara said to herself.

"Lemme call her". Kiara decided.

She called Qwen's phone but unfortunately for her, Qwen forgot her phone and the ringtone of her phone echoed in the room.

"Oh this little brat has forgotten her phone here so it means that she is still around maybe she is at Rex's room.

Kiara wore her robe and went straight to Rex room. She got to the door and she was having second thought.

"What if they are enjoying each other and I will just ruin their perfect time.

"She was about to leave when she saw their driver leaving with the keys and it was as if he was going somewhere with someone.

"Wait...driver...please are you going out with someone"? She asked.

"Yah...I am driving someone out". The driver answered from a far.

"So Rex is not even I can enter the room but should I knock?... Nah I will not". Kiara decided.

Kiara barged in into Rex's room and found out that someone was having their bath.

"So Qwen, you decided to bath in your honey boo's room...that is nice.

"I want to go out today and I really don't know what to wear. I really wanted to borrow your shirt but I don't know which one is better". Kiara said walking back and forth in Rex's room.

"So you are not going to say anything but I won't stop talking". Kiara explained.

"Should I go with the burnt orange shirt or the onion pink shirt. I really like the burnt orange color because it is dull and beautiful but the design of the shirt is really not fine. Although the onion pink shirt is beautiful but is not body fitted and too long. What about the bottle green, it has beautiful design with pearls and it is body fitted but the only disadvantage is that it would not match my jeans trousers. Qwen I am really confused please be fast so you can help me.

Kiara kept on patrolling around the room with the three shirts in her hand when the bathroom finally opened.

"Finally Qwen...I thought you wanted to sleep there". Kiara said facing the direction of the bath room. To her earnest surprise she saw something her eyes couldn't contained. She saw Rex coming out of the bathroom and using his towel to dry his hair and he wore nothing underneath.

"Blood of Jesus!!!". Kiara shouted as she quickly faced front.

"What the hell are you doing in my room". Rex asked out of surprise.

"I thought you left already and it was Qwen here". Kiara said.

"But why didn't you you guys have a problem with knocking today"? Rex asked.

"No we don' I don't". Kiara replied.

"You aren't serious". Rex said

"Wait a sec...who comes out of a bathroom without a towel wrapped around his waist"? Kiara asked.

"It's my room and I have the right to leave my bathroom any how I want". He replied.

"But you are looking so awkward right now". Kiara commented.

"You were the one who entered my room uninvited so it is all your fault". Rex said as he moved closer to Kiara still naked.

"It isn't my all your fault why didn't you tell me that Qwen wasn't around so I can leave this fu**ed up room". Kiara challenged him.

"So you even have the right to challenge me and put all the blame on me". He replied as he moved closer to Kiara and Kiara was already feeling his presence close to her.

"What are you doing"!!! Kiara shouted as she turned back to see Rex but she still saw what she didn't want to see but she immediately turned front.

"Are you out of your mind...why were so close to me". Kiara asked. "In fact why are you still naked and that thing still dangling around.

"Like I said before, this is my room and I have the right to do anything I want to". Rex replied.

"I think it would be better I leave after I have done what I came here to do". Kiara said.

"On a second thought, I would love for you to stay here with me since your virgin best friend would not give herself to me". Rex suggested as he moved closer to her again.

"First of all, that is your problem...and in fact I can not betray my best friend and for you to ever say that, you need to be really ashamed of yourself". Kiara replied rudely.

"Since when did you start caring about you so called best friend's interest"?

He asked.

"I don't need to give that question a reply". Kiara stated.

"I know you a lot and I know that you are the horny time and know that you are already feeling horny seeing my big partner. Rex said.

"You must be out of your mind". Kiara said to him.

"I know you are hotter than ever and you want me to be inside of you right now but you are trying to hide it...even if you are trying to hide it, it is very obvious". He told her.

"You don't know that". Kiara replied.

Immediately Kiara felt chills running through her back. Rex was very close to her that she felt his hot breath on her shoulder.

"Get away from me". Kiara said calmly and slowly like she was enjoying what was going on.

Rex placed his hand on her shoulder and quickly removed it. She was wearing a thick robe and he didn't like it.

He used his hands to tiptoe around are back and it was so good.

Kiara what they were doing was very bad but she couldn't help herself. It has been a while since a guy took her to bed and she was feeling very horny right now.